■If something guarantees something else, it makes certain that it will happen確保,使必然發(fā)生
?[+ (that)] The £50 deposit guarantees(that)people return the boats after their hour has finished.50英鎊的押金會(huì)確保人們在劃完船后將船歸還。
■If something is guaranteed to happen or have a particular result, it is certain that it will happen or have that result肯定…必然發(fā)生哗脖;肯定會(huì)有某種結(jié)果
?[+toinfinitive] Just looking at a picture of the sea isguaranteedtomake me feel sick.哪怕是看一眼大海的圖片缨称,我都會(huì)有暈船的感覺缀磕。
last-ditch attempt/effort
■an effort or attempt which is made at the end of a series of failures to solve a problem, and is not expected to succeed最后一招藐握,最后一根救命稻草额各;孤注一擲
?In alast-ditchattempt to save his party from electoral defeat, he resigned from the leadership.為了避免他所在的政黨在大選中失利晶疼,他使出了最后一招——辭去了領(lǐng)導(dǎo)職務(wù)酒贬。
if something, especially something bad, goes undetected, no one notices it
go/remain undetected
Doctors can make mistakes and diseases?can remain undetected.
The thieves escaped undetected through?a basement window.
nounonly singular
■a very short moment of time一瞬間又憨,一剎那
?They brought?out guns and for a split second nobody moved.他們拔出了槍,剎那間沒有人敢動(dòng)锭吨。
?We had to?make a split-second (= very quick) decision.我們得迅速作出決定蠢莺。