Not guilty
/n?t/ /?g?lti/
Customs Officers are quite tolerant these days, but they can
/?k?st?mz/ /??f?s?z/ /ɑ?/ /kwa?t/ /?t?l?r?nt/ /ei?z/ /de?z,/ /b?t/ /ee?/ /k?n/
still stop you when you are going through the Green Channel
/st?l/ /st?p/ /ju?/ /w?n/ /ju?/ /ɑ?/ /?g????/ /θru?/ /e?/ /gri?n/ /???nl/
and have nothing to declare. Even really honest people are
/?nd/ /h?v/ /?n?θ??/ /tu?/ /d??kle?./ /?i?v?n/ /?r??li/ /??n?st/ /?pi?pl/ /ɑ?/
often made to feel guilty. The hardened professional
/??f(?)n/ /me?d/ /tu?/ /fi?l/ /?g?lti./ /e?/ /?hɑ?dnd/ /pr??f???nl/
smuggler, on the other hand, is never troubled by such
/?sm?gl?,/ /?n/ /ei/ /??e?/ /h?nd,/ /?z/ /?n?v?/ /?tr?bld/ /ba?/ /s??/
feelings, even if he has five hundred gold watches hidden in
/?fi?l??z,/ /?i?v?n/ /?f/ /hi?/ /h?z/ /fa?v/ /?h?ndr?d/ /g??ld/ /?w???z/ /?h?dn/ /?n/
his suitcase. When I returned from abroad recently, a
/h?z/ /?sju?tke?s./ /w?n/ /a?/ /r??t??nd/ /fr?m/ /??br??d/ /?ri?sntli,/ /e?/
particularly officious young Customs Officer clearly regarded
/p??t?kj?l?li/ /??f???s/ /j??/ /?k?st?mz/ /??f?s?/ /?kl??li/ /r??gɑ?d?d/
me as a smuggler.
/mi?/ /?z/ /?/ /?sm?gl?./
'Have you anything to declare?' he asked, looking me in the
/h?v/ /ju?/ /??n?θ??/ /tu?/ /d??kle??'/ /hi?/ /ɑ?skt,/ /?l?k??/ /mi?/ /?n/ /ei?/
eye. 'No', I answered confidently.
/a?./ /n??,/ /a?/ /?ɑ?ns?d/ /?k?nf?d?ntli./
'Would you mind unlocking this suitcase please?' 'Not at all,' I
/w?d/ /ju?/ /ma?nd/ /?n?l?k??/ /e?s/ /?sju?tke?s/ /pli?z?'/ /n?t/ /?t/ /??l,'/ /a?/
The Officer went through the case with great care. All the
/ei/ /??f?s?/ /w?nt/ /θru?/ /e?/ /ke?s/ /w?e/ /gre?t/ /ke?./ /??l/ /ei?/
thing I had packed so carefully were soon in adreadful mess.
/θ??/ /a?/ /h?d/ /p?kt/ /s??/ /?ke?fli/ /w??/ /su?n/ /?n/ /?/ /?dr?df?l/ /m?s./
I felt sure I would never be able to close the case again.
/a?/ /f?lt/ /???r/ /a?/ /w?d/ /?n?v?/ /bi?/ /?e?bl/ /tu?/ /kl??s/ /e?/ /ke?s/ /??g?n./
Suddenly, I saw the Officer's face light up. He had spotted a
/?s?dnli,/ /a?/ /s??/ /ei/ /??f?s?z/ /fe?s/ /la?t/ /?p./ /hi?/ /h?d/ /?sp?t?d/ /e?/
tiny bottle at the bottom of my case and hepouncedon it
/?ta?ni/ /?b?tl/ /?t/ /e?/ /?b?t?m/ /?v/ /ma?/ /ke?s/ /?nd/ /hi?/ /pa?nst/ /?n/ /?t/
/w?e/ /d??la?t./
1/ 單詞
guilty - adj. 犯罪的,違法的
hardened - adj. 有經(jīng)驗的
smuggler - n. 走私者
officious - adj. 愛管閑事的
dreadful - adj. 可怕的梆掸,一團糟的
mess - n. 雜亂
pounce - v. 猛抓蹬敲,撲住
delight - n. 高興、愉快
dreadful /?dr?df?l/
bottle at the bottom