In July 2018, I attended a geological exploration. Through this experience, I acquired a deeper?understanding of the our earth.?
Dr. Shen and Dr. Wang, who accompanied?us in this trip, were professional geologist with scientific belief and passion. Dr. Shen, who was?deeply immersed in Earth Science, had?special talent and ability. He had?a "fossil map of the world" in his mind. He discovered some domestic mines before they were developed by the local government.
Between layers of the rock, we?saw?the deposition of plants with clear veins. Some plants' remains were still black?because?they formed not long ago.There?was a small mountain, which was excavated by the local people.?
I?found a three-dimensional fossil of the plant's nucleus, and a girl found an?ambergris, which was also called?grey amber. The ambergris was the fragrant secretion of sperm whale. When a boy?found a piece of blue amber shining in the sun, our excitement skyrocketed.
We were beach combers one night. At that time, there was nobody but us. I could not see my companions clearly but the?light from the?headlamps. The flood and ebb tides were so?spectacular.
We followed the tides to the sea. There were?a lot of corals, jellyfish and a variety of rarely seen fish in the littoral zones. We could not take the creatures away. The sea had been?frightening, but the tides?gave me a chance to?approach?it. ?It was?so comfortable to walk barefoot on damp sand. ?
Walking and jumping on the black basalt, we constantly had?miraculous discoveries: brain corals, cockscomb corals, red bellied sea anemones, blue legged crabs, sparus macrocephalus, puffer fish.?It turned?out that the world of the ocean was?so wonderful.
Found sapphire and crystal.
Sapphires scattered on the stone wall by the sea. In fact, sapphire is not necessarily blue: it could be pink, yellow, green, white, or even multicolor in the same stone.
After leaving the volcanic island, we came to a mountain. We passed by a town, which produced16% of the gold in southern China. As we went up the mountain, the mobile phone signal was getting weaker and weaker. We found garnets. We could also find emeralds if we were fortunate.