? ? ? ? If? you? need, I'll? be? by? your? side.如果你需要哟沫,我就在你身邊。
? ? ? ? The? smartest? people? understand that? they? are? the? most? ignorant? ones.最聰明的人明白自己是最無知的。
? ? ? The? task? will? be? hard. There? may? be? dark? days? ahead.任務(wù)將會困難重重堕扶,前路可能烏云密布爱沟。
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? Possessions? are? generally diminished? by? possession.越想占有蒜危,越會失去。
? ? ? ? ? Don't? give? up? the? things? that belong? to? you? and? keep? those? lost things? in? memory.屬于自己的睹耐,不要放棄辐赞。已經(jīng)失去的,留作回憶硝训。
? ? ? ? You're? in? control? of? your? own? life!你的人生要由自己掌握响委!
? ? ? ? ? Everybody? is? somebody.Even? a? nobody.每個人都有自己的價值新思,即使是無名之輩。
? ? ? ? ? Fewer? words,many? deeds.少說話,多做事邀窃。
? ? ? ? ? It's? only? those? who? do? nothing? that? make? no? mistakes.只有那些沒行動的人不會犯錯荸哟。
? ? ? ? ? Storms? make? trees? take? deeper? roots.越是經(jīng)歷風暴,樹木扎根越深瞬捕。
? ? ? ? I? can? accept? failure,everyone fails at something.我可以接受失敗鞍历,每個人都會在某些事情上失敗。
? ? ? ? The? only? person? you? are? destined to? become? the? person? you? decide? to be.你注定成為你決定成為的人刑枝。