. 當我們覺得生活陷入了機械性的重復之中儒旬,大多數(shù)人會認為氏涩,旅行是最好的解決之道宫蛆。
. Travel is the answer much of us look to when we feel the automation of life.
. 起床缘琅、上班、下班漱办、回家休息放松、上床睡覺.......這一切循環(huán)往復,如同走上了一條永無盡頭的道路腾仅。
. Waking up, going to work, getting off work, going home, relaxing, going to sleep, and then doing it all over again can feel like a never-ending road.
. 這是一個“紙盒模型”的模型漫萄,從我們日常生活中的一周宋梧、一月刨疼、一年中任意抽取一天,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)瘪板,自己的活動空間都只有這么大吴趴。
. This is The Box of Daily Experience, and it is the space we occupy on any given day of the week/month/year in which we live our lives.
. 紙盒的邊界明確界定了每個人當下的現(xiàn)狀。因此當我們心懷期待篷帅,展望著激動人心的未來史侣,其實是希望拋開紙盒,體驗不同的情感魏身,比如驚喜和靈感惊橱。
. The boundaries of our box define our present-day situation, so when we dreamingly gaze toward the prospects of an exciting future, we look outside of it to experience like wonderment, and inspiration.
. 你下決心拋開這個紙盒,因為正是它帶來了源源不斷的煩擾箭昵。你堅定地認為税朴,解決這一問題的最好方式是旅行。
. You decide that the box needs to be left behind, because it is the source of perpetual discontentmen, and you determine that the best way to do this is through travel.
. 于是你請好假家制,來到一個從未去過的國度正林。你陶醉于陌生事物的美,讓自己沉浸在廣闊的異域文化與新奇生活中颤殴,而這樣的生活是紙盒無法給予你的觅廓。
. So you take some time off work, and head off to a country you've never been to. You revel in the beauty of the unfamiliar and immerse yourself in a boundless expanse of culture, and life that your box has never known.