1. It may seem as if you are casting aside Habit 2.
Cast aside: If you cast aside someone or something, you get rid of them because they are no longer necessary or useful to you. 踢開到旦,丟棄磺陡,拋棄(不再有用的人或物)
e.g. Sometimes it is hard to cast aside the outdated thinking, which is deep-seated in our mind.
2.They were hungry for something new and exciting
hungry for: eager 渴望···龟梦,我認為這個表達很簡單但卻很形象,hungry本義是饑餓的意思凌停,餓了就想去吃東西赡模,引申為渴望一些什么東西···
e.g. I hungry for success.
3.He facilitated the kind of human interaction.
Facilitate: to make an action or a process possible or easier 促進;促使;使便利
e.g. The One Belt One Road will facilitate more rapid economic growth.
4. All that did was to exacerbate the problem.
exacerbate:(formal) to make sth worse, especially a disease or problem使惡化二拐;使加劇凳兵;使加重
e.g. Air pollution exacerbated the environmental problem.
5. We realize that giving a positive reflection to others in no way diminishes us.
diminish:貶低;輕視 If you diminish someone or something, you talk about them or treat them in a way that makes them appear less important than they really are.
e.g. When you rely on someone so deeply, you will feel diminish by it.
6. The law of justice is immutable.
immutable:永遠不變的;永恒的 Something that is immutable will never change or cannot be changed.
e.g. "Beauty is truth, beauty truth" is Keats' immutable principle.
From habit 6 to habit 7
? Habit 6---synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, learning to interact and cooperate with others to create great benefits. For example, in synergistic communication, we can open our mind and heart and expression to new possibilities and new options. Synergy in the classroom, it will produce brainstorming with the spirit of creativity, imagining and intellectual networking. Synergy in business, it will bring a collective free association and a spontaneous piggybacking of ideas. In addition, synergy will offer us the third alternative to cope with formidable problems well. Meanwhile, the essence of synergy---value the difference gives us different perspectives to see the world. After learning the six habits, the most significant thing is to sharpen the saw(principles of balanced self-renewel)---habit 7.It makes other habits possible on the basic of four dimensions of renewal: physical, spiritual, mental and social/emotional which needs to deal with them in a wise and balanced way.
Habit 6 給我印象最深便是整體的力量大于個體以及value the differences.特別是那個synergy in classroom卓鹿, 大家在激烈的討論,發(fā)表自己的觀點留荔,思想的碰撞吟孙,激發(fā)創(chuàng)造力,想象力聚蝶。這都遠遠大于個人所能夠企及的高度杰妓,不僅讓自己理解更多的東西,還能做出最好的方案碘勉。Value the differences, 讓我想到"我有一個蘋果巷挥,你有一個蘋果,我們倆交換验靡,還是彼此只有一個蘋果倍宾;但如果我有一種思想,你有一種思想胜嗓,我們交換高职,我們就有了兩種思想"。對待不同的觀點辞州,我們不是去勸說別人放棄自己的觀點而接受自己的觀點怔锌,更不是去詆毀別人的觀點,我們要做的便是擁抱不同的觀點,從對方的視覺中埃元,我們可以看到不同的風景涝涤,何樂而不為呢?就如我們看各種文學作品岛杀,我們能通過作者的描述阔拳,體驗不同的文化與生活,在不同的世界里穿梭类嗤,開闊自己的眼界糊肠,增長自己的見識。
Habit 7 sharpen the saw (principles of balanced self-renewel),我的理解為:當我們行走的太匆忙土浸,我們需要停下來罪针,好好審視自己的走過的路彭羹,好好想想自己的未來黄伊,找回幸福快樂的感覺派殷,renewal and refresh,再重新開始上路还最,又是一個全新的自己。