



例2.已知a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n是兩兩互異的正數(shù),則A=(\frac{1}{a_i+a_j})_{n\times n}是正定矩陣


定理:(極其重要)設(shè)A是一個(gè)m\times n實(shí)矩陣怀樟,則r(A'A)=r(A)

例題1.證明:對(duì)實(shí)數(shù)域上的任意s\times n實(shí)矩陣A都有r(AA'A)=r(A)
提示:r(AA'A)\geq r(AA'AA')

定理:(非常重要)A是任一s\times n的實(shí)矩陣,則A'A是半正定矩陣坡倔,并且A'A是正定矩陣的充要條件是A列滿(mǎn)秩漂佩。


例題2.已知A是一個(gè)n級(jí)非對(duì)稱(chēng)的實(shí)矩陣,對(duì)任意的n維實(shí)列向量X都有X'AX\geq 0养葵,且存在實(shí)向量\beta使得\beta'A\beta=0征堪,同時(shí)對(duì)任意的n維實(shí)列向量a,b當(dāng)a'Ab\not=0時(shí),有a'Ab+b'Aa\not=0关拒,證明對(duì)任意的n維實(shí)列向量\eta都有\eta'A\beta=0

It's a disdressing thing to exchange the input way of English and Chinese,I will take notes in English in the future.Please point out the not standardized translation,and I will be thankful for that.

example3.ifA=(a_{ij})_{n \times n}andB=(b_{ij})_{n\times n}are real symmetric matrices of n-order,marked C=(a_{ij}b_{ij})_{n\times n},then
(1)if both A,B are semi positive definite,thenCis semi positive definite too.
(2)ifA,Bare positive definite,thenCis positive definite too.

Tips: supposeB=P'Pand P=(p_{ij}),thenb_{ij}=\sum\limits_{k=1}^np_{ki}p_{kj}
talking aboutX'CX

Applied of Orthogonal similarity and the orthogonal diagonalization of real symmetric matrices.

Theorem:All of the real symmetric matrices of n-order A are orthogonal similarity to a diagonal matrix.

Example1.ifAis a real square of n-order,and the characteristic values are real,proof Ais a symmetric matrix if and only if AA'=A'A.
Tips: \Leftarrow:inductive method.

Example 2.
(1)Ais a real square of n-order,satisfied AA'=A^2,proof:Ais a symmetric square.
(2)Ais a real square of n-order,satisfiedA'A=A^2,proof:Ais a symmetric square.
(3)Ais a real square of n-order,satisfied AA'=-A^2(or A'A=-A^2),proof:Ais a antisymmetric square

Example 3.Proof:real matrixA of n-order is orthogonal similar to a upper triangular matrix if and only if the characteristic value of Aare real

Example 4.Proof:All the complex matrix of n-order are similar to a upper triangular matrix.

Example 5.supposeA,Bare respectively3\times 2and 2\times 3real matrix,and AB,BAare symmetric,we know AB=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 8&2&-2\\ 2&5&4\\ -2&4&5 \end{array} \right)Proof:rank of A,Bare 2,calculateBA.
1.use the special value have a intuititive impress
3.equivalent stantard type

Proof and application of quadratic inertia theorem.

(Quadratic inertia theorem)All of the quadratic which define on the real domain,can become a canonical shape after sevral non-degenerate linear replacements.And the canonical shape is unique.(The process of proof is classical)

Example.if the quadratic of n variablesf(X)=X'AX,and A is reversible,whenx_{k+1}=x_{k+1}=\ldots =x_n,f(X)=0,whichk\leq\frac{n}{2},proof the quadraticf(X)symbol difference tsatisfied |t|\leq n-2k

Turn the matrix into a cannonical type or a standard type.

Example1.suppose real symmetric matrixA,sort all the characteristics values of it by size:\lambda_1\geq\lambda_2\geq\ldots\geq\lambda_nproof:for any n dimensional vector\alpha,have\lambda_n|\alpha|^2\leq\alpha'A\alpha \leq\lambda_1|\alpha|^2

Example2.suppose Bis a real matrix of n-order,all the characteristcs values ofB'Bare sorted by size\lambda_1\geq \lambda_2\geq \ldots\geq\lambda_n\geq 0,proof:any real characteristics value ofBmarked\musatisified \sqrt{\lambda_n}\leq|\mu|\leq\sqrt{\lambda_1}

A special quadratic

Proposition:if A=(a_{ij})_{s\times n}is a real matrix,then the n-variables quadraticf(X)=\sum\limits_{i=1}^s(a_{i1}x_1+a{i2}x_2+\ldots+a_{in}xn)^2corresponding to the matrixA'A.

Example.ifa_1,a_2,\ldots,a_nare real numbers,proof:n-variables quadraticf(X)=(x_1+a_1x_2)^2+(x_2+a_2x_3)^2+\ldots+(x_{n-1}+a_{n-1}x_n)^2+(x_n+a_nx_1)^2is a positive definite quadratic if and only ifa_1a_2\ldots a_n\not=(-1)^n

The condition of matrix diagonalizition

Example 1.we knowb_1,b_2,\ldots,b_nare positive real numbers,andb_1+b_2+\ldots+b_n=1,ifA=(a_{ij}),which\left\{\begin{array}{ccc} 1-b_j&&i=j\\ -\sqrt{b_ib_j}&&i\not=j\end{array} \right.please calculate the rank of A,and judge whetherAcan be turn into a diagonalizition type,if can be diagonalizition,please write down the similar diagonalizition matrix ofA.

Some conclusions
1.if all of the characteristics value of a matrix is 0,then this matrix is power zero.
2.A matrixAonly have these characteristics values:0 and 1,we can't get the conclusion that Ais idempotent,but if this matrix is symmetric归露,we can get this conclusion.
3.if a real symmetry matrix only have these characteristics which values are \pm1,then Ais symmetry and orthogonal.

Example 2.Please calculate the determinant\left|\begin{array}{cccccc} 1&2&3&\ldots&n-1&n\\ n&1&2&\ldots&n-2&n-1\\ n-1&n&1&\ldots&n-3&n-2\\ \ldots&\ldots&\ldots&\ldots&\ldots&\ldots\\ 3&4&5&\ldots&1&2\\ 2&3&4&\ldots&n&1\end{array}\right|
Tips: J=\left(\begin{array}{cccc} 0&1&&\\ &\ldots&1&\\ &&\ldots&1\\ 1&&&0\end{array}\right)is similar todiag(\omega,\omega^2,\ldots,\omega^{n-1},\omega^n)

Idempoten matrix

Some character:
1.A^2=A\Leftarrow\Rightarrow r(A)+r(A-E)=n
2.Ais idempoten matrix,it can be turned into a diagonalization matrix.
3.if Ais a idempoten,then r(A)=tr(A)

ifA_1,A_2,\ldots,A_mare square matrix of n-order,satisfiedA_1+A_2+\ldots+A_m=E_nthen,these three thing are equivalance:
(1)A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_mare all odempoten.
(3)\forall i\not=j(i,j=1,2,\ldots,n)we have A_iA_j=0

Antisymmetric matrix

suppose Ais a antisymmetric matrix,then A is contract to a quasi-diagonal matrixdiag\{\left(\begin{array}{cc} 0&1\\ -1&0\end{array}\right),\ldots,\left(\begin{array}{cc} 0&1\\ -1&0\end{array}\right),0,\ldots,0\}

Smith orthogonalization

Theorem Any real reversible matrix can be decomposed into a orthogonal matrix and a upper triangular matrix whose element of digonal are positive number,and it has a unique decompose.

A general problem of similarity and contract

Example 1.ifAis a positive definite matrix of n-order,Bis a antisymmetry matrix,then |A\pm B|>0

Example 2.We know that A,Bare all real antisymmetry matrix,and Ais reversible,proof|A^2-B|>0

Tips: the antisymmetry matrix's characteristc values only can be 0 or a pure imaginary number.If a antisymmetry matrix A is reversible then the A^2 must be a negative definite matrix,and the order ofAonly can be even.

Important Proposition
We know thatAis a positive definite matrix of n-order,andBis a semi-positive matrix of n-order,then |A+B|\geq|A|+|B|,and the eual sign only established when B=0

Proposition 2
A,Dare respectively n-order,m-orderreal matrix,Bis a n\times mreal matrix,and\left(\begin{array}{cc} A&B\\ B'&D\end{array}\right)is a positive definite matrix.then
(1)A,D,D-B'A^{-1}B,A-BD^{-1}B'are positive definite matrix.
(2)\left|\begin{array}{cc} A&B\\ B'&D\end{array}\right|\leq|A||D|,and the equals only established when B=0

Inference: |AA'|\leq\prod\limits_{i=1}^n(a_{i1}^2+a_{i2}^2+\ldots+a_{in}^2) (Hadamard\ inequality)

Example 1.supposeA,Bare respectivelym\times nands\times nreal row full rank matrix,markedQ=AB'(BB')^{-1}BA',proof:
(1)AA'-Qis semi-definite matrix.

Proposition 3
SupposeAis a positive definite n-order matrix,Bis a real symmetry matrix of n-order,then exists reversible matrixP such that P'AP=EandP'BPis a diagonal matrix.

Example 2.we know thatAis a positive definite matrix of n-order,\alphais a n-dimension column vector,proof:0\leq\alpha'(A+\alpha\alpha')^{-1}\alpha<1
Tips: use the proposition 3.

Example 3.SupposeAis a reversible real symmetry matrix of n-order,thenAis positive definite\Leftarrow\Rightarrow \forall n-order positive definite matrixB,havetr(AB)>0
Tips: if A=T'\left(\begin{array}{ccc} \lambda_1&&\\ &\ldots&\\ &&\lambda_n\end{array}\right)T,let B=T'\left(\begin{array}{ccc} 1&&\\ &\ldots&\\ &&t\end{array}\right)T(t>0)

Matrix equationAX-XB=0

Example 1.supposeA,Bare resectively n-order and m-order square on number of fields\mathbb{P},proof:if both AandBhas r(0<r\leq min\{n,m\})common charateristc values which are not equal to any two of them,then the matrix equationAX-XB=0has a matrix solution whose rank is r.
Tips: ifA\xi_i=\lambda_i\xi_iandB\eta_i=\lambda_i\eta_i,letC=\left(\begin{array}{cccc} \xi_1&\xi_2&\ldots&\xi_r\end{array}\right)\left( \begin{array}{c} \eta_1'\\ \eta_2'\\ \ldots\\ \eta_r'\end{array}\right)

Example 2.supposeA,Bare respectively n-order and m-order matrix on the complex fields,proof:if the matrix equationAX-XB=0has a matrix solution whose rank is r,then A,Bat least hasrcommon characteristics values(repeat roots are calculated as repeat count)

Tips we can writeX=P\left(\begin{array}{cc} E_r&0\\ 0&0\end{array}\right)Q

Example 3.SupposeA,Bare n-order matrix,the characteristic polynomial of Aisf(\lambda),proof:f(B)is reversible\Leftarrow\Rightarrow A,Bdon't have common characteristic values

Tips: \Rightarrow:contrary:supposeA,Bexists a common characteristc value\lambda,thenf(\lambda)=0,and f(\lambda)is the characteristic value off(B),then we know f(B)is not reversible,we get a contradiction.

Matrix decomposition

Ais a n-order positive definite matrix,then
(1)exists a real reversible matrixC_1such that A=C_1'C_1
(2)exists a real symmetry matrixC_2such that A=C_2^2
(3)exists a positive definite matrixCsuch thatA=C^2,hereCis unique

Tips: Cis unique:we can write downA=C^2=D^2,and existsT_1,T_2such thatC=T_1\left( \begin{array}{ccc} \sqrt{\lambda_1} E_1&&\\ &\ldots&\\ &&\sqrt{\lambda_s}E_s\end{array}\right)T_1^{-1} D=T_2\left( \begin{array}{ccc} \sqrt{\lambda_1} E_1&&\\ &\ldots&\\ &&\sqrt{\lambda_s}E_s\end{array}\right)T_2^{-1}

Proposition 2
A,Bare two n-order matrix on real fields,andBis a semi-definite matrix,mis a positive integer,satisfiedAB^m=B^mA,thenAB=BA

Example 1.Ais a real symmetry matrix of n-order.proof:exists a real symmetry matrixBsuch that A=B^2if and only if Ais a semi-definite matrix.

Example 2.for any real reversible matrixA,there must exists a orthogonal matrixTand two positive definite matrixS_1,S_2,such thatA=TS_1=S_2T,and these two decomposition are unique.
Tips: A'A=S_1^2\Rightarrow A=(A')^{-1}S_1^2letT=(A')^{-1}S_1,obviouslyTT'=(A')^{-1}S_1S_1'A^{-1}=A'^{-1}A'AA^{-1}=Ethen,Tis orthogonal,and using the knowledge of last example,we knowS_1is positive definite,in this way,A=(A')^{-1}S_1A'(A')^{-1}S_1=(A')^{-1}S_1A'TletS_2=(A')^{-1}S_1A'thenA=TS_1=S_2T
unique:suppose exists different\hat{T}and\hat{S_1}such thatA=TS_1=\hat{T}\hat{S_1}thenA'A=S_1'T'TS_1=S_1'S_1=\hat{S_1'}\hat{S_1}we use the proposition 1 know that S_1is unique

Example 3.proof:for any reversible matrixAof n-order,there exists orthogonal matrixT_1,T_2such thatA=T_1diag\{\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\ldots,\lambda_n\}T_2,which\lambda_1^2,\lambda_2^2,\ldots,\lambda_n^2are all the characteristic values ofA'A,and\lambda_i>0(i=1,2,\ldots,n)

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