Different from other presidents, as President Joe Biden’s one-month mark is approached, the public attention is on his predecessor, Donald Trump. Although Trump received his acquittal in February, argument over the topic that Republicans should stand with or denounce Trump strikes the party. Even without the infighting, Trump still faces investigations for his business dealing and gets involved in a lawsuit that charges Trump participating in the Jan 6. attack with violating civil rights, as well as his bribery during the selection, which draw press’s attention.
Biden is happy to let Trump take the headlines because he has not been the focus for the press. He gets the time to reverse 19 Trump-era executive actions and issues 32 others. When the public’s attention turns for him, he will realize the liability from the predecessor and need the American’s support for his long-term proposals, like fighting climate change, increasing racial equity and so on. And it seems that Biden is ready to take back the spotlight according to a Feb. 16 CNN town hall in Wisconsin.