
Libra這個牌子本土銷售的衛(wèi)生巾瞳购,在每個獨立包裝上和衛(wèi)生巾背面的貼紙上粘优,總是印著一些五花八門的冷知識(Odd spot)睹栖。我搜羅了一些翻譯出來卵佛,猛看都有點無厘頭杨赤,但畢竟大部分也都有一些知識和科學做基礎(chǔ)。算不上嚴肅的學習截汪,但讀一讀也無傷大雅疾牲。

The first VCR was made in 1956 and was the size of a piano. 第一臺盒式錄像機1956年制造,有一架鋼琴的尺寸衙解。

The size of your foot is approximately the size of your forearm. 你的腳的尺寸大概是你小臂的尺寸阳柔。

Elephants get only two hours of sleep each day. 大象每天只睡兩個小時。

In one day, the human brain generates more electrical impulses than all the telephones in the world put together. 一個人的大腦在一天中產(chǎn)生的電脈沖比世界上所有電話加在一起產(chǎn)生的都多蚓峦。

The largest cell in the human body is the female reproductive cell , the ovum. The smallest is the male sperm. 人體內(nèi)最大的細胞是女性的生殖細胞-卵子舌剂。最小的是男性的精子。

Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave. 葡萄在微波爐里會爆炸暑椰。

Barbie is 25cm tall. 芭比娃娃25公分高霍转。

Human thighbones are as strong as concrete. ?人類的大腿骨像水泥一樣強壯。

Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance. 邱吉爾是在一場舞會的女洗手間出生的一汽。

Ice cream was invented in China around 2000 B.C. ?冰激凌于公元前2000年在中國發(fā)明避消。

Because of the rotation of the earth, an object can be thrown further if it is thrown West. 由于地球的轉(zhuǎn)動,一件物品如果往西扔,可以扔得更遠岩喷。

Ancient Romans believe chickpeas to be a powerful aphrodisiac. 古羅馬人相信鷹嘴豆是很有勁兒的春藥恕沫。

The poisonous copperhead snake smells like fresh cut cucumbers. 有毒的銅頭蛇聞著像新切開的黃瓜。

90-95% of all sensory perceptions are accounted for by sight. 90-95%的感官知覺來自視力纱意。

Placing a piece of charcoal, chalk or several mothballs in a toolbox prevents tools from rusting. 在工具箱里放一塊木炭婶溯,或粉筆,或幾個衛(wèi)生球妇穴,可以防止工具生銹爬虱。

In the course of an average lifetime you will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders. ?平均來說,你的一生在睡眠中會吃掉70只昆蟲和10只蜘蛛腾它。

The average speed of an avalanche is 35km an hour. 雪崩的平均速度是每小時35公里跑筝。

Most newborns cry without tears until they are three to six weeks old. 大部分新生兒在3到6周大之前,哭的時候都沒有眼淚瞒滴。

An igloo is so well insulated that you can sit inside without a coat when the outside temperature is as low as -30 degrees. 冰屋的絕緣保溫好到外邊溫度低到零下三十度時曲梗,你坐在里面都不用穿大衣。

Plain vanilla is the favourite flavour of any ice cream, making up 29% of all sales. 普通香草味是最受歡迎的冰激凌口味妓忍,占總銷售的29%虏两。

No piece of paper can be folded in half more than seven times. 沒有一張紙能被對折超過七次。

A polar bear's skin is black. Its fur is not white but actually clear. 北極熊的皮膚是黑色的世剖。它的毛不是白色定罢,實際上是透明的。

The blue whale weighs 50 tonnes at birth and as much as 150 tonnes fully grown. 藍鯨出生時體重50噸旁瘫,成年后可以達到150噸祖凫。

A violin contains about 70 individual pieces of wood. 一架小提琴包括大概70塊獨立的木頭。

The human brain is about 85% water. ?人類的大腦85%是水酬凳。

The world's oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9000 years old. 時間上最古老的口香糖有9000多年了惠况。

It is physicaly impossible for pigs to look up to the sky. 從生理結(jié)構(gòu)上而言,豬是不可能抬頭望天的宁仔。

By law, every child in Belgium must take harmonica lessons at primary school. 在比利時稠屠,法律規(guī)定每個孩子在小學都要上口琴課。

The average person is about a quarter of an inch taller at night. 一般人在夜晚身高高四分之一英寸翎苫。

There are more plastic flamingos in America than real ones. 美國的塑料火烈鳥比真鳥多权埠。

Swans are the only birds with penises. 天鵝是唯一有陰莖的鳥類。

A snail can sleep for three years. 蝸偶宓可以睡三年弊知。

A full moon always rises at sunset. 滿月總是在日落時升起。

Chicken soup was believed to be an aphrodisiac during the Middle Ages. 雞湯在中世紀被當做春藥粱快。

On average, women say 7000 words per day. Men manage just over 2000. 平均來說,女人每天說7000 個字。男人也就剛過2000事哭。

Cold water weighs less than hot water. ?冷水比熱水輕漫雷。

It takes approximately seven years for a lobster to grow to be about a kilogram. 龍蝦大概用七年才能長到一公斤。

Honey is the only food that does not spoil. 蜂蜜是唯一不會變質(zhì)的食品鳍咱。

If laid out in a straight line, the average adult's circulatory system would be long enough to circle Earth 2 and a half times. 如果擺成一條直線降盹,一個一般成年人的循環(huán)系統(tǒng)足夠繞地球兩圈半。

You are more likely to be attacked by a cow than a shark. 你被一頭牛攻擊的可能性大于鯊魚的攻擊谤辜。

The pupil of an eye expands as much as 45% when a person looks at something pleasing. 當看到賞心悅目的東西時蓄坏,一個人眼睛的瞳孔能放大45%挺智。

Seals sleep underwater and surface for air without waking. 海豹在水下睡覺西壮,在睡眠中浮上水面呼吸。

80% of all rose species in the world come from Asia. 世界上80%的玫瑰花種類源于亞洲或听。

The average human body contains enough potassium to fire a toy cannon. ?一個一般人體內(nèi)含的鉀足可以點燃一門玩具炮脯倚。

The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by the Egyptians in 2000 B.C. 已知的最早的避孕方法是公元前2000年古埃及人使用的鱷魚糞便渔彰。

More people are killed annually by donkeys than die in air crashes. 每年死于驢的人數(shù)多于死于空難的人數(shù)。

The human eye sees everything upside down, but the brain turns everything right side up. 人類的眼睛看任何東西都是上下顛倒的推正,但是大腦又把顛倒的圖像轉(zhuǎn)回來恍涂。

Babies have the strongest sense of smell. They can recognise their mothers by scent. ?嬰兒有最強的嗅覺。他們能通過氣味辨別出母親植榕。

50,000 cells in your body will have died and been replaced by new cells while you have been reading this sentence. 你讀這個句子的工夫再沧,你身體里五萬個細胞死了,又被新細胞代替尊残。

Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue prints are different. 像指紋一樣炒瘸,每個人有不同的舌頭的紋路。

The reason honey is so easy to digest is that it's already been digested by bees. 蜂蜜如此易消化的原因是它已經(jīng)被蜜蜂消化過了夜郁。

The honeybee kills more people worldwide than all the poisonous snakes combined. 全世界死于蜜蜂的人多于死于毒蛇的人什燕。

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. 鴕鳥的眼睛大于它的大腦。

One quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet. 你身體中四分之一的骨頭在你的雙腳竞端。

Some lions mate over 50 times a day. 有些獅子一天交配50次以上屎即。

Babies are born without knee caps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age. ?嬰兒出生時沒有膝蓋骨。它們在孩子長到兩到六歲時才出現(xiàn)事富。

Bats are the only mammal that can fly. ?蝙蝠是唯一能飛的哺乳動物技俐。

The average human body makes enough carbon for 900 pencils. 一個一般的人體可以產(chǎn)生足夠生產(chǎn)900支鉛筆的碳。

Our eyes are always the same from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. ?我們的眼睛從出生就不變统台,但我們的鼻子和耳朵從不停止生長雕擂。

More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call. 世界上超過50%的人從未打過或接聽過電話。

If the stomach did not store food, people would have to eat every 20 minutes. ?如果胃不能儲存食物贱勃,人每過20分鐘就要吃東西井赌。

On average, people fear spiders more than death. 平均來說谤逼,人對蜘蛛的恐懼大于對死亡的恐懼。

The cheetah is the only cat that can't retract its claws. 獵豹是唯一不能縮回爪子的貓科動物仇穗。

It snowed in the Sahara Desert on February 18, 1979. ?1979年2月18日撒哈拉沙漠下雪了流部。

Tomatoes were originally thought to be poisonous. ?最初人們認為西紅柿是有毒的。

Each year, insects eat one third of the world's food crop. ?每年昆蟲吃掉世界上三分之一的糧食纹坐。

Prior to the 1930s, diamond rings were rarely given as engagement ring. ?二十世紀三十年代以前枝冀,鉆戒很少被用來做訂婚戒指。

While performing her duties as Queen, Cleopatra sometimes wore a fake beard. ?埃及女王在履行做為女王的職責時耘子,有時戴上假胡子果漾。

23% of all photocopier faults are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their buttocks. ?23%的復印機的故障是由于人坐在上面復印自己的屁股造成的。

Clams have a row of eyes around their shells. 蛤蜊的殼外圈長著一排眼睛谷誓。

In most advertisements, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10. ?在大多數(shù)廣告里绒障,表上顯示的時間都是10:10。

Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants. 芬蘭禁止唐老鴨片林,因為它不穿褲子端盆。

The highest temperature on record was 57.78 degrees on 13 September 1992, in Azizia, Libya. 有記錄以來最高的氣溫是1992年9月13日在利比亞的阿齊濟耶,達到57.78攝氏度费封。

A man's ?voice is deeper than a woman's because males have longer vocal chords. 男人的嗓音比女人低是因為他們有更長的聲帶焕妙。

The largest pumpkin ever grown recorded a weight of 482kg. 世界上最大的南瓜重達482公斤。

The Inca Indians of Panama tie a string of chillies behind their boat to repel sharks. 巴拿馬的印加人在船后拴一串辣椒弓摘,用來驅(qū)趕鯊魚焚鹊。

120 drops of water fill a teaspoon. 一茶匙是120滴水。

The US bought Florida from Spain. 佛羅里達是美國從西班牙手里買的韧献。

Four tablespoons of tomato sauce contains the nutritional equivalant of a medium sized tomato. 四勺西紅柿醬的營養(yǎng)相當于一個中等大小的西紅柿末患。

The average adult eyeball weighs under 30 grams. 一般人的眼球都不足30克。

The koala is one of the few land animals that does not require water to survive. 考拉是陸地上很少的幾種不需要水也能存活的動物之一锤窑。

The Nobel Peace Prize medal depicts three naked men with their hands on each other's shoulders. 諾貝爾和平獎?wù)律鲜侨齻€手放在彼此肩上的裸體男人璧针。

It takes about 550 peanuts to make one jar of peanut butter. 一瓶花生醬大概需要550顆花生。

Frogs never drink. They absorb water from their surroundings by osmosis. 青蛙從不飲水渊啰。它們通過滲透吸收周圍的水分探橱。

Only fully grown male crickets can chirp. 只有完全成熟的公蟋蟀才能鳴叫。

The average person spends 2 weeks of their life waiting for a traffic light to change. 平均來說绘证,一個人要用生命中的兩星期等待交通燈變綠隧膏。

Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backward. 鴯鹋和袋鼠都不能倒著走。

Due to its eye placement a donkey can see all of its hooves at the same time. 驢的眼睛能同時看到自己所有蹄子嚷那。

In ancient Rome, oysters were so highly prized that they were sold for their weight in gold. 在古羅馬胞枕,生蠔身價貴如黃金。

The cashew nut belongs to the poison ivy family. 腰果仁屬于毒藤科魏宽。

A large cumulonimbus cloud can hold enough water for 500,000 baths. 一片大的積雨云帶的水可以裝滿五十萬個浴缸腐泻。

Green tea has 50% more vitamin C than black tea. 綠茶的維生素C含量比紅茶多50%决乎。

During menstruation, the sensitivity of a woman's middle finger is reduced. 月經(jīng)期間,女性的中指的敏感度會降低贫悄。

Strawberries are the only fruit whose seeds grow on the outside. 草莓是唯一的種子長在外面的水果瑞驱。

90% of all living things in the sea are made up of plankton. 海洋生物的90%是浮游生物。

The tulip actually originated in Turkey, not Holland. 郁金香原產(chǎn)于土耳其窄坦,不是荷蘭。

Experts say the common cold will delay a child's growth for the cold's duration. 專家稱孩子在平常的感冒期間發(fā)育暫停凳寺。

The left lung is smaller than the right, allowing room for your heart. 左邊的肺小于右邊鸭津,留出心臟的空間。

Botanically, true berries include grape, tomato and eggplant, but not raspberries and blackberries. 按植物學劃分肠缨,漿果包括葡萄逆趋,西紅柿和茄子,不包括樹莓(覆盆子)和黑莓晒奕。

People living at high altitudes have more red blood cells than people living at sea level. 生活在高海拔地區(qū)的人有更多的紅血球闻书。

The first vacuum was so large it was brought to a house by horses. 最早的吸塵器大到要用幾匹馬來拉。

Podiatrists state that the average pair of feet travel about 190,000km in a life time. 足科醫(yī)生稱平均一雙腳一生要走十九萬公里脑慧。

Owls are reportedly the only birds that can see the colour blue. 據(jù)稱貓頭鷹是唯一能看到藍色的鳥類魄眉。

Tuna suffocate if they stop swimming. 金槍魚如果停止游泳,就會窒息闷袒。

Your feet are bigger in the afternoon than at any other time of the day. 你的腳在下午時比在一天其它時間都大坑律。

Chickens can travel up to 15km per hour. 雞可以達到每小時15公里的速度。

On average a cow produces 40 glasses of milk daily. 一頭牛平均每天出40杯牛奶囊骤。

Rabbits are born hairless and with closed eyes; hares are born covered with fur and with open eyes. 家兔出生時沒有毛晃择,閉著眼;野兔出生時就有毛也物,睜著眼宫屠。

Fingernails grow faster on your favoured hand. 你慣用的手的指甲長得快。

Chickens will not walk on ice. 雞不會在冰上走滑蚯。

Never for one minute trust a sleeping snake. They can see through their eyelids. 千萬別相信蛇在睡覺浪蹂。它們能通過眼皮看到你。

The average loaf of bread is more than a third water. 一塊一般的面包三分之一都是水膘魄。

Human share about 50% of their DNA with bananas. 人類和香蕉有大約50%的基因是相同的乌逐。


Seeing somebody else smile actually makes you happier. 看到他人微笑创葡,確實能使你快樂一些浙踢。

讓我們都做使別人快樂的人吧!Ready, set, SMILE!


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  • 我被黑心中介騙來泰國打工沸版, 沒想到剛下飛機就差點兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留嘁傀,地道東北人。 一個月前我還...
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  • 正文 我出身青樓视粮,卻偏偏與公主長得像细办,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親。 傳聞我的和親對象是個殘疾皇子馒铃,可洞房花燭夜當晚...
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