Spark Streaming 數(shù)據(jù)準備階段分析(Receiver方式)

Spark Streaming概述
Spark Streaming 初始化過程
Spark Streaming Receiver啟動過程分析
Spark Streaming 數(shù)據(jù)準備階段分析(Receiver方式)
Spark Streaming 數(shù)據(jù)計算階段分析
SparkStreaming Backpressure分析
Spark Streaming Executor DynamicAllocation 機制分析


1仰禀、Spark Streaming數(shù)據(jù)準備流程

SparkStreaming的全過程分為兩個階段:數(shù)據(jù)準備階段和數(shù)據(jù)計算階段典勇。兩個階段在功能上相互獨立馁启,僅通過數(shù)據(jù)聯(lián)系在一起。本文重點從源碼角度分析Spark Streaming數(shù)據(jù)準備階段的具體流程励翼。

Spark Streaming數(shù)據(jù)準備階段包含對流入數(shù)據(jù)的接收、分片(按照時間片劃分為數(shù)據(jù)集)以及分片數(shù)據(jù)的分發(fā)工作技矮。其轉(zhuǎn)數(shù)據(jù)的接收轉(zhuǎn)化過程主要有以下幾個關(guān)鍵步驟:

  1. Receiver接收外部數(shù)據(jù)流泳炉,其將接收的數(shù)據(jù)流交由BlockGenerator存儲在ArrayBuffer中,在存儲之前會先獲取許可(由“spark.streaming.receiver.maxRate”指定任洞,spark 1.5之后由backpressure進行自動計算蓄喇,代表可以存取的最大速率,每存儲一條數(shù)據(jù)獲取一個許可交掏,若未獲取到許可接收將阻塞)妆偏。
  2. BlockGenerater中定義一Timer,其依據(jù)設置的Interval定時將ArrayBuffer中的數(shù)據(jù)取出,包裝成Block,并將Block存放入blocksForPushing中(阻塞隊列ArrayBlockingQueue)盅弛,并將ArrayBuffer清空
  3. BlockGenerater中的blockPushingThread線程從阻塞隊列中取出取出block信息钱骂,并以onPushBlock的方式將消息通過監(jiān)聽器(listener)發(fā)送給ReceiverSupervisor.
  4. ReceiverSupervisor收到消息后叔锐,將對消息中攜帶數(shù)據(jù)進行處理,其會通過調(diào)用BlockManager對數(shù)據(jù)進行存儲见秽,并將存儲結(jié)果信息向ReceiverTracker匯報
  5. ReceiverTracker收到消息后愉烙,將信息存儲在未分配Block隊列(streamidToUnallocatedBlock)中,等待JobGenerator生成Job時將其指定給RDD

1過程持續(xù)進行解取,2-5 以BlockInterval為周期重復執(zhí)行.


以WordCount應用為例,程序見Spark Streaming概述

2.1 數(shù)據(jù)接收


 def receive() {
    try {
      val iterator = bytesToObjects(socket.getInputStream())
      while(!isStopped && iterator.hasNext) {

   * Store a single item of received data to Spark's memory.
   * These single items will be aggregated together into data blocks before
   * being pushed into Spark's memory.
  def store(dataItem: T) {

其中 supervisor的pushSingle()實現(xiàn)如下:

 /** Push a single record of received data into block generator. */
  def pushSingle(data: Any) {

其調(diào)用defaultBlockGenerator的addData將數(shù)據(jù)添加進currentBuffer伦忠,其中defaultBlockGenerator 即為BlockGenerator,其addData方法如下:

   * Push a single data item into the buffer.
  def addData(data: Any): Unit = {
    if (state == Active) {
      synchronized {
        if (state == Active) {
          currentBuffer += data
        } else {
          throw new SparkException(
            "Cannot add data as BlockGenerator has not been started or has been stopped")
    } else {
      throw new SparkException(
        "Cannot add data as BlockGenerator has not been started or has been stopped")

分析上述代碼省核,其中waitToPush()方法,是用來控制接收速率的昆码,與BackPressure機制相關(guān),"SparkStreaming Backpressure分析"一章會進行詳細分析气忠。當獲取到許可之后,數(shù)據(jù)將會存入currentBuffer中赋咽,并等待進行后續(xù)處理旧噪。

2.2 數(shù)據(jù)切片

"Spark Streaming Receiver啟動過程分析"提到淘钟,在啟動Receiver進會創(chuàng)建ReceiverSupervisorImpl, ReceiverSupervisorImpl又會創(chuàng)建并啟動BlockGenerator陪毡,用于對Receiver接收的數(shù)據(jù)流進行切片操作米母。其切片是以定時器的方式進行的。其時間周期由“spark.streaming.blockInterval”進行設置毡琉,默認為200ms.


 /** Start block generating and pushing threads. */
  def start(): Unit = synchronized {
    if (state == Initialized) {
      state = Active
      logInfo("Started BlockGenerator")
    } else {
      throw new SparkException(
        s"Cannot start BlockGenerator as its not in the Initialized state [state = $state]")


  • blockIntervalTimer為定時器任務铁瞒,其會周期性的執(zhí)行計劃任務
  private val blockIntervalMs = conf.getTimeAsMs("spark.streaming.blockInterval", "200ms")
  require(blockIntervalMs > 0, s"'spark.streaming.blockInterval' should be a positive value")

  private val blockIntervalTimer =
    new RecurringTimer(clock, blockIntervalMs, updateCurrentBuffer, "BlockGenerator")
  • blockPushingThread為新線程,負載不斷的從阻塞隊列中取出打包的數(shù)據(jù)
private val blockPushingThread = new Thread() { override def run() { keepPushingBlocks() } }

2.2.1 數(shù)據(jù)流切分


 /** Change the buffer to which single records are added to. */
  private def updateCurrentBuffer(time: Long): Unit = {
    try {
      var newBlock: Block = null
      synchronized {
        if (currentBuffer.nonEmpty) {   //如果buffer空,則不生成block.
          val newBlockBuffer = currentBuffer
          currentBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[Any]
          val blockId = StreamBlockId(receiverId, time - blockIntervalMs)
          newBlock = new Block(blockId, newBlockBuffer)

      if (newBlock != null) {
        blocksForPushing.put(newBlock)  // put is blocking when queue is full
    } catch {
      case ie: InterruptedException =>
        logInfo("Block updating timer thread was interrupted")
      case e: Exception =>
        reportError("Error in block updating thread", e)

2.2.2 數(shù)據(jù)傳輸

blockPushingThread 線程啟動會号俐,將執(zhí)行keepPushingBlocks()方法师枣,從阻塞隊列中取出切片后的數(shù)據(jù),并通過defaultBlockGeneratorListener轉(zhuǎn)發(fā),并等待下一步存儲萧落、分發(fā)操作践美。(defaultBlockGeneratorListener在ReceiverSupervisorImpl中定義)。

/** Keep pushing blocks to the BlockManager. */
  private def keepPushingBlocks() {
    logInfo("Started block pushing thread")

    def areBlocksBeingGenerated: Boolean = synchronized {
      state != StoppedGeneratingBlocks

    try {
      // While blocks are being generated, keep polling for to-be-pushed blocks and push them.
      while (areBlocksBeingGenerated) {
        Option(blocksForPushing.poll(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) match {
          case Some(block) => pushBlock(block)
          case None =>

      // At this point, state is StoppedGeneratingBlock. So drain the queue of to-be-pushed blocks.
      logInfo("Pushing out the last " + blocksForPushing.size() + " blocks")
      while (!blocksForPushing.isEmpty) {
        val block = blocksForPushing.take()
        logDebug(s"Pushing block $block")
        logInfo("Blocks left to push " + blocksForPushing.size())
      logInfo("Stopped block pushing thread")
    } catch {
      case ie: InterruptedException =>
        logInfo("Block pushing thread was interrupted")
      case e: Exception =>
        reportError("Error in block pushing thread", e)


 private def pushBlock(block: Block) {
    listener.onPushBlock(, block.buffer)
    logInfo("Pushed block " +

2.3 Block 存儲與匯報

BlockGeneratorListener 監(jiān)控到onPushBlock事件后找岖,會對傳輸?shù)臄?shù)據(jù)分片進行存儲操作陨倡,并向ReceiverTracker匯報。

2.3.1 Block存儲

BlockGeneratorListener 監(jiān)控到onPushBlock事件后许布,經(jīng)過一系列調(diào)整兴革,最后將調(diào)用 pushAndReportBlock對數(shù)據(jù)分片進行存儲,pushAndReportBlock的實現(xiàn)如下:

/** Store block and report it to driver */
  def pushAndReportBlock(
      receivedBlock: ReceivedBlock,
      metadataOption: Option[Any],
      blockIdOption: Option[StreamBlockId]
    ) {
    val blockId = blockIdOption.getOrElse(nextBlockId)
    val time = System.currentTimeMillis
    val blockStoreResult = receivedBlockHandler.storeBlock(blockId, receivedBlock)
    logDebug(s"Pushed block $blockId in ${(System.currentTimeMillis - time)} ms")
    val numRecords = blockStoreResult.numRecords
    val blockInfo = ReceivedBlockInfo(streamId, numRecords, metadataOption, blockStoreResult)
    logDebug(s"Reported block $blockId")

其中蜜唾,數(shù)據(jù)通過receivedBlockHandler存儲為Block, ReceivedBlockHandler有兩種實現(xiàn)

  • WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler 杂曲, 開啟WAL時會使用此實現(xiàn)
  • BlockManagerBasedBlockHandler,默認情況下會使用此實現(xiàn) 袁余。

BlockManagerBasedBlockHandler通過BlockManager的接口對數(shù)據(jù)在Receiver所在節(jié)點進行保存擎勘,并依據(jù)StorageLevel 設置的副本數(shù),在其它Executor中保存副本颖榜。保存副本的方法如下所示:

   * Replicate block to another node. Note that this is a blocking call that returns after
   * the block has been replicated.
  private def replicate(
      blockId: BlockId,
      data: ChunkedByteBuffer,
      level: StorageLevel,
      classTag: ClassTag[_]): Unit = {
    var peersForReplication = blockReplicationPolicy.prioritize(


   * Method to prioritize a bunch of candidate peers of a block. This is a basic implementation,
   * that just makes sure we put blocks on different hosts, if possible
   * @param blockManagerId Id of the current BlockManager for self identification
   * @param peers A list of peers of a BlockManager
   * @param peersReplicatedTo Set of peers already replicated to
   * @param blockId BlockId of the block being replicated. This can be used as a source of
   *                randomness if needed.
   * @return A prioritized list of peers. Lower the index of a peer, higher its priority
  override def prioritize(
      blockManagerId: BlockManagerId,
      peers: Seq[BlockManagerId],
      peersReplicatedTo: mutable.HashSet[BlockManagerId],
      blockId: BlockId,
      numReplicas: Int): List[BlockManagerId] = {
    val random = new Random(blockId.hashCode)
    logDebug(s"Input peers : ${peers.mkString(", ")}")
    val prioritizedPeers = if (peers.size > numReplicas) {
      getSampleIds(peers.size, numReplicas, random).map(peers(_))
    } else {
      if (peers.size < numReplicas) {
        logWarning(s"Expecting ${numReplicas} replicas with only ${peers.size} peer/s.")
    logDebug(s"Prioritized peers : ${prioritizedPeers.mkString(", ")}")

2.3.2 Block 匯報




case AddBlock(receivedBlockInfo) =>
        if (WriteAheadLogUtils.isBatchingEnabled(ssc.conf, isDriver = true)) {
          walBatchingThreadPool.execute(new Runnable {
            override def run(): Unit = Utils.tryLogNonFatalError {
              if (active) {
              } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("ReceiverTracker RpcEndpoint shut down.")
        } else {

  /** Add new blocks for the given stream */
  private def addBlock(receivedBlockInfo: ReceivedBlockInfo): Boolean = {


  /** Add received block. This event will get written to the write ahead log (if enabled). */
  def addBlock(receivedBlockInfo: ReceivedBlockInfo): Boolean = {
    try {
      val writeResult = writeToLog(BlockAdditionEvent(receivedBlockInfo))
      if (writeResult) {
        synchronized {
          getReceivedBlockQueue(receivedBlockInfo.streamId) += receivedBlockInfo
        logDebug(s"Stream ${receivedBlockInfo.streamId} received " +
          s"block ${receivedBlockInfo.blockStoreResult.blockId}")
      } else {
        logDebug(s"Failed to acknowledge stream ${receivedBlockInfo.streamId} receiving " +
          s"block ${receivedBlockInfo.blockStoreResult.blockId} in the Write Ahead Log.")
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        logError(s"Error adding block $receivedBlockInfo", e)

  /** Get the queue of received blocks belonging to a particular stream */
  private def getReceivedBlockQueue(streamId: Int): ReceivedBlockQueue = {
    streamIdToUnallocatedBlockQueues.getOrElseUpdate(streamId, new ReceivedBlockQueue)


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