而在郵件的【Shorter App Names】部分吊说,蘋果除解釋了縮短標題的原因之外,還向開發(fā)者推薦了創(chuàng)建更有效的應用名稱优炬、圖標颁井、關鍵詞、截圖和描述等元數(shù)據(jù)的方式蠢护。
?(橫線部分英文翻譯:欲了解更多關于如何設置有效的應用名稱雅宾、圖標、關鍵詞葵硕、截圖和描述的信息眉抬,可閱讀?【App Store Product Page】。)
Every element of your App Store product page has the power to drive downloads of your app. Creating a great app is just the beginning — now it’s time to help users find and engage with your app through thoughtfully crafted app metadata.
App Store產品頁的每個元素都可以驅動App下載量的增加。創(chuàng)建一款偉大的App其實僅僅是一個開端——是時候通過精心制作的應用程序元數(shù)據(jù)來幫助用戶發(fā)現(xiàn)和使用你的App了棒掠。
App Name(應用名稱)
Your app’s name plays a critical role in how users discover it on the App Store. Choose a simple, memorable name that is easy to spell and hints at what your app does. Be distinctive — avoid names that use generic terms or are substantially similar to existing app names.
在用戶如何于App Store中發(fā)現(xiàn)應用方面孵构,應用名稱扮演著非常關鍵的角色。請選擇一個簡單烟很、令人難忘的名字颈墅,也就是說,這個名字最好容易拼寫雾袱,且能顯示應用用途恤筛。請確保它是獨特的——避免在應用名稱部分使用通用術語,或和現(xiàn)有的應用名稱類似的詞語芹橡。
The length of your app name is limited to no longer than 50 characters. Notice how your app name will appear on the App Store for each device, including each version of iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. We recommend keeping your app name to around 23 characters or less for optimal presentation on every device. Long names may be truncated, which means users will not see all the characters.
應用名稱的長度應限制在50個字符以內毒坛。你的應用的名稱可能會出現(xiàn)在為每種設備(包括每個版本的iPhone、iPad和Apple TV)而設立的應用商店中,所以煎殷,我們建議屯伞,讓應用名稱保持在23個字符左右或更少,讓其在每個設備(的應用商店)上都有最優(yōu)的表現(xiàn)豪直。否則劣摇,過長的名字很可能被截斷,這將意味著用戶不會看到所有的字符顶伞。
1. 應用名稱最好簡潔饵撑,且能顯示出應用的用途。
2. 應確保應用名稱是獨一無二的唆貌,且避免在標題部分添加競品名稱/和競品名稱類似的詞語滑潘。
3. 應用名稱的長度應限制在50個字符以內→如果想讓應用名稱在各種設備的應用商店中保持良好的視覺效果,最好將字符數(shù)控制在23個左右或更少锨咙。
Your app icon is one of the first elements of your app that users see, so it’s essential to make a strong first impression that communicates your app’s quality and purpose. Work with a graphic designer to create an icon that is simple and recognizable. Consider testing different options to determine which icon is the most recognizable and meaningful to your target audience.
To ensure the icon is legible in all required sizes, use widely recognizable symbols and avoid adding unnecessary visual details. For more on creating a beautiful and memorable icon, read the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
確保所有尺寸的圖標都是清晰的诅需,盡可能多的使用易于辨識的標識,并避免添加不必要的視覺上的細節(jié)效果荧库。更多關于如何設計一款精美且易記的圖標的信息堰塌,請閱讀iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
1. 應用圖標最好能顯示出應用的用途,并給人強烈的第一印象分衫。
2. 不要在視覺上添加不必要的效果场刑,簡單、辨認度高的圖標效果會更好蚪战。
App Previews(應用預覽視頻)
An app preview demonstrates the features, functionality, and UI of your app in a short video that users can watch directly on the App Store. Previews are between 15 and 30 seconds long and use footage captured on the device to show the experience of using your app.
用戶可以在App Store中通過短視頻來直接觀察應用的特性牵现、功能和用戶界面,而這個短視頻便是應用預覽視頻邀桑。預覽視頻的時長需在15至30秒之間施籍,且最好用鏡頭捕捉那些如何在相應設備上使用該應用程序的畫面。
App previews are displayed as the first image on your app’s product page, followed by your app screenshots. Like your app icon, your preview poster frame is one of the first elements a user will see on your product page, so ensure the frame is visually compelling and conveys the essence of your app.
For more details, read Show More with App Previews.
欲知更多詳情照弥,讀閱讀Show More with App Previews腻异。
1. 預覽視頻的時長需在15至30秒之間。
2. 用那些能表現(xiàn)如何在相應設備上使用該應用的畫面这揣,效果會更好悔常。
3. 確保畫面在視覺上吸引人,且傳達應用的精華→和應用圖標類似给赞,預覽視頻的海報是用戶在產品詳情頁上看到的第一個元素机打。
Use images captured from your app’s UI to visually communicate your app’s user experience.Your first two screenshots should encapsulate the essence of your app, as these images display in search results when no app preview is available. Focus each subsequent screenshot on a main benefit or feature so that you fully convey your app’s value.
1. 最好使用從應用的用戶界面捕獲的圖像。
2. 重視前兩張截圖耻台。
3. 其他截圖也應該著重體現(xiàn)應用的主要用途或特性空免。
Provide your audience with an engaging description that highlights the features and functionality of your app. The ideal description is a concise, attention-grabbing paragraph followed by a short list of main features. Let potential users know what makes your app unique and why they will love it. Communicate in the tone of your brand, and use terminology your target audience will appreciate and understand.
The first few sentences of your description are the most important — this is what users can read without having to tap to read more. Every word counts, so focus your description on your app’s unique features. If you choose to mention an accolade, we recommend putting it at the end of the description.
Don’t add unnecessary keywords to your description in an attempt to affect search results. This provides a bad experience for users and can create a negative impression of your app’s quality.
Also avoid including specific prices in your app description. Pricing is already shown on the product page, and references within the description won’t be accurate in all countries and territories.
1. 將最重要的內容放到最前面→用戶查看應用詳情時吮旅,(在不點擊“更多”的情況下)所看到的描述部分的內容是有限的(大約3~5行)。
2. 可以在描述的上半部分寫一段簡潔味咳、吸引人的文字庇勃,然后在下面列出應用的主要特征。
3. 最好闡述應用的獨特之處槽驶。
4. 使用符合品牌基調的語氣以及術語责嚷。
5. 不要在描述部分添加不必要的關鍵詞,去試圖影響搜索結果捺檬,因為這樣不利于用戶體驗再层。
6. 避免在應用描述部分添加價格信息→價格信息已經顯示在產品頁面中了&在描述中提及的話,該價格可能不適用于所有的國家和地區(qū)堡纬。
What’s New(最新動態(tài))
When you update your app, your What’s New description is an opportunity to communicate directly with active users. If you added a feature or fixed a bug based on feedback or reviews, let your users know you’ve listened to them. List new features, content, or functionality in order of importance, and add call-to-action messaging that gets users excited about the update.
1. “最新動態(tài)”部分也能達到和活躍用戶直接溝通的效果。
2. 最好按照重要程度來排列更新的內容或功能侣肄。
3. 如果添加的特性或修復的bug參考了用戶的反饋或評論旧困,你可以在這里告訴用戶。
4. 可以號召用戶去體驗更新內容或功能稼锅。
Keywords impact where your app displays in search results. Carefully choose your keywords to ensure your app is easily discoverable. Think about the specific words your audience might use to search for an app like yours, and use those words when entering your keyword metadata. Broad or less relevant terms can make it hard for users to find your app.
Keywords are limited to 100 characters total, with words separated by commas. Maximize the number of words that fit in this character limit by avoiding the following.
1毅整、plurals of words that you’ve already included in singular form(復數(shù)的單詞——已添加了該詞的單數(shù)形式)
2趣兄、the names of categories or the word “app”(類別的名稱或“應用”一詞)
3、duplicate words(重復的詞語)
1. 在選取關鍵詞時悼嫉,可多去考慮用戶的搜索習慣——在搜索該應用時經常使用的特定詞語。
2. 關鍵詞總數(shù)應限制在100個字符以內拼窥。
3. 詞語之間用逗號分隔開來更有利于蘋果分詞組詞戏蔑。?4. 不用加類別的名稱或“應用”等詞語。?5. 重復某個詞語也不會增加任何權重鲁纠。
iTunes Connect lets you assign your app to two categories where users can browse to find it. The primary category you select is particularly important for your app’s discoverability on the App Store — this will be the category in which the app appears for search results. Be sure to select the category that best describes the main function of your app.
iTunes Connect允許開發(fā)者將應用分配到兩個類之中总棵,用戶可以通過瀏覽相應的類別找到應用。對于應用在App Store的可發(fā)現(xiàn)性來說改含,主要類別的選擇尤為重要——它將是應用搜索結果中展示的類別情龄。一定要確保所選擇的類別能更好地描述應用的主要功能。
For more details, read Choosing a Category.
1. iTunes Connect允許開發(fā)者為應用選擇兩個分類骤视,主要類別尤為重要——它將是應用搜索結果中展示的類別,對應用的可發(fā)現(xiàn)性作用很大鹃觉。
2. 確保所選的類別和應用的主要功能相匹配专酗。