Jamie Damon, one of the most influential financiers in the United States, expressed his strong opposition to the currency of bitcoin. Jamie Damon, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase & Co, once again strongly objected to bitcoin at the Barclays Finance Conference on September 12th in New York.“If one of our traders trades bitcoin, I'll fire him right away," Dimon said,“There are two reasons. First, it is against our regulations. Second, that's stupid." Meanwhile,Dimon also said:" Bitcoin may go up to $20 thousand before it goes down, and it will crash one day. It is a hoax. I am really astonished that no one could see what it really looks like." Jamie Damon compared bitcoin to the Holland tulip bubble in history. "It won't have a good result.".
In addition, he also said that the only rational reason to use bitcoin transactions is that you live in Ecuador,Venezuela,or North Korea,or you are the person like drug dealer, or murderer. In that case, you'd better use bitcoin transactions rather than dollars as well as avoid the system in your country . There may be a large number of people crowding in the Bitcoin market, but the size of the market is limited.
It was not the first time that Jamie Damon had been against bitcoin. In the 2015 World Fortune Forum, Jamie Damon said:"There is no real currency in the world without real control of the country. Without the support of the government, it will not exist long. No currency can escape the government's control."
騙局:fraud; hoax; swindle; a shellgame