詳解Vue如何提取Critical Css

什么是Critical Css

網(wǎng)頁渲染時漠魏,瀏覽器解析只有在完成 <head> 部分 CSS 樣式的加載倔矾、解析之后才會渲染頁面。這種渲染方式意味著,如果 CSS 文件很大哪自,那么用戶就必須等待很長的時間才能看到渲染結(jié)果丰包。針對這一問題,提出一種非常規(guī)的解決方案壤巷,提高頁面的渲染速度邑彪,這一方案常被稱為 critical rendering path(關(guān)鍵渲染路徑)。我們要做的優(yōu)化就是找出渲染首屏的最小 CSS 集合(Critical CSS)胧华,并把它們寫到 <head> 部分寄症,從而讓瀏覽器接收到 HTML 文件后就盡快渲染出頁面。對于剩余部分的 CSS矩动,我們可以使用異步的方式進行加載有巧。

總結(jié):Critical Css就是渲染首屏的最小CSS集合。

通過criticalcss網(wǎng)站獲取頁面critical css【收費】

Vue-cli客戶端提取Critical css





  • Type: boolean | Object
  • Default: 生產(chǎn)環(huán)境下是 true悲没,開發(fā)環(huán)境下是 false

是否將組件中的 CSS 提取至一個獨立的 CSS 文件中 (而不是動態(tài)注入到 JavaScript 中的 inline 代碼)篮迎。

同樣當(dāng)構(gòu)建 Web Components 組件時它總是會被禁用 (樣式是 inline 的并注入到了 shadowRoot 中)。

當(dāng)作為一個庫構(gòu)建時示姿,你也可以將其設(shè)置為 false 免得用戶自己導(dǎo)入 CSS甜橱。

提取 CSS 在開發(fā)環(huán)境模式下是默認(rèn)不開啟的,因為它和 CSS 熱重載不兼容峻凫。然而渗鬼,你仍然可以將這個值顯性地設(shè)置為 true 在所有情況下都強制提取。

  • 開發(fā)環(huán)境
    extractfalse荧琼,樣式內(nèi)嵌到 head 中譬胎。
  • 生產(chǎn)環(huán)境
    extracttrue,樣式分離命锄,外鏈到 head 中堰乔。








針對這一不足,我們看一下在vue客戶端項目中如何提取首屏渲染csscritical css骗污。

提取critical css





npm install critical-css-webpack-plugin -D
const criticalCssWebpackPlugin = require('critical-css-webpack-plugin')

/ critical css Options
const criticalCssOptions = {
    // type: boolean/object崇猫,是否inline生成的critical-path css。
    // true:生成html需忿,false:生成css诅炉,object:向`inline-critical`傳遞配置對象
    inline: true,
    // type: string蜡歹,讀取和寫入源的目錄
    base: resolve('dist'),
    // type: string,要操作的html源代碼涕烧,此選項優(yōu)先于src選項
    // html: '',
    // type: array月而,css路徑的數(shù)組
    // css: [],
    // type: string,要操作的html源代碼的位置
    src: 'index.html',
    // type: string议纯,保存操作輸出的位置父款,如果要同時存儲`html`和`css`,使用`html`和`css`的對象
    target: 'index.html',
    // type: integer痹扇,1300铛漓,目標(biāo)視口的寬度
    width: 1300,
    // type: integer,900鲫构,目標(biāo)視口的高度
    height: 900,
    // type: array浓恶,包含寬度和高度的數(shù)組,如果設(shè)置结笨,優(yōu)先于width和height選項
    dimensions: [],
    // type: boolean包晰,是否壓縮生成的critical-path css
    minify: true,
    // type: boolean,小心使用炕吸,從html中刪除inline樣式伐憾,它會基于提取的內(nèi)容生成新的引用,因此可以安全地在多個html文件引用同一樣式文件赫模。刪除每頁的關(guān)鍵css會為每個頁面生成唯一一個異步加載css树肃。意味著你不能跨多頁面緩存
    extract: false,
    // type: boolean,inline圖片
    inlineImages: true,
    // type: array瀑罗,內(nèi)聯(lián)程序開始查詢assets時的目錄/url列表
    assetPaths: [],
    // 設(shè)置base64內(nèi)聯(lián)圖片的最大大行刈臁(以字節(jié)為單位)
    maxImageFileSize: 10240000,
    // type: object/function,critical嘗試相對文檔的assets path
    rebase: undefined,
    // type: array
    ignore: [],
    // type: string斩祭,獲取遠(yuǎn)程src時的用戶代理
    // userAgent: '',
    // type: object,penthouse的配置選項
    penthouse: {
        // propertiesToRemove: ['background'],
        // 強制包含的selector
        forceInclude: ['.card', '.card__list', '.card__main', '.card__img', '.card__article'],
        forceExclude: []
    // type: object劣像,got的配置選項
    request: {},
    // type: string,RFC2617授權(quán):user
    user: undefined,
    // type: string摧玫,RFC2617授權(quán):pass
    pass: undefined,
    // type: boolean耳奕,如果找不到css,則拋出錯誤
    strict: false

module.exports = {
    chainWebpack: config => {
                ).tap(error => {
                    console.log(error, 'critical css generate error');
                    return error

配置完畢后诬像,執(zhí)行npm run build構(gòu)建屋群,查看dist/index.html,可以看到提取的critical css插入到head中坏挠,剩余css仍以外鏈形式引入芍躏。






html中提取critical css烦味,并將critical-path內(nèi)聯(lián)到html中

npm i -D critical


const critical = require('critical');
  // Inline the generated critical-path CSS
  // - true generates HTML
  // - false generates CSS
  inline: true,


node critical.js
Critical Options


Name Type Default Description
inline boolean/object false Inline critical-path CSS using filamentgroup's loadCSS. Pass an object to configure inline-critical
base string path.dirname(src) or process.cwd() Base directory in which the source and destination are to be written
html string HTML source to be operated against. This option takes precedence over the src option.
css array [] An array of paths to css files, file globs or Vinyl file objects.
src string Location of the HTML source to be operated against
target string or object Location of where to save the output of an operation. Use an object with 'html' and 'css' props if you want to store both
width integer 1300 Width of the target viewport
height integer 900 Height of the target viewport
dimensions array [] An array of objects containing height and width. Takes precedence over width and height if set
minify boolean true Enable minification of generated critical-path CSS
extract boolean false Remove the inlined styles from any stylesheets referenced in the HTML. It generates new references based on extracted content so it's safe to use for multiple HTML files referencing the same stylesheet. Use with caution. Removing the critical CSS per page results in a unique async loaded CSS file for every page. Meaning you can't rely on cache across multiple pages
inlineImages boolean false Inline images
assetPaths array [] List of directories/urls where the inliner should start looking for assets
maxImageFileSize integer 10240 Sets a max file size (in bytes) for base64 inlined images
rebase object or function undefined Critical tries it's best to rebase the asset paths relative to the document. If this doesn't work as expected you can always use this option to control the rebase paths. See postcss-url for details. (https://github.com/pocketjoso/penthouse#usage-1).
ignore array object undefined
userAgent string '' User agent to use when fetching a remote src
penthouse object {} Configuration options for penthouse.
request object {} Configuration options for got.
user string undefined RFC2617 basic authorization: user
pass string undefined RFC2617 basic authorization: pass
strict boolean false Throw an error if no css is found
Global Install And Cli
npm install -g critical
critical test/fixture/index.html --base test/fixture > critical.css




npm i -D penthouse
  url: 'http://google.com',
  cssString: 'body { color: red }'
.then(criticalCss => {
  // use the critical css
  fs.writeFileSync('outfile.css', criticalCss);


Name Type Default Description
url string Accessible url. Use file:/// protocol for local html files.
cssString string Original css to extract critical css from
css string Path to original css file on disk (if using instead of cssString)
width integer 1300 Width for critical viewport
height integer 900 Height for critical viewport
screenshots object Configuration for screenshots (not used by default). See Screenshot example
keepLargerMediaQueries boolean false Keep media queries even for width/height values larger than critical viewport.
forceInclude array [] Array of css selectors to keep in critical css, even if not appearing in critical viewport. Strings or regex (f.e. ['.keepMeEvenIfNotSeenInDom', /^.button/])
forceExclude array [] Array of css selectors to remove in critical css, even if appearing in critical viewport. Strings or regex (f.e. ['.doNotKeepMeEvenIfNotSeenInDom', /^.button/])
propertiesToRemove array ['(.)transition(.)', 'cursor', 'pointer-events', '(-webkit-)?tap-highlight-color', '(.*)user-select'] ] Css properties to filter out from critical css
timeout integer 30000 Ms; abort critical CSS generation after this time
puppeteer object Settings for puppeteer. See Custom puppeteer browser example
pageLoadSkipTimeout integer 0 Ms; stop waiting for page load after this time (for sites when page load event is unreliable)
renderWaitTime integer 100 ms; wait time after page load before critical css extraction starts (also before "before" screenshot is taken, if used)
blockJSRequests boolean true set to false to load JS (not recommended)
maxEmbeddedBase64Length integer 1000 characters; strip out inline base64 encoded resources larger than this
maxElementsToCheckPerSelector integer undefined Can be specified to limit nr of elements to inspect per css selector, reducing execution time.
userAgent string 'Penthouse Critical Path CSS Generator' specify which user agent string when loading the page
customPageHeaders object et extra http headers to be sent with the request for the url.
cookies array [] For formatting of each cookie, see Puppeteer setCookie docs
strict boolean false Make Penthouse throw on errors parsing the original CSS. Legacy option, not recommended.
allowedResponseCode number|regex|function Let Penthouse stop if the server response code is not matching this value. number and regex types are tested against the response.status(). A function is also allowed and gets Response as argument. The function should return a boolean.

SSR服務(wù)端提取Critical css



SSR服務(wù)端渲染時,管理 CSS 的推薦方法是簡單地使用 *.vue 單個文件組件內(nèi)的<style>壁拉,它提供:

  • 與 HTML 并列同級谬俄,組件作用域 CSS
  • 能夠使用預(yù)處理器(pre-processor)或 PostCSS
  • 開發(fā)過程中熱重載(hot-reload)

更重要的是,vue-style-loadervue-loader 內(nèi)部使用的 loader)弃理,具備一些服務(wù)器端渲染的特殊功能:

  • 客戶端和服務(wù)器端的通用編程體驗溃论。

  • 在使用 bundleRenderer 時,自動注入關(guān)鍵 CSS(critical CSS)痘昌。

  • 如果在服務(wù)器端渲染期間使用钥勋,可以在 HTML 中收集和內(nèi)聯(lián)(使用 template 選項時自動處理)組件的 CSS。在客戶端辆苔,當(dāng)?shù)谝淮问褂迷摻M件時算灸,vue-style-loader 會檢查這個組件是否已經(jīng)具有服務(wù)器內(nèi)聯(lián)(server-inlined)的 CSS - 如果沒有,CSS 將通過 <style> 標(biāo)簽動態(tài)注入驻啤。



    <div class="index">首頁</div>
.index {
    color: red;

新建pages/test.vue頁面菲驴,驗證SSR是否會自動注入關(guān)鍵css(critical css

    <div class="test">測試</div>
.test {
    color: red;
  1. index.vue中引入test.vue,服務(wù)啟動后骑冗,test.vue樣式也以style形式內(nèi)嵌在頁面中
  2. 不在index.vue中引入test.vue赊瞬,服務(wù)啟動后,test.vue樣式則沒有內(nèi)嵌在首屏渲染頁面中





export default {
    build: {
        extractCSS: true,


  • 客戶端和服務(wù)端均可通過extract提取css至單獨文件中褒侧,以外鏈形式引入
  • 客戶端只可內(nèi)嵌csshead中,或提取成單獨文件外鏈引入谊迄,不可提取critical css闷供,需要增加額外webpack plugin來提取
  • 服務(wù)端自動注入critical css,不需額外引入其他插件


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