International English Phonetic Alphabet
Vowel, 元音
? ? ? ? a, father, hot, body, sob, fog
? ? ? ? ?, law, daughter, caught
? ? ? ? ?, said, head, says
? ? ? ? i, heat, be, receive
? ? ? ? ?, him, been, women, enough
? ? ? ? ?, have, at, bad, staff
? ? ? ? ?, love, blood, trouble, of
? ? ? ? ?, sofa, about
? ? ? ? ?, book, could, pull
? ? ? ? ?, burn, journey, worth
? ? ? ? u, through, blue, do
Diphthong, 雙元音
? ? ? a?,town, round, bough
? ? ? o?, though, no, show, phone
? ? ? ??, toy, moist, joy
? ? ? a?, my, height, buy
? ? ? e?, fade, maid, gauge
? ? ? ju, beauty, union, feud
Consonant, 輔音
? ? ? d, dime, smiled, redo
? ? ? t, washed, untie, tip
? ? ? v, value, of, love
? ? ? f, staff, enough, phone
? ? ? b, big, son, abandon
? ? ? p, pan, ship, reapply
? ? ? g, gap, exhibit, fog
? ? ? k, choir[kwa???], quiet[kwa? ?t], back
? ? ? ?, thanks, filthy['f?l ?i], with
? ? ? e, bother[bae ??], this, bathe
? ? ? s, ice, some, ax
? ? ? z, lazy, flowers, possess
? ? ? ?, polish[pal ??], ocean, issue
? ? ? ?, beige[be??], vision['v?? ?n], azure['?? ??]
? ? ? t?, chase, march[ma?t?], chapter
? ? ? d?, joy, grudge[g??d?], change
? ? ? h, happy, rehash, hi
? ? ? ?, wrong[???], operate['ap ?? ?e?t], ear[???]
? ? ? j翠桦,yummy, yes[j?s], music[mju z?k]
? ? ? m, mummy, mumble, some
? ? ? n, nine, no, undo[?n du]
? ? ? ?, ring, thank, anger
? ? ? l, follow, feel[fil], like[la?k]
? ? ? w, quiet, will, one[w?n]