Siting on a red stool, sipping from a cocktail glass, trying to pull the frustrating thought out of my head, I was chilling out in Club Diva. I knew it’s kinda early for alcohol, but I really needed a drink or else I would collapse in the stress from my editor, who had been yelling me on the phone all week.
Then I noticed a elegant woman in a white dust coat and delicate handmade shoes was sitting next to me, reading a letter. “Isn’t that Holly Kennedy, the nightmare of karaoke...” I thought of the unforgettable night in May.
It was a one year a time karaoke contest of Club Diva in May, I was dragged by my friend Keith, who took place in the contest every year and win every year. And I would not be surprised if he retained the title this year, considering he brought over 30 people that night. Don’t take me wrong, I had no interested in listening to those amateurs singing in a nightclub, just compromised for free drinks.
I was sitting next to a table which seemed like belonging to a family. I noticed a woman, in a stunning black dress, bundled hairs with a few strands casually lying on the shoulders, I had to admit she looked nice. People on the table kept saying stuff to her, trying to cheer her up, comforting her.
The contest began, our singers got on the stage in the screams of the crowd and the higher and higher DJ voice, one by one. Suddenly, the noise stopped, the host repeated, “ Holly Kennedy? Come on babe!”
“How sly! Typical way to get more attention.” I thought, “Well, lady, enough time for your “showing up”, it’s time to get on that damn stage.” And the crowd started to stir with impatience as the time went by.
“Turns out our singer’s in the washroom, let’s make her know that we’re expecting her.” the host yelled at the microphone.
“HOLLY! HOLLY! HOLLY!” the crowds yelled and banged the tables, “HOLLY! HOLLY! HOLLY!”
After about forever, a black slim body stumbled on to the stage.
“Isn’t that the nice looking woman?” I surprised, Oh, poor thing, the mascara was ruined by the tears, and two black lines were hanging on her washed out face, she looked like a panic zombie. She must was really nervous, like scared to death!
After she missed first two lines of lyrics, she opened her mouth,
“I just want to catch you by hand, I just want to be there when the morning light explode...”
My jaw dropped. Oh! My! god! Can anybody be more terrible?! People started laughing, banging the table.
She skipped two bats, looked at the crowd, and then closed her eyes, started to sing the chorus,
“Do you neeeeeeed anybody to love?” she even managed to give herself a fright with the volume and a few people helped her out to sing, ”I love you till the end.”
“Do you neeeeeed anybody to love?” she repeated, and held the microphone out to the crowd to encourage them to sing and they all sang, “I love you till the end.” and the atmosphere warmed a little more.
She continued to finish the rest of the song, sounded still awful, but she was a lot relax and even enjoyed the stage. Her table of family gave her thumbs-up all the way through the whole song. I clapped my hands when she finished, sincerely.
“Let’s give it up to the incredibly brave Holly Kennedy!” the host grabbed the microphone from Holly.
She got off the stage in tears, people from her table all gave her big hugs and said, “We’re so proud of you Hol.” They left before the host announce the result.
Well, I guess it was a brave breaking through she was trying to do. Really brave! I know what it feels like to do something that you are really not good at and even be scared of.
That was the only interesting thing I got that night, I even wrote an article about it. Coming back from the memory, I decided to get to know more about her.
“Beautiful shoes! “ I blurt out, “Oh, I’m sorry. Sera.” I reached out my hand to her, “Nice to meet you.
“Oh, hi, I’m Holly, thanks.” she came back from her contemplation, “I designed those shoes by myself.”
“No way! You are a genius! You have your own shop? I bet these beautiful little things will be a hit.Can I have your number? I’m such a shoe addict.” I wouldn’t hide my passion to shoes.
She laughed, “I really appreciate that you like my design, I do not have a shop, I just started designing shoes. I can show you my new works sometime.”, as she was typing numbers on my phone.
I saved the number with the name,and casually brought out, “Wait a minute! You are Holly, Holly Kennedy, aren’t you? The one at the karaoke night in May.” , pretended like it just occurred to me.
“Yeah, I can’t believe there are still someone remember me, that was really embarrassing. And it’s been 7 months!” , she frowned, she dived her face into her hands..
I comforted her, “Well I think it was really brave, you impressed me.” and added, ”And I’m curious, if you don’t like karaoke, why did you push yourself so hard. Course, man, I still have the picture of you with the mascara face in my mind.”
Glad that she didn’t mind and answer, “Well, Maybe my husband thought that I should be brave to conquer my fear, you know, I vowed I would never do karaoke after that time I fell off the stage and got 6 stitches.”
“Wow, I would’ve said no if I were you.” I was surprised by her answer, and thinking what a weird husband she got.
She smiled, gasped, took a sip from her glass,
“I would say no if he was still alive, but I had no choice, so getting on that stage seemed like the only thing I could do, and I glad I did it. Gerry always knew how to guide me.”
she smiled at my openmouthed face and continued, “Don’t be sorry, it’s been a while. Gerry left me in february because of a tumor in the brain. After a month he passed, I received his first letter. He talked about making a list for me if he was not around, but I never thought he actually wrote letters secretly.
You couldn’t tell how complicated I felt when I got his letter. I was like a ghost after he gone, it was like I left with him. And his letter pulled me back into life. Ten letters, one for a month, he told me to buy a bedside lamp in March, buy a stunning dress in April, and, you know, Club Diva karaoke in May.
Well, actually, today I‘m here to get my last letter of December. He gave them to different friends, and every letter contains the clue of the next letter. I just finished reading it. you wanna have a look?”
I was so touched by her story that it took me a while to say anything. “ It’s ok, Gerry would be glad to see me talking about our story, that means I’m ready to move on. I would like to invite you to be the first person to hear me sharing my “romantic love”, and from now on, Gerry will be one of my romances.”
I read the letter, just several lines.
My darling Holly,
Thank for doing me the honer of being my wife. For everything, I’m eternal grateful. Whenever you need me, know that I am with you. But I just a chapter in your life---there will be many more.Remember our wonderful memories, but don’t be afraid to make some more. Here’s the last one of the list. It’s time to get back into the ball, babe, if any cute guy ever ask you out, just to give it a shot.
Love for ever,
Your best friend,
PS. I love you.
I tried hard to keep my tears, “Well I wonder which guy would have the luck to take you out, and your incredibly cute shoes.”, I tried to say waggishly.
As i watched her walked out of the club, I thought about myself. I felt shame of judging her before and realized how narrow sight I got. This world is full of beautiful story and people you know and don’t know are doing their best to create a good life. There’s no reason for me to feel sorry to all the time.
You will never know what surprise or frighten life will give you, but you can always think the best of it , pull yourself up and go on creating.
PS, you are always loved.