討厭就是討厭 不是就是不是 一定要表達準確 你別模棱兩可讓人難過
Say you understand,or you have to read it again.??
從沒想過要傷害誰 對一切也感到抱歉
Like this
又忍著失望的 不解的 痛恨的 又只用空瓶把今天砸碎
Totally agree with him
世界彌漫著焦躁不安的氣息 因為每個人 都急于從自己的枷鎖里解放出來 然后進入另一個枷鎖 所以要笑啊
four points of criticism
1 to say that an author is uninformed is to say that he lacks some piece of konwledge which is relevant to the problem he is trying to solve
2 to say that an author is misinformed is to say that he asserts what is not the case.
3 to say that an author is illogical is to say he has committed a fallacy in reasoning
4 to say that an authors analysis is incomplete is to say that he has not solved all the problems he started with,or that he has not made as good a use of materials as possible,that he did not see all their implications and ramifications.
The chief foundations of all states,new as well as old,are good laws.As there cannot be good laws where the state is not well armed,it follows that where they are well armed they have good news.
一會高興 一會悲傷 一會孤單 一會燦爛
Use skill to read with discrimination
怪誕與清新并存的力量 躁得像一團火
一個人仰望著那里 輕微戰(zhàn)栗 堅硬 明亮 以及眺望中 抵達遠方的樸素