

# -*- coding: cp936 -*-

import os , re
import copy
import codecs
import json
from xlrd import open_workbook #http://pypi.python.org/pypi/xlrd
from collections import OrderedDict
from xml2cpp import XmlToCpp
from xml2cshape import XmlToCShape
import excel2type
import types 
import time
import sqlite3
import random
import random_table
from print_color import Color

import sys

main_key_table = {}
primary_key_map = {}
NameMap = {}
continue_filed_table = {}
no_cpp = 0
log_string = ''
config_name = "conf.ini"

print_color = Color()


# "<type 'unicode'>"
# "<type 'float'>"
def log(str):
    global log_string
    log_string = log_string + str + '\n' 

def print_error(str , assert_flag = 1):
    if assert_flag:

def my_text_(text):
    """Return the translated text from json text."""
    v = ("<type '", "'>")
    if text[:len(v[0])] != v[0]: return text
    if text[-len(v[1]):] != v[1]: return text
    return text[len(v[0]) : -len(v[1])]

def exist_chinese(text):
    zh_pattern = re.compile(u'[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+')
    return zh_pattern.search(text)

def valid_date(text):
    zh_pattern = re.compile(u'^\d{4}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}')
    return zh_pattern.match(text)

def valid_time(text):
    zh_pattern = re.compile(u'^\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}$')
    return zh_pattern.match(text)

def convert_data(text):
   time_array =  time.strptime(text, "%Y/%m/%d")
   return int(time.mktime(time_array))

def convert_time(text):
    print "convert_time ", text
    time_array =  text.split(':')
    if 0 == len(time_array):
        print_error("time is empty")

    v = int(time_array[0])
    i = 1;
    while i < len(time_array):
        v = v * 60 + int(time_array[i])
        i = i + 1

    while i < 3:
        v *= 60
        i = i + 1
    return v

def convert_encode(data , native):
    if type(data) is types.UnicodeType: 
        data = data.encode("utf-8").strip() 
    elif type(data) is types.FloatType:
        if not native or data == int(data):
            data = int(round(data , 0))
    return data

def get_table_key(schema):
    table_key = ''
    if "0" in schema["key"]:
        table_key = schema["key"]["0"]

    if len(table_key) == 0:
        for name in schema["define"]:
            return name
    return table_key

def create_table_sql(data , schema, table_name, field_name_map):

    table_key = get_table_key(schema)
    create_sql = "CREATE TABLE `%s`(" % table_name
    for  key , value in data.items():
        value_type = "TEXT(100)"
        if  key == "xml_child":
        elif type(value) is types.IntType:
                value_type = "INTEGER"
        elif type(value) is types.UnicodeType or type(value) is types.StringType:
                value_type = "TEXT(100)"
        elif type(value) is types.FloatType:
                value_type = "REAL"                 
                print "create_table_sql:the type is not deal: type = %s" % type(value)
        create_sql += " `%s` %s" % (field_name_map[key], value_type)
        if key == table_key:
            create_sql += " NOT NULL"
        create_sql += ','

    create_sql += " PRIMARY KEY (`%s`))" %  table_key    
    return create_sql

def update_sqllite(database_name, table_name, create_sql , entities):
    connect = sqlite3.connect(database_name)
    connect.execute("drop table if exists %s" % table_name)
    for entity in entities:
         if "xml_child" not in entity:
            key_str = ''
            value_str = ''
            for key , value in entity.items():
                key_str += "%s," % key
                if type(value) is types.IntType:
                    value_str += "%d," % value
                elif type(value) is types.UnicodeType or type(value) is types.StringType:
                    value_str += "\"%s\"," % value
                elif type(value) is types.FloatType:
                    value_str += "%f," % value
                else :
                    print "update_sqllite:the type is not deal: type = %s , name = %s value = " % (type(value) , key) , value

            key_str = key_str[0:-1]
            value_str = value_str[0:-1]
            insert_sql = "insert into %s(%s) values(%s);" % (table_name,key_str,value_str)

def  assembly_item(items, field_type_map):
    temp = ''
    #print items
    for key , value in items:
        if key in field_type_map:
            if field_type_map[key] == "DATE":
                value = convert_data(value)
            elif field_type_map[key] == "TIME":
                value = convert_time(value)
            elif field_type_map[key] == "DATETIME":
                item_array = value.split();
                value = 0;
                array_length = len(item_array)
                if array_length > 0:
                    value = convert_data(item_array[0].strip())
                if array_length > 1:
                    value += convert_time(item_array[1].strip())
            elif field_type_map[key] == "STRING":
                value = value.replace('\\\"','&quot;')
        temp += u'%s = "%s" ' % (key , value)
    return temp

def assembly_xml(entities , node_name_array , layer_index, field_type_map):
    content = ''
    black = '   '
    node_name = 'item'
    if layer_index < len(node_name_array):
        node_name = node_name_array[layer_index]
    for i in range(layer_index):
        black += '  '

    for entity in entities:
        if "xml_child" not in entity:
            content += black
            content += u'<%s ' % node_name
            #tmp = [u'%s = "%s"' % (key , value) for key , value in entity.items()]
            #content += u' '.join(map(str, tmp))
            content += assembly_item(entity.items(), field_type_map)
            content += u' />\n'
            content += black
            xml_child = entity["xml_child"]
            del entity["xml_child"]
            content += u'<%s ' % node_name
            #tmp = [u'%s = "%s"' % (key , value) for key , value in entity.items()]
            #content += u' '.join(map(str, tmp))
            content += assembly_item(entity.items(), field_type_map)
            content += u' >\n'
            content += assembly_xml(xml_child , node_name_array , layer_index + 1, field_type_map)
            content += u'</%s>\n' % node_name
    return content

def write_to_xml_file(write_file,entities,node_name_array, field_type_map):
    file_name = "Xml" + os.sep + write_file
    f = codecs.open(file_name, "w", "utf-8")
    f.write(u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\n')
    f.write(u'<%s>\n' % "root")

    #print field_type_map
    content = assembly_xml(entities , node_name_array , 0, field_type_map)        
    f.write(u'</%s>' % "root");
    print "create xml file : %s " % file_name

def is_array(separator_array, string_var):
    for separator in separator_array:
        index = string_var.find(separator)
        if  index >=0:
            return True

    return False

def assembly_single_lua_value(key, value, field_type_map):
    if field_type_map[key.upper()] in ["INTARRAY", "FLOATARRAY"]:
        if type(value) is types.UnicodeType or type(value) is types.StringType:
            value = value.replace('|',',')
        return "{%s} \n" %(value)
    elif "STRINGARRAY" == field_type_map[key.upper()] :
        value_array = value.split('|')
        content = "{"
        for item in value_array:
            content += '"%s",' %(value)
        content += "}"  
        return content
    elif "BOOL" == field_type_map[key.upper()]:
        if 0 == value:
            return 'false\n' 
            return 'true\n' 
    elif "STRING" == field_type_map[key.upper()]:
        return '"%s" \n' %(value)
        return "%s \n" %(value)

def assembly_lua_value(key, value, field_type_map):
    if field_type_map[key.upper()] in ["INTARRAY", "FLOATARRAY"]:
        if type(value) is types.UnicodeType or type(value) is types.StringType:
            value = value.replace('|',',')
        return "{%s}" %(value)
    elif "STRINGARRAY" == field_type_map[key.upper()] :
        value_array = []
        if type(value) is types.UnicodeType or type(value) is types.StringType:
            value_array = value.split('|')

        content = "{"
        for item in value_array:
            content += '"%s",' %(item)
        content += "}"  
        return content
    elif "BOOL" == field_type_map[key.upper()]:
        if 0 == value:
            return 'false' 
            return 'true' 
    elif "STRING" == field_type_map[key.upper()]:
        return '"%s"' %(value)
        return "%s" %(value)

def assembly_lua(entities , field_name_map ,main_key, single, default_table, schema, field_type_map):
    content = ''
    black = '   '

    index = 1
    for entity in entities:
        table_key = "%d" % index
        data_table = copy.deepcopy(default_table)
        for key , value in entity.items():
            if "class" == key:
                key = "type"

            if key == "xml_child":
                for child_entity in entity["xml_child"]:
                    for child_key , child_value in child_entity.items():
            elif key == main_key:
                table_key = str(value)
                data_table[field_name_map[key]] = value
        key_format = ''
        if not single:
            if len(main_key) > 0 and "STRING" == field_type_map[main_key]:
                key_format = '["%s"]' % table_key
                key_format = '[%s]' % table_key

        if 1 == len(data_table):
            item_content = "config_table%s = " % key_format
            for key, value in data_table.items():
                if type(value) is types.ListType :
                    array_content = ''
                    for item_value in value:
                        array_content += assembly_lua_value(key, item_value, field_type_map)+','
                    item_content += "{%s} \n" %(array_content)
                    item_content += assembly_lua_value(key, value, field_type_map)
                item_content += '\n'
            item_content = "config_table%s = {\n" % key_format
            for key, value in data_table.items():
                key_type = field_type_map[key.upper()]
                if type(value) is types.ListType :
                    array_content = ''
                    for item_value in value:
                        array_content += assembly_lua_value(key, item_value, field_type_map)+','
                    item_content += "\t%s = {%s},\n" %(key,array_content)
                elif key_type in ["INTARRAY", "FLOATARRAY"]:
                    if type(value) is types.UnicodeType or type(value) is types.StringType:
                        value = value.replace('|',',')
                    item_content += "\t%s = {%s},\n" %(key,value)
                elif "STRINGARRAY" == key_type :
                    if type(value) is types.UnicodeType or type(value) is types.StringType:
                        value_array = value.split('|')
                        item_content += "\t%s ={" %(key)
                        for item in value_array:
                            item_content += '"%s",' %(item)
                        item_content += "},\n"  
                         item_content += '\t%s = {"%d"},\n' %(key,value)
                elif "BOOL" == key_type:
                    if 0 == value:
                        item_content += '\t%s = false,\n' %(key)
                        item_content += '\t%s = true,\n' %(key)
                elif "STRING" == key_type or "DATE" == key_type  or "TIME" == key_type or "DATETIME" == key_type :
                    item_content += '\t%s = "%s",\n' %(key,value)
                    item_content += "\t%s = %s,\n" %(key,value)
            item_content += "}\n\n"
        content += item_content
        index = index + 1

    return content
def write_to_lua_file(write_file, entities, field_name_map, cpp_schema, schema, single, field_type_map):
    file_name = "Lua" + os.sep + write_file + '.lua'
    f = codecs.open(file_name, "w", "utf-8")
    f.write(u'local config_table = {}\n\n')

    main_key = ''
    if "0" in schema["key"]:
        main_key = schema["key"]["0"]

    default_table = {}
    for  key , value in field_type_map.items():
        if key == main_key:
        #print schema
        if 0 == schema["define"][key]:
            if "BOOL" == value or "INT" == value or "ENUM" == value or "ENUMARRAY" == value:
                default_table[field_name_map[key]] = 0
            elif "FLOAT" == value :
                default_table[field_name_map[key]] = 0.0
            elif "STRING" == value or "DATE" == value or "TIME" == value or "DATETIME" == value:
                default_table[field_name_map[key]] = ''
                default_table[field_name_map[key]] = []
            default_table[field_name_map[key]] = []

    content = assembly_lua(entities , field_name_map , main_key, single, default_table, schema, field_type_map)        
    f.write(u'\n\nreturn config_table');
    print "create Lua file : %s " % file_name

def get_container(container , layer_index):
    if 0 == layer_index:
        return container;

    #print "layer_index = %d len(container)  = %d" % (layer_index, len(container) )
    #print container[len(container) - 1]
    return get_container(container[len(container) - 1]["xml_child"] , layer_index - 1)

def add_cpp_schema(src , dest , schema):
    for entity in src:
        for key, value in entity.items():
            if key == "xml_child":
                if "xml_child" not in dest:
                    dest["xml_child"] = OrderedDict()
                add_cpp_schema(entity["xml_child"] , dest["xml_child"] , schema)
            elif key not in dest:
                dest[key] = value
            elif type(dest[key] ) is types.IntType and value < 0:
                dest[key] = value
            elif type(value) is types.UnicodeType or type(value) is types.StringType:
                if is_array(schema["separator"] , value):
                    dest[key] = value
            elif type(value) is types.FloatType and type(dest[key] ) is types.IntType:
                dest[key] = value

def get_type_value(field_type, separator):
    if ("BOOL" == field_type or "UINT" == field_type or "ENUM" == field_type or "ENUMARRAY" == field_type 
    or "DATE" == field_type or "TIME" == field_type or "DATETIME" == field_type):
        return 0
    elif "INT" == field_type :
        return -1
    elif "FLOAT" == field_type:
        return 0.1
    elif "STRING" ==  field_type:
        return "a"
    elif "INTARRAY" ==  field_type:
        return ("0%s0" % separator)
    elif "FLOATARRAY" ==  field_type:
        return ("0.1%s0.1" % separator)
    elif "STRINGARRAY" ==  field_type:
        return ("a%sa" % separator)
        print_error("the type %s is not deal" , field_type)

def define_cpp_schema(dest, schema, field_type_map):
    for key, value in schema["define"].items():
        if value == 1:
            if "xml_child" not in dest:
                dest["xml_child"] = OrderedDict()
            dest["xml_child"][key] = get_type_value(field_type_map[key], schema["separator"][0])
            dest[key] = get_type_value(field_type_map[key], schema["separator"][0])

def define_init_type(schema_define , dest , layer_index):
    child_flag = 0
    for attribute_name in schema_define:
        if schema_define[attribute_name] > layer_index:
            child_flag = 1
        if attribute_name not in dest and schema_define[attribute_name]  == layer_index:
            dest[attribute_name] = 0

    if child_flag:
        if "xml_child" not in dest:
            dest["xml_child"] = OrderedDict();
        define_init_type(schema_define , dest["xml_child"] , layer_index + 1)          
def get_cpp_schema(entities, schema, field_type_map, data_type = False):
    single = 1;
    if len(entities) > 1 or "array_flag" in schema :
        single = 0;
    cpp_schema = OrderedDict()

    if data_type:
        add_cpp_schema(entities, cpp_schema, schema)
        define_cpp_schema(cpp_schema, schema, field_type_map)
    return single , cpp_schema;

def convert_type(data , data_type):
    if "BOOL" == data_type or "INT" == data_type :
        data = int(data)
    elif "FLOAT" == data_type:
        data = float(data)
    elif "STRING" == data_type:
        data = str(data)

    return data

def get_attribute_value(schema, attribute_name, data, data_type):
    global NameMap
    if type(data) is types.UnicodeType or type(data) is types.StringType:
            data = data.strip() 
            name_map = attribute_name
            if name_map in NameMap:
                value_array = []
                if "ENUMARRAY" == data_type:
                    value_array = data.split('|')
                data = 0
                for v in value_array:
                    temp  = v.upper()
                    if temp in NameMap[name_map]:
                        data = data + convert_encode(NameMap[name_map][temp] , False)
                        print_error("attribute name %s :the %s of the attibute value is not in Name map" % (attribute_name , v))
                if data_type in ["INTARRAY","FLOATARRAY","STRINGARRAY"]:
                    separator = ','
                    for x in schema['separator']:
                        if data.find(x) > 0:
                            separator = x
                    temp_array = data.split(separator)
                    data = ''
                    for i in range(len(temp_array)):
                        temp = convert_type(temp_array[i], data_type)
                        data += str(temp) 
                        if i < len(temp_array)-1:
                            data += separator
                    data =  convert_type(data, data_type)  
        data = convert_type(data, data_type)
    return data

def is_numeric(s):
    '''returns True if string s is numeric'''
    return all(c in "0123456789.-" for c in s)

def split(value , filter):
    value_set = set()
    for separator in filter:
            index = value.find(separator)
            if  index >=0:
                temp = value[0:index]
                if  is_numeric(temp):
                    print "the value is not numeric type ! temp = %d , value " % (temp, value)

    return value_set
def split(value , filter):
    value = value.strip()
    value_set = set()
    for separator in filter:
        index = value.find(separator)
        if  index >=0:
            temp_set = value.split(separator)
            for v in temp_set:
                v = v.strip()
                if 0 == len(v):
                if  is_numeric(v):
                    print_error("the value is not numeric type ! temp = %d , value " % (temp, value))
            return value_set
    if is_numeric(value):
    return value_set

def check_continue_field(attribute_name , attribute_value , schema , index):
    if type(attribute_value) is types.UnicodeType or type(attribute_value) is types.StringType:

    global continue_filed_table
    if attribute_name not in schema["continue_field"]:

    if attribute_name not in continue_filed_table:
        continue_filed_table[attribute_name] = attribute_value
        if attribute_value != continue_filed_table[attribute_name] + 1:
            log(" the field  %s is not continue previous value = %d current value %d index = %d  the sheet %s of file %s " \
            % (attribute_name , continue_filed_table[attribute_name] , attribute_value , index , schema["sheet_name"] , schema["xls_name"]))
            continue_filed_table[attribute_name] = attribute_value

def check_attribute_value(attribute_name , attribute_value , main_key_name , main_key_index_name , schema , index):
    global Golbal_Config
    global main_key_table
    global primary_key_map
    #print "attribute_name = %s main_key_name = %s main_key_index_name = %s " % (attribute_name , main_key_name , main_key_index_name)
    if attribute_name == main_key_name:
        if attribute_value in main_key_table[main_key_index_name]:
            if "no_assert" not in schema:
                if type(attribute_value) is types.UnicodeType or type(attribute_value) is types.StringType:
                    print_error(" main key is repeated ! index = %d value = %s , file name = %s.ini " % (index , attribute_value, schema["file_name"]))
                    print_error(" main key is repeated ! index = %d value = %d , file name = %s.ini " % (index , attribute_value, schema["file_name"]))
                if type(attribute_value) is types.UnicodeType or type(attribute_value) is types.StringType:
                    log(" main key is repeated ! index = %d value = %s , file name = %s.ini " % (index , attribute_value, schema["file_name"]))
                    log(" main key is repeated ! index = %d value = %d , file name = %s.ini " % (index , attribute_value, schema["file_name"]))
            return False

        if (type(attribute_value) is types.UnicodeType or type(attribute_value) is types.StringType) and is_numeric(attribute_value):

    if attribute_name in schema["foreign_key"]:
        depend_file = schema["foreign_key"][attribute_name].lower()
        attribute_value_set = set()
        if type(attribute_value) is types.UnicodeType or type(attribute_value) is types.StringType:
            attribute_value_set = split(attribute_value , schema["separator"])

        for attr_value in attribute_value_set:    
            find_depend = False
            if  depend_file in Golbal_Config:
                for key , value in Golbal_Config[depend_file].items():
                    if  value[0] <= attr_value  and attr_value < value[1]:
                        if key.find('.') < 0:
                            return True
                        depend_file = key.lower()
                        find_depend = True
                if  not find_depend:
                    log(" the  %s  %s sheet %s field  = %d  is beyond the scope  ! " \
                        % (schema["xls_name"] , schema["sheet_name"] , attribute_name , attr_value))
                    return False

            if depend_file not in main_key_table:
                log(" the foreign key  %s  %s sheet %s field  = %d is not find ! depend file %s is not parse" \
                    % (schema["xls_name"] , schema["sheet_name"] , attribute_name , attr_value,  depend_file))
                return False       
            if  attr_value not in main_key_table[depend_file]:
                log(" the foreign key  %s  %s sheet %s field  = %d is not find ! depend on the primary key is %s" \
                    % (schema["xls_name"] , schema["sheet_name"] , attribute_name , attr_value,  primary_key_map[depend_file]))

                return False

    return True

def string_split(value , filter):
    value_set = []
    for separator in filter:
        index = value.find(separator)
        if  index >=0:
            temp_set = value.split(separator)
            for v in temp_set:
                if  is_numeric(v):
                    print_error("the value is not numeric type ! temp = %d , value " % (temp, value))
            return value_set
    if is_numeric(value):
    return value_set

def check_value_type(attribute_name, data, define_type, separator_array):
    global NameMap
    if type(data) is types.UnicodeType:
        if  "ENUM" == define_type or "ENUMARRAY" == define_type:
            return (attribute_name in NameMap)
        elif  define_type not in ["STRING","STRINGARRAY"]:
            if define_type in ["INTARRAY", "FLOATARRAY"]:
                return all(c in "0123456789.-|" for c in data)
            elif "DATE" == define_type:
                date_pattern = re.compile(u'^\d{4}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}$')
                result = date_pattern.match(data)
                return result
            elif "TIME" == define_type:  
                time_pattern = re.compile(u'^\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}$')  
                result = time_pattern.match(data) 
                return result
            elif "DATETIME" == define_type: 
                time_pattern = re.compile(u'^\d{4}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}\:\d{1,2}')  
                result = time_pattern.match(data) 
                return result
                return all(c in "0123456789.-" for c in data)
        if define_type in ["DATE", "TIME" , "DATETIME"]:
            return False;

    return True

def get_var_name(var):
    i = 0
    convert_name = ''
    last_upper = False

    for i in range(len(var)):
        if var[i].isupper():
            if i > 0 and i + 1 < len(var) and (var[i+1].islower() or var[i-1].islower()):
                convert_name = convert_name 
                if '_' != var[i-1]:
                    convert_name += '_'
                convert_name += var[i].lower()
        convert_name = convert_name + var[i].lower()
    return convert_name

def sheet_to_xml_by_schema_col(sheet , schema):
    global NameMap

    main_key_name = ''
    main_key_index_name = ''
    if schema["colindex_key"] > sheet.ncols:
        print_error("colindex_key is bigger than she sheet max cols: colindex_key = %d , sheet max nrows = %d" %(schema["colindex_key"] , sheet.nrows))

    if schema["colindex_start"] > sheet.ncols:
        print_error("rowindex_start is bigger than she sheet max rows: colindex_start = %d , sheet max ncols = %d" %(schema["colindex_start"] , sheet.ncols))

    if schema["colindex_type"] > sheet.ncols:
        print_error("colindex_type is bigger than she sheet max cols: rowindex_type = %d , sheet max cols = %d" %(schema["colindex_type"] , sheet.ncols))
    rowindex_start = 0
    if "rowindex_start" in schema:
        rowindex_start = schema["rowindex_start"] - 1

    colindex_key = 0
    if schema["colindex_key"] > 0:
        colindex_key = schema["colindex_key"] - 1

    colindex_type = 0
    if schema["colindex_type"] > 0:
        colindex_type = schema["colindex_type"] - 1
    attribute = {}
    variable_name_map = {}
    field_name_map = {}
    field_type_map = {}
    add = False
    if 1 == schema["auto_add_field"]:
        add = True
    #print rowindex_start
    for row in range(sheet.nrows):
        row_native_name = sheet.cell(row , colindex_key).value
        row_name = sheet.cell(row , colindex_key).value.upper()
        if row < rowindex_start or row_name[0] == '_':

        row_type_value = sheet.cell(row, colindex_type).value
        row_type_value = row_type_value.strip()
        type_value_array = row_type_value.split(':')

        if row_name in NameMap and "ENUM" != type_value_array[0].upper():
            print_error("row = %d the field %s is enum type but define %s type" % (row , row_native_name, type_value_array[0]))

        if type_value_array[0].upper() not in type_array:
            print_error("row = %d the field %s type %s is not exist" % (row, row_native_name, type_value_array[0]))

        attribute[row_name] = row

        if add and len(row_name) > 0 and row_name not in schema["define"]:
            if len(type_value_array) > 1:
                schema["define"][row_name] = 1
                schema["define"][row_name] = 0
        variable_name_map[row_name] = get_var_name(row_native_name)
        field_name_map[row_name] = row_native_name
        field_type_map[row_name] = type_value_array[0].upper()
    colindex_start = 0
    if schema["colindex_start"] > 0:
        colindex_start = schema["colindex_start"] - 1
    entities = []
    #key_dict = {}
    #key = ''
    colindex_end = sheet.ncols
    if "colindex_end" in schema and schema["colindex_end"] - 1 < sheet.ncols:
        colindex_end = schema["colindex_end"] - 1

    #check attribute type
    for attribute_name in ((schema["define"])):
        if not attribute_name in attribute:
        for col in range(colindex_start, colindex_end):
            data = sheet.cell(attribute[attribute_name] , col).value
            if not data or type(data) != types.FloatType:
            if (data - int(data)) > 0:
            if data < 0:
    #print schema["define"]
    #print colindex_start , colindex_end
    black_num = 0
    for col in range(colindex_start, colindex_start+1):
        layer_dict = {}
        #for attribute_name in ((schema["define"])):
            #if attribute_name in attribute:
        for attribute_name, row in attribute.items():
            if  attribute_name in schema["define"]:
                data = sheet.cell(attribute[attribute_name] , col).value
                #if attribute_name in schema["millisecond"]:
                    #if data:
                        #if type(data) is types.UnicodeType or type(data) is types.StringType:
                            #print_error("the percentage field %s is not int type: value = %s " % (attribute_name , data))
                        #data = data * 1000
                #native_field = False
                #if attribute_name in schema["native_field"]:
                    #native_field = True

                #data = convert_encode(data , True)
                if data  or 0 == data :
                    if not check_value_type(attribute_name, data, field_type_map[attribute_name], schema["separator"]):
                        print_error("the value type is not match! attribute_name = %s , data = %s type = %s define type = %s " % (attribute_name, str(data), type(data), field_type_map[attribute_name]))

                    #if field_type_map[attribute_name] == "DATE":
                        #data = convert_data(data)
                    #elif field_type_map[attribute_name] == "TIME":
                        #data = convert_time(data)

                    check_continue_field(attribute_name , data , schema , col)
                    if attribute_name in schema["percentage"]:
                        if type(data) is types.UnicodeType or type(data) is types.StringType:
                            print_error("the percentage field %s is not int type: value = %s " % (attribute_name , data))
                        data = data * 10000

                    data = get_attribute_value(schema, attribute_name, data, field_type_map[attribute_name])

                    if not check_attribute_value(attribute_name , data , main_key_name , main_key_index_name , schema , col):
                    layer_index = schema["define"][attribute_name]
                    if layer_index not in layer_dict:
                        layer_dict[layer_index] = OrderedDict()
                    layer_dict[layer_index][attribute_name] = data
                if attribute_name not in schema["placeholder_field"]:
                    log ("file %s : %s row is not exists" % (schema["sheet_name"] , attribute_name))

        if len(layer_dict) == 0:
            print "the column data is empty , row = %d" % (col+1)
            black_num += 1
            if black_num > 10:
            black_num = 0

        layer_begin= ''
        row_dict = {}
        for layer_index in layer_dict:
            if '' == layer_begin:
                key_index = "%d" % layer_index
                if key_index in schema["key"]:
                    if schema["key"][key_index].upper() not in layer_dict[layer_index]:
                        print_error(" main key: %s  is not exist! layer_index = %d col = %d" % (schema["key"][key_index] , layer_index , col+1) , 0)
                layer_begin = layer_index
                row_dict = layer_dict[layer_index].copy()
                current_dict = row_dict
                current_dict["xml_child"] = []
                current_dict = current_dict["xml_child"]

        entity_list =  get_container(entities , layer_begin)      

    global continue_filed_table 
    continue_filed_table = {} 
    file_name = sheet.name
    if "file_name" in schema:
        file_name = schema["file_name"]
    write_file = file_name.lower() + ".xml"

    if "node_name" not in schema:
        schema["node_name"] = []

    #print entities
    if "rand_seed" in schema :
        seed_array = []
        insert_rand = 0
        produce_count = 100
        seed_multple = 1

        for key in schema["rand_seed"]:
        if "insert_rand" in schema:
            insert_rand = entities[0][schema["insert_rand"].upper()]
        if "produce_count" in schema:
            produce_count = schema["produce_count"]
        if "seed_multple" in schema:
            seed_multple = schema["seed_multple"]
        for i in range(0 , len(seed_array)):
            seed_array[i] *= seed_multple
        if len(seed_array) > 0 :
            entities = random_table.random_card_group(seed_array , insert_rand , produce_count)
            variable_name_map["VALUE"] = "value"
            field_name_map["VALUE"] = "Value"
            schema["define"]["VALUE"] = 0

    single , cpp_schema = get_cpp_schema(entities , schema, field_type_map, "rand_seed" in schema)

    global Golbal_Config
    if "no_cpp" not in Golbal_Config and "no_cpp" not in schema :
        XmlToCpp( file_name, schema, cpp_schema, single, variable_name_map, field_type_map).write()
        if "rand_seed" not in schema:
            XmlToCShape( file_name, schema, cpp_schema, single, field_name_map, NameMap, field_type_map).write()
    #if "rand_seed" not in schema:
        #table_name = schema["xls_name"][0:-5]
        #if exist_chinese(table_name):
            #table_name = schema["sheet_name"]
        #create_sql = create_table_sql(cpp_schema, schema, table_name, field_name_map)
        #update_sqllite(Golbal_Config["sqllite_name"] , table_name , create_sql, entities)
    if "rand_seed" not in schema:
        write_to_lua_file(file_name.lower(), entities, field_name_map, cpp_schema, schema, single, field_type_map)

    write_to_xml_file(write_file , entities , schema["node_name"], field_type_map)

    #XmlToCpp( file_name , schema["main_key"] , entities).write()

def GetTwoCount(entity, field_name):

    if "xml_child" not in entity:
        return 0

    #print entity
    config_table = []
    for item in entity["xml_child"]:

    num_table = []
    random_table = []
    total_random = 0
    for item in config_table:
        item_array = item.split('|')
        if len(item_array) > 1:
            total_random += int(item_array[1])
            print_error("random size less than two")

    #print "total_random = ", total_random
    if total_random > 0:
        hint = random.randint(1,total_random)
        for i in range(0, len(random_table)):
            if hint <= random_table[i]:
                return num_table[i]

    print_error("GetTwoCount failure! total_random = %d size = %d" % (total_random, len(random_table)))

def sheet_to_xml_by_schema_row(sheet , schema):
    global main_key_table
    global NameMap

    main_key_name = ''
    main_key_index_name = ''
    if schema["rowindex_key"] > sheet.nrows:
        print_error("rowindex_key is bigger than she sheet max cols: rowindex_key = %d , sheet max cols = %d" %(schema["rowindex_key"] , sheet.ncols))

    if schema["rowindex_type"] > sheet.nrows:
        print_error("rowindex_type is bigger than she sheet max cols: rowindex_type = %d , sheet max cols = %d" %(schema["rowindex_type"] , sheet.ncols))

    if schema["rowindex_start"] > sheet.nrows:
        print_error("rowindex_start is bigger than she sheet max rows: rowindex_start = %d , sheet max nrows = %d" %(schema["rowindex_start"] , sheet.nrows))

    rowindex_key = 0
    if schema["rowindex_key"] > 0:
        rowindex_key = schema["rowindex_key"] - 1

    rowindex_type = 1
    if schema["rowindex_type"] > 0:
        rowindex_type = schema["rowindex_type"] - 1
    attribute = OrderedDict()
    variable_name_map = {}
    variable_name_map["xml_child"] = "xml_child"
    field_name_map = {}
    field_name_map["xml_child"] = "xml_child"
    field_type_map = {}
    add = False
    if 1 == schema["auto_add_field"]:
        add = True
    begin_col_index = 0

    if "colindex_start" in schema:
        begin_col_index = schema["colindex_start"]

    for col in range(sheet.ncols):
        col_native_name = sheet.cell(rowindex_key, col).value.strip()
        col_name = col_native_name.upper()
        if col < begin_col_index or 0 == len(col_native_name) or col_name[0] == '_':
        col_type_value = sheet.cell(rowindex_type, col).value
        col_type_value = col_type_value.strip()
        type_value_array = col_type_value.split(':')

        if col_name in NameMap and not ("ENUM" == type_value_array[0].upper() or "ENUMARRAY" == type_value_array[0].upper()):
            print_error("col = %d the field %s is enum type but define %s type" % (col , col_native_name, type_value_array[0]))

        if type_value_array[0].upper() not in type_array:
            print_error("col = %d the field %s type %s is not exist" % (col , col_native_name, type_value_array[0]))

        attribute[col_name] = col
        if add and len(col_name) > 0 and col_name[0] != '_' and col_name not in schema["define"]:
            if len(type_value_array) > 1:
                schema["define"][col_name] = 1
                schema["define"][col_name] = 0
        variable_name_map[col_name] = get_var_name(col_native_name)
        field_name_map[col_name] = col_native_name
        field_type_map[col_name] = type_value_array[0].upper()

        if "ID" == col_name:
            schema["key"]["0"] = "ID"
            main_key_name = col_name
            main_key_index_name = schema["file_name"].lower()
            main_key_index_name = main_key_index_name +  "." + main_key_name.lower()
                #log("main key = %s" % main_key_index_name) 
            main_key_table[main_key_index_name] = set()
            primary_key_map[main_key_index_name] = " %s  %s sheet %s field" % (schema["xls_name"] , schema["sheet_name"] , main_key_name)
    rowindex_start = 0
    if schema["rowindex_start"] > 0:
        rowindex_start = schema["rowindex_start"] - 1
    entities = []
    #key_dict = {}
    #key = ''
    rowindex_end = sheet.nrows
    if "rowindex_end" in schema and schema["rowindex_end"] - 1 < sheet.nrows:
        rowindex_end = schema["rowindex_end"] - 1

    #check attribute type
    for attribute_name in ((schema["define"])):
        if not attribute_name in attribute:
        for row in range(rowindex_start, rowindex_end):
            data = sheet.cell(row, attribute[attribute_name]).value
            if not data or type(data) != types.FloatType:
            if (data - int(data)) > 0:
            if data < 0:
    black_num = 0

    #print schema["native_field"]
    #print schema["define"]
    #print attribute
    for row in range(rowindex_start, rowindex_end):
        layer_dict = {}
        #for attribute_name in ((schema["define"])):
        for attribute_name, col in attribute.items():
            if attribute_name in schema["define"]:
                data = sheet.cell(row, col).value
                #print "native = " , attribute_name not in schema["native_field"]
                #print "pre data = " , data
                #native_field = False
                #if attribute_name in schema["native_field"]:
                    #native_field = True
                #print attribute_name , native_field , data
                #data = convert_encode(data , True)
                #print "after data = " , data

                #print "row = %d , col = %d data = " %(row, attribute[attribute_name]), data
                if data or  0 == data : 
                    #print "2row = %d , col = %d data = " %(row, attribute[attribute_name]), data
                    if not check_value_type(attribute_name, data, field_type_map[attribute_name], schema["separator"]):
                        #print_error("the value type is not match! attribute_name = %s , data = %s" % (attribute_name, str(data)))
                        print_error("the value type is not match! attribute_name = %s , data = %s type = %s define type = %s " % (attribute_name, str(data), type(data), field_type_map[attribute_name]))

                    #if field_type_map[attribute_name] == "DATE":
                        #data = convert_data(data)
                    #elif field_type_map[attribute_name] == "TIME":
                        #data = convert_time(data)

                    data = convert_encode(data , field_type_map[attribute_name])
                    check_continue_field(attribute_name , data , schema , row)
                    if attribute_name in schema["percentage"]:
                        if type(data) is types.UnicodeType or type(data) is types.StringType:
                            print_error("the percentage field %s is not int type: value = %s " % (attribute_name , data))
                        data *=  10000

                    data = get_attribute_value(schema, attribute_name, data, field_type_map[attribute_name])
                    #if "EFFECTIVENESSID" == attribute_name: 
                        #print "EffectivenessId = " , data
                    if not check_attribute_value(attribute_name , data , main_key_name , main_key_index_name , schema , row):

                    layer_index = schema["define"][attribute_name]
                    if layer_index not in layer_dict:
                        layer_dict[layer_index] = OrderedDict()
                    layer_dict[layer_index][attribute_name] = data
                if attribute_name not in schema["placeholder_field"]:
                    log( "file %s:%s column not exists" % (schema["sheet_name"] , attribute_name))

        if len(layer_dict) == 0:
            print "the row data is empty , row = %d" % (row+1)
            black_num += 1
            if black_num > 10:
            black_num = 0

        layer_begin= ''
        row_dict = {}
        for layer_index in layer_dict:
            if '' == layer_begin:
                key_index = "%d" % layer_index
                if key_index in schema["key"]:
                    if schema["key"][key_index].upper() not in layer_dict[layer_index]:
                        print_error(" main key: %s  is not exist! layer_index = %d row = %d" % (schema["key"][key_index] , layer_index , row+1) , 0)
                        print_error("%s" % layer_dict[layer_index])
                        #log(" main key: %s  is not exist! layer_index = %d row = %d" % (schema["key"][key_index] , layer_index , row+1))
                        #log("%s" % layer_dict[layer_index])

                layer_begin = layer_index
                row_dict = layer_dict[layer_index].copy()
                current_dict = row_dict
                current_dict["xml_child"] = []
                current_dict = current_dict["xml_child"]

        entity_list =  get_container(entities , layer_begin)      

    global continue_filed_table 
    continue_filed_table = {} 

    file_name = sheet.name
    if "file_name" in schema:
        file_name = schema["file_name"]

    #print "2 file name %s " %(file_name)
    write_file = file_name.lower() + ".xml"

    if "node_name" not in schema:
        schema["node_name"] = []

    global Golbal_Config

    #print len(entities.items())

    if sheet.name in Golbal_Config["random_box"]:
        #variable_name_map = {}
        #field_name_map = {}

        id_type  = field_type_map["ID"]
        #id_value = schema["define"]["ID"]

        field_type_map = {}
        field_type_map["VALUE"] = "INTARRAY"

        variable_name_map["VALUE"] = "value"
        field_name_map["VALUE"] = "Value"
        del schema["define"]
        schema["define"] = {}
        schema["key"] = {}
        #schema["define"]["ID"] = id_value
        schema["define"]["VALUE"] = 0

        config = {}
        config["produce_count"] = Golbal_Config["random_sequence_count"]
        for entity in entities:
            config["min_loop_count"] = "BOX_MINLOOP" in entity and entity["BOX_MINLOOP"] or 0  
            config["max_loop_count"] = "BOX_MAXLOOP" in entity and entity["BOX_MAXLOOP"] or 0 
            config["one_percent"] = "BOX_MAXLOOP" in entity and entity["BOX_MAXLOOP"] or 0 
            config["two_count"] = GetTwoCount(entity, "BOX_PBOXWEIGHT")
            config["three_count"] = "BOX_OBOXNUM" in entity and entity["BOX_OBOXNUM"] or 0

            entities = random_table.random_box(config)
            #write_to_xml_file(write_file , entities , schema["node_name"])
            #return # only one

    if sheet.name in Golbal_Config["random_card"]:
        variable_name_map["VALUE"] = "value"

        file_list = []
        config = {}
        config["produce_count"] = Golbal_Config["random_sequence_count"]
        for entity in entities:
            config["min_loop_count"] = "CARD_MINLOOP" in entity and entity["CARD_MINLOOP"] or 0  
            config["max_loop_count"] = "CARD_MAXLOOP" in entity and entity["CARD_MAXLOOP"] or 0 
            config["one_percent"] = 0
            config["two_count"] = GetTwoCount(entity, "CARD_PCARDWEIGHT")
            config["three_count"] = "CARD_OCARDNUM" in entity and entity["CARD_OCARDNUM"] or 0

            value_list = random_table.random_box(config)
            write_file = file_name.lower() 
            write_file += "_" 
            write_file += str(entity["ID"]) 
            write_file += ".xml"
            write_to_xml_file(write_file , value_list , schema["node_name"], field_type_map)

            file_item = {}
            file_item["FILE_NAME"] = write_file
            file_item["ID"] = str(entity["ID"]) 

        write_file = file_name.lower() + ".xml"
        write_to_xml_file(write_file , file_list , schema["node_name"], field_type_map)

    #if "rand_seed" in schema:
       # entities = random_table.random_card_group([9,18,180] , 10 , 100)
       # variable_name_map["VALUE"] = "value"

    single , cpp_schema = get_cpp_schema(entities, schema, field_type_map, "rand_seed" in schema)

    if "no_cpp" not in Golbal_Config and "no_cpp" not in schema :
        XmlToCpp( file_name, schema, cpp_schema, single, variable_name_map,field_type_map).write()
        if sheet.name not in Golbal_Config["random_box"]:
            XmlToCShape( file_name, schema, cpp_schema, single, field_name_map, NameMap, field_type_map).write()
    #if "rand_seed" not in schema:
        #table_name = schema["xls_name"][0:-5]
        #if exist_chinese(table_name):
            #table_name = schema["sheet_name"]
        #create_sql = create_table_sql(cpp_schema, schema, table_name , field_name_map)
        #update_sqllite(Golbal_Config["sqllite_name"] , table_name , create_sql, entities)    

    if "rand_seed" not in schema:        
        write_to_lua_file(file_name.lower(), entities, field_name_map, cpp_schema, schema, single, field_type_map)

    write_to_xml_file(write_file , entities , schema["node_name"], field_type_map)

    #XmlToCpp( file_name , schema["main_key"] , entities).write()

def parse_excel_by_schema(schema, excel_path):
    global main_key_table
    global primary_key_map
    global Golbal_Config

    if "excel_path" in schema:
        excel_path = schema["excel_path"]
    file_name =  os.path.join(excel_path , schema["xls_name"])

    #log("parse file_name = %s " % file_name)
    print "--------------------------------------------"
    print "1 file_name = %s " % file_name

    if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
        print "the xls file is not exist! excel file name = %s , sheet name = %s " % (file_name , schema["sheet_name"])
        log("the xls file is not exist! excel file name = %s sheet name = %s " % (file_name , schema["sheet_name"]))
        return 0

    workbook = open_workbook(file_name)
    print "total sheets = %d" % workbook.nsheets
    for sheet in workbook.sheets():
        if sheet.name.upper() == schema["sheet_name"].upper():
            print   "sheet name = %s "  % (schema["sheet_name"])
            #log("sheet name = %s "  % (schema["sheet_name"]))

            if sheet.name.upper() in Golbal_Config["col_config"]:
                if 1 or "colindex_key" not in schema:
                    schema["colindex_key"] = 2
                if 1 or "colindex_start" not in schema:
                    schema["colindex_start"] = 4
                if 1 or "colindex_type" not in schema:
                    schema["colindex_type"] = 1
                if 1 or "rowindex_start" not in schema:
                    schema["rowindex_start"] = 3
                sheet_to_xml_by_schema_col(sheet , schema)
                if 1 or "rowindex_key" not in schema:
                    schema["rowindex_key"] = 3
                if 1 or "rowindex_start" not in schema:
                    schema["rowindex_start"] = 4
                if 1 or "rowindex_type" not in schema:
                    schema["rowindex_type"] = 2
                sheet_to_xml_by_schema_row(sheet , schema)
            return 1
    log("convert xls: the sheet name is not exist! excel file name = %s sheet name = %s " % (file_name , schema["sheet_name"]))
    return 0

def field_name_upper(schema, excel_file_name, excel_full_file_name):
    global Golbal_Config

    field_name = ''
    field_value = ''

    if "xls_name" not in schema:
        schema["xls_name"] = excel_full_file_name

    if "sheet_name" not in schema:
        schema["sheet_name"] = excel_file_name

    if "file_name" not in schema:
        schema["file_name"] = excel_file_name

    if "node_name" not in schema:
        schema["node_name"] = []

    if "Array_Config" in Golbal_Config and excel_file_name in Golbal_Config["Array_Config"]:
        schema["array_flag"] = 1

    if "key" not in schema:
        schema["key"] = {}

    if "define" not in schema:
        schema["define"] = {}

    for attribute_name , attribute_value in schema["key"].items():
        schema["key"][attribute_name] = attribute_value.upper()

    for attribute_name , attribute_value in schema["define"].items():
        field_value = attribute_value
        field_name  = attribute_name.upper()
        if field_name != attribute_name:
            schema["define"][field_name] = field_value
            del schema["define"][attribute_name]

    if  "map" not in schema:  
        schema["map"] = {}     
    for attribute_name , attribute_value in schema["map"].items():
        field_value = attribute_value.upper()
        field_name  = attribute_name.upper()
        if field_name != attribute_name:
            schema["map"][field_name] = field_value
            del schema["map"][attribute_name] 

    if "int_type" not in schema:
        schema["int_type"] = [] 

    if "percentage" not in schema:
        schema["percentage"] = []

    if "separator" not in schema:
        schema["separator"] = ["|",",",";",":"]

    if "continue_field" not in schema:
        schema["continue_field"] = []

    if "array_field" not in schema:
        schema["array_field"] = []

    if "placeholder_field" not in schema:
        schema["placeholder_field"] = []

    if "native_field" not in schema:
        schema["native_field"] = []

    if "auto_add_field" not in schema:
        schema["auto_add_field"] = 1

    if "random_box" not in schema:
        schema["random_box"] = []

    if "random_card" not in schema:
        schema["random_card"] = []

    if "random_sequence_count" not in schema:
        schema["random_sequence_count"] = 1

    native_field_temp = []
    for attribute_name in  schema["native_field"]:
        field_name =  attribute_name.upper()
        #if field_name != attribute_name:

    schema["native_field"] = native_field_temp 

    convert_percentage = []
    for attribute in schema["percentage"] :
    schema["percentage"] = convert_percentage

    int_type_temp = []
    for attribute_name in  schema["int_type"]:
        field_name =  attribute_name.upper()
        if field_name != attribute_name:

    schema["int_type"] = int_type_temp  

    array_field_temp = []
    for attribute_name in  schema["array_field"]:
        field_name =  attribute_name.upper()
        if field_name != attribute_name:

    schema["array_field"] = array_field_temp 

    placeholder_field_temp = []
    for attribute_name in  schema["placeholder_field"]:
        field_name =  attribute_name.upper()
        if field_name != attribute_name:

    schema["placeholder_field"] = placeholder_field_temp 

    if "sqllite_name" not in Golbal_Config:
        Golbal_Config["sqllite_name"] = "SQLLite" + os.sep +"sqllite.db"

    if "foreign_key" not in schema:
        schema["foreign_key"] = {}
        for attribute_name, attribute_value in Golbal_Config["foreign_key"].items():
            upper_name = attribute_name.upper()
            if excel_file_name.upper() == upper_name[0:upper_name.index('.')]:
                field_name = upper_name[upper_name.index('.')+1:]
                schema["foreign_key"][field_name] = attribute_value

    for attribute_name , attribute_value in schema["foreign_key"].items():
        field_value = attribute_value
        field_name  = attribute_name.upper()
        if field_name != attribute_name:
            del schema["foreign_key"][attribute_name]
        schema["foreign_key"][field_name] = field_value

def is_load(file_name):
    global main_key_table
    for attribute_name , attribute_value in main_key_table.items():
        if file_name.upper() == attribute_name[0:attribute_name.index('.')].upper():
            return True
    return False

def add_depend_file(file_name , depend_file_set):
    if '.' not in file_name:
        if ':' in file_name:
        print_error(" the foreign key format is wrong!  value = %s ,  " % (file_name))

def get_depend_file2(excel_file_name):
    global Golbal_Config
    depend_file_set = set()
    for attribute_name, attribute_value in Golbal_Config["foreign_key"].items():
        upper_name = attribute_name.upper()
        if upper_name[0:upper_name.index('.')] ==  excel_file_name.upper():
            if attribute_value in Golbal_Config:
                for attribute_name , attribute_value in Golbal_Config[attribute_value].items():
                    add_depend_file(attribute_name , depend_file_set)
                add_depend_file(attribute_value , depend_file_set)

    return depend_file_set

def get_depend_file(schema):
    global Golbal_Config
    depend_file_set = set()
    for attribute_name , attribute_value in schema["foreign_key"].items():
        if attribute_value in Golbal_Config:
            for attribute_name , attribute_value in Golbal_Config[attribute_value].items():
                add_depend_file(attribute_name , depend_file_set)

             add_depend_file(attribute_value , depend_file_set)

    return depend_file_set

def get_schema_config(excel_full_file_name, schema_config_array):
    for item in schema_config_array:
        if "xls_name" in item and excel_full_file_name.upper() == item["xls_name"].upper():
            return item

    return {}
def parse_impl(excel_file_name, excel_path, schema_config_array , layer = 1):

    result = 0
    total_num = 0
    success_num = 0

    if is_load(excel_file_name):
        #print_error("has load %s" % excel_file_name)
        return result , total_num , success_num

    excel_full_file_name = ''
    file_name = os.path.join(excel_path , excel_file_name)

    if os.path.isfile(file_name + '.xlsx'):
        excel_full_file_name = excel_file_name + '.xlsx'
    elif os.path.isfile(file_name + '.xls'):
        excel_full_file_name = excel_file_name + '.xls'
        print_error("the excel file %s is not exist" % (file_name + '.xlsx'))
        return 1 , total_num , success_num
    total_num +=   1

    schema = get_schema_config(excel_full_file_name, schema_config_array)
    field_name_upper(schema, excel_file_name, excel_full_file_name)

    depend_file_set = get_depend_file(schema)

    #layer += 1
    #if layer > 3:
        #print "excel_file_name = %s , depend file" % excel_file_name
        #global main_key_table
        #print main_key_table
    for field_name in depend_file_set:
        result , totle , success = parse_impl(field_name, excel_path, schema_config_array, layer)
        if 1 == result:
            log("depend config is not exist! file = %s depend file = %s" % (file_name , field_name))
        total_num   += totle
        success_num += success

    #print "parse excel %s" % excel_full_file_name
    #global main_key_table
    #print main_key_table
    success_num += parse_excel_by_schema(schema, excel_path)

    return 0 , total_num , success_num
def parse_config():

    global config_name
    global Golbal_Config

    print "load %s file" % config_name

    Golbal_Config = json.load(file(config_name),object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)

    if "foreign_key" not in Golbal_Config:
        Golbal_Config["foreign_key"] = {}

    excel_path = ''
    if "excel_path" in Golbal_Config:
        excel_path = Golbal_Config["excel_path"]

    col_config_array = []
    for xls_name in  Golbal_Config["col_config"]:
        field_name =  xls_name.upper()

    Golbal_Config["col_config"] = col_config_array 

    no_parse_array = []
    for xls_name in  Golbal_Config["no_parse"]:
        field_name =  xls_name.upper()

    Golbal_Config["no_parse"] = no_parse_array 

    global NameMap
    global log_string
    NameMap = excel2type.parse_name_map_config(excel_path)
    #print NameMap

    #log("%s" % Golbal_Config["item_conf.id"].items())
    last_parse_time = 0
    ISOTIMEFORMAT='%Y-%m-%d %X'
    fp_r = open("last_parse_time",'a+')
    if fp_r:
        line_str = fp_r.readline()
        if line_str:
            #last_parse_time = int(line_str)
            last_parse_time = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(line_str, ISOTIMEFORMAT)))

    #if "last_parse_time" not in Golbal_Config:
        #Golbal_Config["last_parse_time"] = 0

    schema_config_array = []

    for item in os.listdir(Golbal_Config["config_dir"]):
        if item[-4:] == '.ini':
            file_name = os.path.join(Golbal_Config["config_dir"] , item)
            schema = json.load(file(file_name) ,object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)

    result = 1
    total_num = 0
    success_num = 0

            #result , totle , success = parse_impl(item, excel_path, False)
            #total_num   += totle
            #success_num += success

    for item in os.listdir(excel_path):
        if item[0] <> '~' and (item[-4:] == '.xls' or item[-5:] == '.xlsx') :
            #print "\n\n item = %s \n\n" % item
            xls_file_name =  os.path.join(excel_path , item)
            excel_file_attribute = os.stat(xls_file_name)

            if excel_file_attribute.st_mtime <= last_parse_time:
            index = item.find('.')
            excel_name = item[0:index]
            if excel_name.upper() in Golbal_Config["no_parse"]:
            result , totle , success = parse_impl(excel_name, excel_path, schema_config_array)
            total_num   += totle
            success_num += success

    print   "convert xls: total config = %d ! convert success = %d " % (total_num , success_num)

    fp_w = open("last_parse_time",'w')
    current_time = int(time.time())
    fp_w.write(time.strftime(ISOTIMEFORMAT, time.localtime()))

def parse():
    global config_name
    if len(sys.argv) > 1 :
        config_name = sys.argv[1]

    #print "Convert excel files to json file begin"

    file_name = "error.txt"
    fid = open(file_name , 'wb')
    #print "\n"
   # print('\033[1;31;40m')
    #print "\n"
    #print "Convert excel files to json file end"
if __name__ == '__main__':

if len(sys.argv) != 2 :
    print "usage: %s [input xls file]" % sys.argv[0]
    print "e.g. : %s myinput.xls" % sys.argv[0]
    print "Note : the input file should be MS excel doc.\n"





import os
import sys
import re
import types

################################ CPP Head ######################################

define_body = '''\
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using GameCore.Common;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using GameCore.Utils;

namespace GameCore.Database.Db
    public class %s




child_class = '''\
        public class LevelRow


farther_class = '''\
        public class Row

key_func = '''\
        public %s.Row getRow(%s key)
            for (int i = 0; i < Rows.Length; ++i)
                var row = Rows[i];
                if (row.%s == key)
                    return row;
            return null;

xml_enum = '\t\t\t[XmlAttribute("%s")]\r\n'

string_var ='''\t\t\tpublic string %s { get; set; }
bool_var    ='''\t\t\tpublic bool %s { get; set; }

int_var    ='''\t\t\tpublic int %s { get; set; }

float_var  ='''\t\t\tpublic float %s { get; set; }

enum_var   = '''\t\t\tpublic %s %s { get; set; }

xml_element= '\t\t\t[XmlElement("%s")]\r\n'

array_var   = '''\t\t\tpublic LevelRow[] LevelRow { get; set; }

vector_var ='''        
            public string _%s { get; set; }
            private XMLValueArray<%s> __%s__;
            public XMLValueArray<%s> %s
                    if (__%s__ == null)
                        __%s__ = _%s;
                    return __%s__;

list_member_var = '''public Row[] Rows; '''

one_member_var = '''public Row oneRow; '''


def is_numeric(s):
    '''returns True if string s is numeric'''
    return all(c in "0123456789.+-" for c in s)

class XmlToCShape(object):
    def __init__(self, config_name = "test"  , schema = [] , cpp_schema = {} , single = 0 , variable_name_map = {}, NameMap = {}, field_type_map = {}, root_node = "root"):
        self.config_name = config_name
        self.macro_name = config_name[0:].upper()
        self.cpp_name = ''
        #strlist = config_name.split('_')
        #for value in strlist:
            #self.cpp_name += value[0].upper() + value[1:].lower()
        #print "cconfig_name : %s " % config_name
        self.cpp_name = config_name#self.ConvertName(config_name)

        self.schema    = schema
        self.cpp_schema = cpp_schema
        self.single = single
        self.root_node = root_node

        self.key = ''
        if "key" not in schema:
            schema["key"] = {}
        elif "0" in schema["key"]:
            self.key       = schema["key"]["0"]    

        if "separator" not in self.schema:
            self.schema["separator"] = []

        self.static_member_define = ''

        self.variable_name_map = variable_name_map
        self.NameMap = NameMap
        self.field_type_map = field_type_map

    def ConvertName(self , name):
        dest_name = ''
        strlist = name.split('_')
        for value in strlist:
            dest_name += value[0].upper() + value[1:]#.lower()
        return dest_name

    def get_node_name(self , layer_index):
        node_name = 'item'
        if layer_index < len(self.schema['node_name']):
            node_name = self.schema['node_name'][layer_index]

        return node_name

    def get_child_key_type(self , data = {} , child_layer = 0):
        child_layer_string = "%d" % child_layer
        if child_layer_string in self.schema["key"]:
            key_name = self.schema["key"][child_layer_string]
            if  key_name in data:
                if type(data[key_name]) is types.UnicodeType or type(data[key_name]) is types.StringType:
                    return "string"
                elif type(data[key_name]) is types.FloatType:
                    return "float"

        return "int" 
    def is_separator_string(self , key , string_var):
        for separator in self.schema["separator"]:
            index = string_var.find(separator)
            if  index >=0:
                #temp = string_var[0:index]
                temp_set = string_var.split(separator)
                value_type = 2
                for temp in temp_set:
                    if is_numeric(temp):
                        value_type = 1
                        if '.' in temp:
                            value_type = 3
                            return value_type,separator
                #if temp.isdigit():
                return value_type,separator
                #if  is_numeric(temp):
                    #return 1 , separator
                    #return 2 , separator

        separator = ','
        #print "is_separator_string %s" % key
        if key in self.schema["array_field"]:
            if  len(string_var) or is_numeric(string_var) :
                    return 1 , separator
                    return 2 , separator

        return 0 , ''
    def define_struct_data(self , data = {} , layer_index = 0):
        child_struct = ''              
        struct_body = ''
        for  key , value in data.items():
            var = self.variable_name_map[key]
            if "class" == var:
                var = "type"
            if  key == "xml_child":
                child_layer = layer_index+1
                child_struct =  self.define_struct_data(value , child_layer)
                struct_body +=  xml_element % "item"
                struct_body +=  array_var
            elif key in self.NameMap and self.field_type_map[key.upper()] != "ENUMARRAY":
                struct_body +=  xml_enum % key
                struct_body +=  enum_var % (var, var)
            elif type(value) is types.IntType:
                struct_body +=  xml_enum % key
                if "BOOL" == self.field_type_map[key.upper()]:
                    struct_body +=  bool_var % var
                    struct_body +=  int_var % var
            elif type(value) is types.FloatType:  
                struct_body +=  xml_enum % key  
                struct_body +=  float_var % var    
            elif key in self.schema["array_field"]:
                ret = 1
                separator  = ','
                struct_body +=  xml_enum % key
                if type(value) is types.UnicodeType or type(value) is types.StringType:
                    ret , separator = self.is_separator_string(key , value)

                if type(value) is types.FloatType:  
                    ret = 3

                if 1 == ret:
                    struct_body +=  vector_var % (var, 'int', var, 'int' , var
                                                , var, var, var, var)
                elif 2 == ret:
                    struct_body +=  vector_var % (var, 'string', var, 'string' , var
                                                , var, var, var, var)
                elif 3 == ret:
                    struct_body +=  vector_var % (var, 'float', var, 'float' , var
                                                , var, var, var, var)
                    struct_body +=  string_var % var
            elif type(value) is types.UnicodeType or type(value) is types.StringType:
                struct_body +=  xml_enum % key
                ret , separator = self.is_separator_string(key , value)
                if 1 == ret:
                    struct_body +=  vector_var % (var, 'int', var, 'int' , var
                                                , var, var, var, var)
                elif 2 == ret:
                    struct_body +=  vector_var % (var, 'string', var, 'string' , var
                                                , var, var, var, var)
                elif 3 == ret:
                    struct_body +=  vector_var % (var, 'float', var, 'float' , var
                                                , var, var, var, var)
                    struct_body +=  string_var % var          
                print "C# define_struct_data:the type is not deal: type = %s" % type(value)

        class_define = farther_class
        if layer_index > 0:
            class_define = child_class

        struct_body = class_define % struct_body
        struct_body = child_struct + struct_body
        return struct_body

    def write(self):
        if len(self.cpp_schema) == 0 :
            print 'the cpp schema is empty: cpp schema = %s' % (self.cpp_schema)

        single = self.single
        var_body = ''
        key_type = self.get_child_key_type(self.cpp_schema , 0)

        var_body = self.define_struct_data(self.cpp_schema)

        member_var = one_member_var
        memver_func = ''
        if not single:
            member_var = list_member_var
            if "0" in self.schema["key"]:
                memver_func = key_func % (self.cpp_name, key_type, self.variable_name_map[self.schema["key"]["0"]])
        file_body = define_body % ( self.cpp_name, var_body, self.schema["node_name"][0], member_var, memver_func)

        file_name = 'CShape'+ os.sep + self.cpp_name + '.cs'
        fid = open(file_name, 'wb')

        print "create cpp file : %s " % file_name

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