Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them常熙, Sam-I-am犹撒。? I do not like green eggs and ham笔时。
Would you like them here or there?
I would not like them here or there棕叫。 I would not like them anywhere林螃。 I do not like green eggs and ham。 I do not like them俺泣, Sam-I-am疗认。
Would you like them in a house? Would you like them with a mouse伏钠? I do not like them in a house横漏。 I do not like them with a mouse。 I do not like them here or there熟掂。 I do not like them anywhere缎浇。 I do not like green eggs and ham。 I do not like them赴肚, Sam-I-am素跺。
Would you eat them in a box二蓝? Would you eat them with a fox?
Not in a box指厌。 Not with a fox刊愚。 Not in a house。 Not with a mouse仑乌。
I would not eat them here or there。
I would not eat them anywhere琴锭。
I would not eat green eggs and ham晰甚。 I do not like them, Sam-I-am决帖。
Would you厕九? Could you? In a car地回?
Eat them扁远! Eat them!
Here they are刻像。
Green Eggs and Ham
I would not畅买, could not, in a car细睡。
You may like them谷羞。 You will see。 You may like them in a tree溜徙!
I would not湃缎, could not in a tree。 Not in a car蠢壹! You let me be嗓违。
I do not like them in a box。 I do not like them with a fox图贸。 I do not like them in a house蹂季。 I do not like them with a mouse。 I do not like them here or there疏日。 I do not like them anywhere乏盐。 I do not like green eggs and ham。 I do not like them制恍, Sam-I-am父能。
You do not like them。 So you say净神。 Try them何吝! Try them溉委! And you may。 Try them and you may爱榕, I say瓣喊。
Sam! If you will let me be黔酥, I will try them藻三。 You will see。
Green Eggs and Ham
Say ! I like green eggs and ham 渣玲! I do 逗概! I like them, Sam-I-am 忘衍! I would eat them in a boat逾苫。 And I would eat them with a goat…
They are so good, so good指煎, you see 蹋偏! So I will eat them in a box。 And I will eat them with a fox至壤。 And I will eat them in a house威始。 And I will eat them with a mouse。 And I will eat them here and there.Say 像街! I will eat them ANYWHERE 黎棠!
I do so like green eggs and ham 重绷! Thank you 沸停! Thank you, Sam-I-am 昭卓!