《愛麗絲漫游奇境記》第1期:掉進(jìn)兔子洞(1)_雙語有聲讀物 - 可可英語
Then she saw a little glass table with three legs,and on the top of it was a very small gold key. 接著她看見一張三條腿的小玻璃桌趁舀,上面放了一把很小的金鑰匙霉晕。
Alice quickly took the key and tried it in all the doors,but oh dear! 愛麗絲馬上拿起鑰匙饰恕,試了試所有的門限次,可是天哪绵载!
Either the locks were too big,or the key was too small,but she could not open any of the doors. 鎖都太大了座韵,而鑰匙大小了鞠呈,她一個(gè)門也打不開藐唠。
Then she saw another door,a door that was only forty centimetres high. 這時(shí),她看見另有一個(gè)門爆土,只有40厘米高椭懊。
The little gold key unlocked this door easily, 小金鑰匙輕而易舉就打開了門,
but of course Alice could not get through it—she was much too big. 可愛麗絲過不去——她太大了雾消。
So she lay on the floor and looked through the open door, 她趴在地板上看過去灾搏,
into a beautiful garden with green trees and bright flowers. 門外是一個(gè)美麗的花園挫望,里面長著綠樹和鮮艷的花兒立润。
Poor Alice was very unhappy. 可憐的愛麗絲難過極了。
"What a wonderful garden!" she said to herself. “多漂亮的花園呀媳板!”她想桑腮。
"I'd like to be out there—not in this dark room. “我要出去——不想呆在這個(gè)黑屋子里。
"Why can't I get smaller?" “可我怎么才能變得小一點(diǎn)呢蛉幸?”
It was already a very strange day,and Alice was beginning to think that anything was possible. 今天真是奇怪的一天破讨,愛麗絲開始琢磨什么事都可能發(fā)生。
After a while she locked the door again,got up and went back to the glass table. 過了一會(huì)她鎖上門奕纫,站起來回到玻璃桌那兒提陶。
She put the key down and then she saw a little bottle on the table. 她放下鑰匙,然后看見桌上有個(gè)小瓶子匹层。
"I'm sure it wasn't here before,"said Alice “我敢肯定剛才它不在這兒隙笆,”愛麗絲說
Round the neck of the bottle was a piece of paper with the words DRINK ME in large letters. 瓶頸上有一張紙,上面寫著大大的兩個(gè)字“喝我”升筏。
But Alice was a careful girl. 但愛麗絲是個(gè)細(xì)心謹(jǐn)慎的女孩撑柔。
"It can be dangerous to drink out of strange bottles,"she said. “喝奇怪的瓶子里的東西會(huì)很危險(xiǎn),”她說您访。
"What will it do to me?"She drank a little bit very slowly. “喝了我會(huì)怎么樣呢铅忿?”她慢慢喝了一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)。
The taste was very nice,like chocolate and oranges and hot sweet coffee, 味道不錯(cuò)灵汪,有點(diǎn)兒像巧克力檀训、桔汁和熱的甜咖啡柑潦。
and very soon Alice finished the bottle. 愛麗絲很快把一瓶都喝了。
"What a strange feeling!"said Alice. “感覺真奇怪峻凫!”愛麗絲說妒茬。
"I think I'm getting smaller and smaller every second." “我想每秒鐘我都在越變?cè)叫 蔚晨!?/p>
And she was. 她是在變小乍钻。
A few minutes later she was only twenty-five centimetres high. 幾分鐘后她只有25厘米高了。
"And now,"she said happily, “現(xiàn)在铭腕,”她高興地說银择,
"I can get through the little door into that beautiful garden." “我能穿過那扇小門去花園里了±巯希”
She ran at once to the door. 她立刻跑到門那兒浩考。
When she got there,she remembered that the little gold key was back on the glass table. 到了那兒她想起來那把小金鑰匙還在那個(gè)玻璃桌上。
She ran back to the table for it,but of course,she was now much too small! 她跑回去拿被盈,可是析孽,她現(xiàn)在太小了!
There was the key,high above her,on top of the table. 鑰匙放得很高只怎,在桌子上呢袜瞬。
She tried very hard to climb up the table leg,but she could not do it. 她想爬上桌子腿,但爬不上去身堡。
At last,tired and unhappy,Alice sat down on the floor and cried. 最后邓尤,愛麗絲又累又傷心,坐在地板上哭了起來贴谎。
But after a while she spoke to herself angrily. 哭了一會(huì)兒她生氣地對(duì)自己說了起來汞扎。
"Come now,"she said. “噢,現(xiàn)在擅这,”她說澈魄。
"Stop crying at once.What's the use of crying?" “快別哭了≈亵幔哭有什么用呢痹扇?”
She was a strange child,and often talked to herself like this. 她是個(gè)挺怪的孩子,總是這樣對(duì)自己說話谭确。
Soon she saw a little glass box near her on the floor. 很快帘营,她看見自己身邊的地板上有一個(gè)小盒子。
She opened it,and found a very small cake with the words EAT ME on it. 她打開后發(fā)現(xiàn)里面有一小塊蛋糕逐哈,上面寫著“吃我”芬迄。
Nothing could surprise Alice now. 現(xiàn)在沒什么能讓愛麗絲奇怪的了。
"Well,I'll eat it,"she said. “好昂秃,吃就吃禀梳,”她說杜窄。
"If I get taller,I can take the key off the table." “如果我長高了,就能從桌子上拿鑰匙了算途∪”
"And if I get smaller,I can get under the door." “如果我變小點(diǎn)就能穿過門了∽烊浚”
"One way or another,I'll get into the garden.So it doesn't matter what happens!" “不管怎樣扫外,我得去花園里。發(fā)生什么都不要緊廓脆!”
She ate a bit of the cake,and then put her hand on top of her head. 她吃了點(diǎn)蛋糕筛谚,然后把手放在頭頂。
"Which way?Which way?"she asked herself,a little afraid. “是變大了還是變小了停忿?”她問自己驾讲,心里有點(diǎn)害怕。
Nothing happened. 什么也沒發(fā)生席赂。
This was not really surprising. 這一點(diǎn)也不奇怪吮铭。
People don't usually get taller or shorter when they eat cake. 一般來說,人們吃點(diǎn)蛋糕并不見得就長高或變矮颅停。
But a lot of strange things were happening to Alice today. 但今天谓晌,愛麗絲身上發(fā)生了許多奇怪的事。
"It will be very boring,"she said,"if nothing happens." “如果什么都沒發(fā)生便监,”她說扎谎,“那太沒意思了∩斩”
So she went on eating,and very soon the cake was finished. 于是她接著吃,一會(huì)兒蛋糕就吃完了胧奔。
Chapter 1 Down the rabbit-hole 第1章 掉進(jìn)兔子洞
Alice was beginning to get very bored. 愛麗絲開始覺得有點(diǎn)無聊了逊移。
She and her sister were sitting under the trees. 她和姐姐正坐在樹下。
Her sister was reading,but Alice had nothing to do. 姐姐在看書龙填,而愛麗絲無事可做胳泉。
Once or twice she looked into her sister's book, 她不時(shí)看看姐姐的書,
but it had no pictures or conversations in it. 里面既沒有圖畫岩遗,也沒有對(duì)話扇商。
"And what is the use of a book,"thought Alice,"without pictures or conversations?" “一本書沒有圖畫和對(duì)話有什么用呢?”愛麗絲想宿礁。
She tried to think of something to do, 她想找點(diǎn)什么事兒做做案铺,
but it was a hot day and she felt very sleepy and stupid. 可天氣很熱,她覺得又因又無聊梆靖。
She was still sitting and thinking when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran past her. 正坐在那兒想事控汉,忽然笔诵,一只長著粉紅眼睛的白兔跑過她身邊。
There was nothing really strange about seeing a rabbit. 看到一只兔子真沒有什么可奇怪的姑子。
And Alice was not very surprised 兔子說話時(shí)愛麗絲居然也不覺得太奇怪乎婿。
when the Rabbit said,"Oh dear!Oh dear!I shall be late!" 兔子說,“噢街佑,天哪谢翎!噢,天哪沐旨!我要遲到了岳服!”
(Perhaps it was a little strange, Alice thought later,but at the time she was not surprised.) (后來愛麗絲想起這事覺得有點(diǎn)兒奇怪,但當(dāng)時(shí)她并不覺得有什么奇怪希俩。)
But then the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket,looked at it,and hurried on. 然后兔子從自己的口袋里掏出一塊表吊宋,看了看,趕緊走了颜武。
At once Alice jumped to her feet. 愛麗絲立刻跳了起來璃搜。
"I've never before seen a rabbit with either a pocket,or a watch to take out of it,"she thought. “我從未見過有口袋的兔子,或者兔子掏出一塊手表來鳞上≌馕牵”她想。
And she ran quickly across the field after the Rabbit. 她跟在兔子后面很快跑過田野篙议。
She did not stop to think, and when the Rabbit ran down a large rabbit-hole, 她也沒停下來想一想唾糯,當(dāng)兔子跑進(jìn)一個(gè)大的兔子洞時(shí),
Alice followed it immediately. 愛麗絲立即跟了進(jìn)去鬼贱。
After a little way the rabbit-hole suddenly went down, 走了一小段移怯,兔子洞突然向下轉(zhuǎn),
deep into the ground. 直深入地下这难。
Alice could not stop herself falling,and down she went,too. 愛麗絲不由自主地掉了下去舟误。
It was a very strange hole Alice was falling very slowly, 這個(gè)兔子洞很奇怪。愛麗絲往下掉得很慢姻乓,
and she had time to think and to look around her. 來得及看看四周嵌溢。
She could see nothing below her because it was so dark. 下面很暗,她什么也看不清蹋岩。
But when she looked at the sides of the hole,she could see cupboards and books and pictures on the walls. 但她看到洞壁上有小柜子赖草、書和畫兒。
She had time to take things out of a cupboard,look at them,and then put them back in a cupboard lower down. 她有時(shí)間從柜子里拿點(diǎn)東西剪个,看上一眼秧骑,再放到下面的柜子里。
"Well!"thought Alice. “嗯,”愛麗絲想腿堤。
"After a fall like this,I can fall anywhere!I can fall downstairs at home,and I won't cry or say a word about it!" “跌了這一下子阀坏,我到哪兒也不會(huì)怕跌倒了!以后在家里跌下樓梯笆檀,我不會(huì)哭也不會(huì)說什么忌堂。”
Down,down,down. 往下掉呀酗洒,掉呀士修,掉呀。
"How far have I fallen now?"Alice said aloud to herself. 愛麗絲自言自語:“現(xiàn)在我掉下來了多深樱衷?”
"Perhaps I'm near the centre of the earth.Let me think…That's four thousand miles down." “也許我快到地球中心了棋嘲。讓我想想……那是地下4000公里【毓穑”
(Alice was very good at her school lessons and could remember a lot of things like this.) (愛麗絲功課不錯(cuò)沸移,能記住好多這樣的事。)
Down,down,down. 掉呀侄榴,掉呀雹锣,掉呀。
Would she ever stop falling? 什么時(shí)候才能停下來呢癞蚕?
Alice was very nearly asleep when,suddenly,she was sitting on the ground. 愛麗絲都快睡著了蕊爵,突然,她一下坐到了地上桦山。
Quickly,she jumped to her feet and looked around. 她很快跳了起來攒射,看了看周圍。
She could see the White Rabbit,who was hurrying away and still talking to himself. 她看見白兔正急匆匆走開恒水,還在自言自語:
"Oh my ears and whiskers!"he was saying. “噢会放,我的耳朵和胡子!”
"How late it's getting!" “現(xiàn)在太晚了寇窑!”
Alice ran after him like the wind. 愛麗絲跟在他后面像風(fēng)一樣跑起來鸦概。
She was getting very near him when he suddenly turned a corner. 她就快追上他了,兔子突然轉(zhuǎn)了個(gè)彎甩骏。
Alice ran round the corner too,and then stopped. 愛麗絲也轉(zhuǎn)過彎,然后停了下來先慷。
She was now in a long,dark room with doors all round the walls,and she could not see the White Rabbit anywhere. 這是一個(gè)狹長的房間饮笛,很暗,墻四周都是門论熙。她看不清白兔在哪兒福青。
She tried to open the doors,but they were all locked. 她試著推開門,可門都鎖著。
"How will I ever get out again?"she thought sadly. “我怎么才能再出去呢无午?”她想媒役,傷心極了。
Then she saw a little glass table with three legs,and on the top of it was a very small gold key. 接著她看見一張三條腿的小玻璃桌宪迟,上面放了一把很小的金鑰匙酣衷。
Alice quickly took the key and tried it in all the doors,but oh dear! 愛麗絲馬上拿起鑰匙,試了試所有的門次泽,可是天哪穿仪!
Either the locks were too big,or the key was too small,but she could not open any of the doors. 鎖都太大了,而鑰匙大小了意荤,她一個(gè)門也打不開啊片。
1011Then she saw a little glass table with three legs,and on the top of it was a very small gold key. 接著她看見一張三條腿的小玻璃桌,上面放了一把很小的金鑰匙玖像。
Aly took the key and tried it in all the doors,but oh dear! 愛麗絲馬上拿起鑰匙紫谷,試了試所有的門,可是天哪捐寥!
Either the locks were too big,or the key was too small,but she could not open any of the doors. 鎖都太大了笤昨,而鑰匙大小了,她一個(gè)門也打不開上真。
Then she saw another door,a door that was only forty centimetres high. 這時(shí)咬腋,她看見另有一個(gè)門,只有40厘米高睡互。
The little gold key unlocked this door easily, 小金鑰匙輕而易舉就打開了門根竿,
but of course Alice could not get through it—she was much too big. 可愛麗絲過不去——她太大了。
So she lay on the floor and looked through the open door, 她趴在地板上看過去就珠,
into a beautiful garden with green trees and bright flowers. 門外是一個(gè)美麗的花園寇壳,里面長著綠樹和鮮艷的花兒。
Poor Alice was very unhappy. 可憐的愛麗絲難過極了妻怎。
"What a wonderful garden!" she said to herself. “多漂亮的花園呀壳炎!”她想。
"I'd like to be out there—not in this dark room. “我要出去——不想呆在這個(gè)黑屋子里逼侦。
"Why can't I get smaller?" “可我怎么才能變得小一點(diǎn)呢匿辩?”
It was already a very strange day,and Alice was beginning to think that anything was possible. 今天真是奇怪的一天,愛麗絲開始琢磨什么事都可能發(fā)生榛丢。
After a while she locked the door again,got up and went back to the glass table. 過了一會(huì)她鎖上門铲球,站起來回到玻璃桌那兒。
She put the key down and then she saw a little bottle on the table. 她放下鑰匙晰赞,然后看見桌上有個(gè)小瓶子稼病。
"I'm sure it wasn't here before,"said Alice “我敢肯定剛才它不在這兒选侨,”愛麗絲說
Round the neck of the bottle was a piece of paper with the words DRINK ME in large letters. 瓶頸上有一張紙,上面寫著大大的兩個(gè)字“喝我”然走。
But Alice was a careful girl. 但愛麗絲是個(gè)細(xì)心謹(jǐn)慎的女孩援制。
"It can be dangerous to drink out of strange bottles,"she said. “喝奇怪的瓶子里的東西會(huì)很危險(xiǎn),”她說芍瑞。
"What will it do to me?"She drank a little bit very slowly. “喝了我會(huì)怎么樣呢晨仑?”她慢慢喝了一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)。
The taste was very nice,like chocolate and oranges and hot sweet coffee, 味道不錯(cuò)啄巧,有點(diǎn)兒像巧克力寻歧、桔汁和熱的甜咖啡。
and very soon Alice finished the bottle. 愛麗絲很快把一瓶都喝了秩仆。
"What a strange feeling!"said Alice. “感覺真奇怪码泛!”愛麗絲說。
"I think I'm getting smaller and smaller every second." “我想每秒鐘我都在越變?cè)叫〕嗡!噪珊!?/p>
And she was. 她是在變小。
A few minutes later she was only twenty-five centimetres high. 幾分鐘后她只有25厘米高了齐莲。
"And now,"she said happily, “現(xiàn)在痢站,”她高興地說,
"I can get through the little door into that beautiful garden." “我能穿過那扇小門去花園里了选酗≌竽眩”
She ran at once to the door. 她立刻跑到門那兒。
When she got there,she remembered that the little gold key was back on the glass table. 到了那兒她想起來那把小金鑰匙還在那個(gè)玻璃桌上芒填。
She ran back to the table for it,but of course,she was now much too small! 她跑回去拿呜叫,可是,她現(xiàn)在太小了殿衰!
There was the key,high above her,on top of the table. 鑰匙放得很高朱庆,在桌子上呢。
She tried very hard to climb up the table leg,but she could not do it. 她想爬上桌子腿闷祥,但爬不上去娱颊。
At last,tired and unhappy,Alice sat down on the floor and cried. 最后,愛麗絲又累又傷心凯砍,坐在地板上哭了起來箱硕。
But after a while she spoke to herself angrily. 哭了一會(huì)兒她生氣地對(duì)自己說了起來。
"Come now,"she said. “噢悟衩,現(xiàn)在颅痊,”她說。
"Stop crying at once.What's the use of crying?" “快別哭了局待。哭有什么用呢?”
She was a strange child,and often talked to herself like this. 她是個(gè)挺怪的孩子钳榨,總是這樣對(duì)自己說話舰罚。
Soon she saw a little glass box near her on the floor. 很快,她看見自己身邊的地板上有一個(gè)小盒子薛耻。
She opened it,and found a very small cake with the words EAT ME on it. 她打開后發(fā)現(xiàn)里面有一小塊蛋糕营罢,上面寫著“吃我”。
Nothing could surprise Alice now. 現(xiàn)在沒什么能讓愛麗絲奇怪的了饼齿。
"Well,I'll eat it,"she said. “好饲漾,吃就吃,”她說缕溉。
"If I get taller,I can take the key off the table." “如果我長高了考传,就能從桌子上拿鑰匙了≈づ福”
"And if I get smaller,I can get under the door." “如果我變小點(diǎn)就能穿過門了僚楞。”
"One way or another,I'll get into the garden.So it doesn't matter what happens!" “不管怎樣枉层,我得去花園里泉褐。發(fā)生什么都不要緊!”
She ate a bit of the cake,and then put her hand on top of her head. 她吃了點(diǎn)蛋糕鸟蜡,然后把手放在頭頂膜赃。
"Which way?Which way?"she asked herself,a little afraid. “是變大了還是變小了?”她問自己揉忘,心里有點(diǎn)害怕跳座。
Nothing happened. 什么也沒發(fā)生。
This was not really surprising. 這一點(diǎn)也不奇怪癌淮。
People don't usually get taller or shorter when they eat cake. 一般來說躺坟,人們吃點(diǎn)蛋糕并不見得就長高或變矮。
But a lot of strange things were happening to Alice today. 但今天乳蓄,愛麗絲身上發(fā)生了許多奇怪的事咪橙。
"It will be very boring,"she said,"if nothing happens." “如果什么都沒發(fā)生,”她說虚倒,“那太沒意思了美侦。”
So she went on eating,and very soon the cake was finished. 于是她接著吃魂奥,一會(huì)兒蛋糕就吃完了菠剩。