Reservation desk, please. 請接服務臺志秃。
I'll be late checking in. 我將會晚一點來登記怔球。
It seems I can't go there today. 我今天似乎無法到達那里。
May I go there late? 我可遲點兒到那里嗎浮还?
I'd like to cancel the hotel. 我想取消旅館的房間竟坛。
This room is too small. 這個房間太小了。
Double room, please. 請給我一間雙人房钧舌。
The noise of the next door won't make me sleep. 隔壁的吵鬧聲使我無法入睡担汤。
An air-conditioning is too cold. 冷氣太冷了。
Hot water of the tub doesn't come. 浴缸的熱水出不來洼冻。
Where is a bus stop for China Town? 往中國城車站在哪里崭歧?
How do I go there? 我如何去那兒?
Is it near from here? 離這兒近嗎?
Will you take me to the bus stop? 請你帶我去車站好嗎撞牢?
Where does this bus go? 這輛公共汽車開往哪里率碾?
Is there a subway station around here? 附近有地鐵站嗎叔营?
Where can I get a ticket? 我在哪里可買到票?
How much is it as far as Oakland? 到奧克蘭的票要多少錢所宰?
At what station shall I change train? 我應在哪一站換車绒尊?
Is the flight entrance far from here? 登機口離這兒遠嗎?
Excuse me, but where am I? 請問這兒是什么地方仔粥?
Will you tell me the way to City Hall? 請你告訴我去市政廳該怎么走好嗎婴谱?
What street is this? 這條是什么街?
Will you please map the place? 請你在地圖上指出這個地方好嗎?
How many minutes walk from here? 從這里走要多少分鐘躯泰?
Can I find it easily? 我會很容易就找到嗎谭羔?
Would you take me there? 請你帶我去那里好嗎?
Where is the elevator? 電梯在哪里麦向?
Isn't there a restroom around here? 這附近有沒有洗手間口糕?
I don't have any coins, please change. 我沒有零錢,請換一下磕蛇。
How about having dinner with me? 和我一塊兒吃飯如何景描?
I've got married. 我已經(jīng)結婚了。
I'll have a headache when I drink. 我一喝酒就頭痛秀撇。
I feel ill now, so the next time, please. 現(xiàn)在我覺得不太舒服超棺,改天吧!
I'm tired, so I'll come back to the hotel. 我很疲倦呵燕,想要回旅館棠绘。
I have no time to kill. 我沒有時間可以消磨。
Could you dance with me? 你可以和我一塊跳舞嗎再扭?
No kidding. 別開玩笑了氧苍。
I can't understand what you say. 我不懂你在說什么。
Please tell me if I can help you. 若我能幫上忙泛范,請告訴我让虐。