L11(1):Not guilty
Customs Officers are quite tolerant these days, but they can still stop you when you are going through the Green Channel and have nothing to declare. Even really honest people are often made to feel guilty. The hardened professional smuggler, on the other hand, is never troubled by such feelings, even if he has five hundred gold watches hidden in his suitcase. When I returned from abroad recently, a particularly officious young Customs Officer clearly regarded me as a smuggler.
'Have you anything to declare?' he asked, looking me in the eye.
'No', I answered confidently.
'Would you mind unlocking this suitcase please?'
'Not at all,' I answered.
The Officer went through the case with great care. All the things I had packed so carefully were soon in a dreadful mess. I felt sure I would never be able to close the case again. Suddenly, I saw the Officer's face light up. He had spotted a tiny bottle at the bottom of my case and he pounced on it with delight.
/?l/11(1):/nɑt/ /?g?lti/
/?k?st?mz/ /??f?s?rz/ /?r/ /kwa?t/ /?tɑl?r?nt/ /eiz/ /de?z/, /b?t/ /ee?/ /k?n/ /st?l/ /stɑp/ /j?/ /w?n/ /j?/ /?r/ /?go???/ /θru/ /e?/ /grin/ /???n?l/ /?nd/ /h?v/ /?n?θ??/ /t?/ /d??kl?r/. /?iv?n/ /?r?li/ /?ɑn?st/ /?pip?l/ /?r/ /??f?n/ /me?d/ /t?/ /fil/ /?g?lti/. /e?/ /?hɑrd?nd/ /pr??f???n?l/ /?sm?gl?r/, /ɑn/ /ei/ /??e?r/ /h?nd/, /?z/ /?n?v?r/ /?tr?b?ld/ /ba?/ /s??/ /?fil??z/, /?iv?n/ /?f/ /hi/ /h?z/ /fa?v/ /?h?ndr?d/ /go?ld/ /?wɑ??z/ /?h?d?n/ /?n/ /?z/ /?sut?ke?s/. /w?n/ /a?/ /r??t?rnd/ /fr?m/ /??br?d/ /?ris?ntli/, /?/ /?pɑr?t?kj?l?rli/ /??f???s/ /j??/ /?k?st?mz/ /??f?s?r/ /?kl?rli/ /r??gɑrd?d/ /mi/ /?z/ /?/ /?sm?gl?r/.
/h?v/ /j?/ /??ni?θ??/ /t?/ /d??kl?r/?' /hi/ /?skt/, /?l?k??/ /mi/ /?n/ /ei/ /a?/.
/no?/, /a?/ /??ns?rd/ /?kɑnf?d?ntli/.
/w?d/ /j?/ /ma?nd/ /?n?lɑk??/ /e?s/ /?sut?ke?s/ /pliz/?'
/nɑt/ /?t/ /?l/,' /a?/ /??ns?rd/.
/ei/ /??f?s?r/ /w?nt/ /θru/ /e?/ /ke?s/ /w?e/ /gre?t/ /k?r/. /?l/ /e?/ /θ??z/ /a?/ /h?d/ /p?kt/ /so?/ /?k?rf?li/ /w?r/ /sun/ /?n/ /?/ /?dr?df?l/ /m?s/. /a?/ /f?lt/ /??r/ /a?/ /w?d/ /?n?v?r/ /bi/ /?e?b?l/ /t?/ /klo?s/ /e?/ /ke?s/ /??g?n/. /?s?d?nli/, /a?/ /s?/ /ei/ /??f?s?rz/ /fe?s/ /la?t/ /?p/. /hi/ /h?d/ /?spɑt?d/ /?/ /?ta?ni/ /?bɑt?l/ /?t/ /e?/ /?bɑt?m/ /?v/ /ma?/ /ke?s/ /?nd/ /hi/ /pa?nst/ /ɑn/ /?t/ /w?e/ /d??la?t/.
- 其他:
officious 英[??f???s]
adj. 過分殷勤的魄幕,愛管閑事的,愛顯示權(quán)力的;
adv. 過分殷勤地;
n. 過分殷勤颖杏,愛管閑事;
[例句]They wouldn't welcome any officious interference from the police
objectionably aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted services, help, or advice; meddlesome:
an officious person.
marked by or proceeding from such forwardness:
officious interference.
Obsolete . ready to serve; obliging.
dreadful 英[?dredfl]
adj. 可怕的; 糟糕的; 令人畏懼的; 討厭的,糟透了的留储,丑陋的;
n. <英>驚險小說[雜志];
[例句]They told us the dreadful news
causing great dread, fear, or terror; terrible:
a dreadful storm.
inspiring awe or reverence.
extremely bad, unpleasant, or ugly:
dreadful cooking; a dreadful hat.
noun British.
penny dreadful.
a periodical given to highly sensational matter.
pounce 英[pa?ns]
vi. 突襲翼抠,猛撲; 掌握,抓住;
vt. 撲過去抓住;
n. 猛撲; 爪;
[例句]He pounced on the photographer, beat him up and smashed his camera
verb (used without object), pounced, pounc·ing.
to swoop down suddenly and grasp, as a bird does in seizing its prey.
to spring, dash, or come suddenly:
Unexpectedly she pounced on the right answer.
verb (used with object), pounced, pounc·ing.
to seize (prey) suddenly:
The bird quickly pounced its prey.
the claw or talon of a bird of prey.
a sudden swoop, as on an object of prey.
- 朗讀感受:讀不出原音讀官僚氣丐膝,原本壓低聲線放慢速度有點感覺的量愧,一旦連起來讀就忘記了钾菊,官僚的口吻就出不來了。
- 能否改進:暫無偎肃。
- 打雞血:加油~