自 現象級英語
1 a hearty eater 食量大的人
1 fit :a sudden, uncontrolled period of doing something or feeling something
in a fit of jealousy
2 cause no stir, get small mention
3 stage an air show 航空表演
1 X is probably here merely to do Y
2 escape/ face reality 逃避/面對現實
1 聯想跨省上班族:北京上班捕仔,河北早出晚歸
2 a quick lunch 匆匆吃午飯
1 聯想坐在岸邊釣魚的大爺們 the seniors along the shore fishing for minnows 小魚
2 loiterer 游手好閑的混混
1 聯想 北京面積大间涵、走不完
2 permanent residents 永久居民
3 by all odds: certainly, by far 無疑地肢专,肯定
New York is nothing like Paris. 截然不同 A is nothing like B.
1 人滿為患 overcrowded
2 車流洶涌 express highways are feverish
3 堵塞 bottleneck
4 坐錯車 ride the wrong subway
5 買包煙 pick up a pack of cigarettes
6 下車 step off the bus
7 街頭歌手 a street singer
8 New York is a city of opportunity.
9 regulars 常客
1 醉漢睡在馬路上 the drunks sleep in the open
1 All is cheerful and filthy and crowed. 熱鬧刹悴、臟亂忘衍、擁擠漓库。
2 overflow 溢出
1 既變化又不變 To a New Yorker the city is both changeless and changing.
1 To X Y has never seemed the same since Z. 對X來說愿伴,自從發(fā)生Z以來,Y再也不一樣了呵扛。
2 take the count: be knocked out, to be defeated
3 military procession? 游行
4 hackman : a taxi driver
1 搶飯 in the hopes of beating the crowd to a table
2 double-decker 雙層公交
1 by way of: as a type of
2 世界之都 the capital of the world
紀念E. B. White 誕辰百周年的特別版每庆,封面男人是E. B. White , 本文著于1949年
1 The Elements of Style 是E. B. White與William Strunk Jr. 的合著
2 E. B. White 以文學作品 Charlotte's Web 和散文著稱
正常語序 bestow on any person the gift of sth
sanctuary庇護 fulfillment 讓生活充滿意義(參考馬斯洛的需求金字塔)
1 如果你愛一個人,就把他送去紐約,因為那里是天堂——可以盡情地享受今穿。 如果你恨一個人,也把他送去紐約,因為那里是地獄——體驗貧民窟地悲涼缤灵。It can destroy an individual, or it can fulfill him
1 類似于北京 concentrate 濃縮、聚集荣赶,名詞
2 緊湊的舞臺 a single compact arena
3 unexpungeable : inexpungeable 揮之不去的 odor 臭味 lapel 翻領
1 eventful 活動豐富的:full of interesting and important events
2 without inflicting the event on its inhabitants 不會把每個人都卷進來?
1 跟北京凤价、上海的情況相同
2 第一種紐約:土著(可以把相應的那句話背下來);第二種紐約:類比燕郊拔创;第三種紐約:外來人口利诺,外來移民(聯想:逃離北上廣)?
1 the city of final destination, the city that is a goal 外來人口眼中的紐約
2 disposition 氣質??? 歌頌第三種紐約
1 三種人分別給了紐約什么
restlessness 焦躁不安,土著給了紐約 團結和延續(xù)性剩燥,移民給了紐約活力 vigor, diversity, vibrancy(spice the city up)
1 詩歌在很小的空間內高度凝練慢逾,添加音樂
2 這首詩完整的意義很少有人懂得
1 Spokane 美國的一個小城市
2 lofty 高聳的灭红,高傲的(冷艷的)此處是雙關侣滩,紐約既高聳入云,也心高氣盛
3 帝國大廈 Empire State Building 在紐約大蕭條時期建立起來的the highest point 变擒,強烈反差君珠,與前文的lofty呼應
1 大劑量的 massive doses of sth
2 the sense of belonging 歸屬感
3 unique ... unparalleled 獨特的,世界性的娇斑,偉大的策添,無與倫比的
1 自給自足,便捷性 self-sufficient
2 Each area is a city within a city within a city. 讀上去感覺像俄羅斯套娃
1 進一步解釋 self-sufficient, 類似上海
1 多樣性 melting pot
2 disposition 性情,傾向 necessity必選項
3 比喻句旺拉,如果不包容城市就會爆炸
1? 柳樹寫得精巧产上,比作紐約
2 a battered tree= unhealthy? 飽經風霜 long suffering and much climbed
3 深受喜歡 beloved
4 介詞用法 under, against, in the midst of, for