COMP4500/7500Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
The University of Queensland, Semester 2, 2019
Assignment 2
Due at 4pm, Friday 18th of October 2019.
This assignment is worth 20% (COMP4500) or 15% (COMP7500) of your final grade.
This assignment is to be attempted individually. Please read this entire handout before attempting any
of the questions.
Submission. Answers to each of the written (not programming) questions (i.e. Q1(b), Q1(d)) should be
clearly labelled and included in a pdf file called A2.pdf.
You need to submit (i) your written answers in A2.pdf, as well as (ii) your source code files
Recursive.java and Dynamic.java electronically using Blackboard according to the exact instructions on
the Blackboard website: https://learn.uq.edu.au/
You can submit your assignment multiple times before the assignment deadline but only the last submission
will be saved by the system and marked. Only submit the files listed above. You are responsible for ensuring
that you have submitted the files that you intended to submit in the way that we have requested them. You
will be marked on the files that you submitted and not on those that you intended to submit. Only files
that are submitted according to the instructions on Blackboard will be marked.
Submitted work should be neat, legible and simple to understand – you may be penalised for work that is
untidy or difficult to read and comprehend.
For the programming part, you will be penalised for submitting files that are not compatible with the
assignment requirements. In particular, code that is submitted with compilation errors, or is not compatible
with the supplied testing framework will receive 0 marks.
Late submission. Unless you have been approved to submit an assignment after the due date: late
assignments will lose 10% of the marks allocated to the assignment immediately, and a further 10% of the
marks allocated to the assignment for each additional calendar day late. Assignments more than 5 calendar
days late will not be accepted.
If there are medical or exceptional circumstances that will affect your ability to complete an assignment by
the due date, then you can apply for an extension as per Section 5.3 of the electronic course profile (ECP).
Requests must be made at least 48 hours prior to the submission deadline. Assignment extensions longer
than 7 calendar days will not be granted.
School Policy on Student Misconduct. You are required to read and understand the School Statement
on Misconduct, available at the School’s website at:
This is an individual assignment. If you are found guilty of misconduct (plagiarism or collusion) then
penalties will be applied.
COMP4500/7500 Assignment 2 (September 27, 2019) 2