Do you want to change something that make you uncomfortable?
Do you want to make someone you cared become better?
You may think I have no ideas to do that. it's so difficult for me.
But sometimes success may not need work very hard. Just like renowned Greek mathematician Archimedes said, give me a supporting point,? I can lever the whole earth.
what you all need to do is to find the supporting point.
Now imagine that you were the king of great Britain in the 18th century.
You wanted to make London become more richer and stronger. But economic growth needs more labor to work. That means the number of people living in the city must increase smoothly. You need to make several moves to handle this problem.
In common sense, encourage people to have more children is the best way to increase population. But things were not easy for you. Hungry and disease reduced the population.
What is the critical point to change this situation? Tea. A cup of light brown hot liquid is the most useful way to make population grow.
Why? Tea is a kind of drink can make you feel happy. It has not only good taste but also some medical effects. It benefits the public health. after people have the habit to drink tea at every morning and afternoon, the population of London is in a steady growth, which makes economy much more better. finally the first industrial revolution took place in Britain. we can say, to a certain degree, it's caused by drinking tea.
See. A little move can change the world, only if the move is a key point to make changes happen.
At the end, I want to share a true story happened on me. Every day we need drink water. The water is from the drinking machine in the office. But many times I go to the drinking machine with empty cup, the bottle on the machine is empty like my cup. The only thing I can do is change the water bottle, and wait the water to be heated. It's very frustrating for me. What can I do? What is the key move to change this situation?
Lucky for me. A little sticker helped me. Which kind of sticker has this magical power? The sticker has some words on it with a cute emoji of smiling face. it says 'Gentleman change the water themselves', in Chinese "爺們自覺換水".
After that I almost never see the bottle empty again.
so a little move may change the world, and the key fact is to seek the supporting point attentively. Behaviors you expecting will occur, uncomfortable will disappear.