Quora: How do you develop confidence when you have nothing to be confident about?
Boost Your Confidence in 2 Minutes
在 2 分鐘內激發(fā)你的自信
Are you about to enter a stressful situation?
Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy, has identified a way to increase confidence and alter your hormone profile in such situations. This can be done in just 2 minutes.
哈佛商學院教授 Amy Cuddy 指出了一種在這樣情形下提高自信并改變你的荷爾蒙分泌的方法铅歼。這個方法可以在 2 分鐘內完成险绘。
The simple exercises help configure your brain to deal with any challenge you might face by re-configuring cortisol (stress hormone), and testosterone levels (+20%) when you're nervous or insecure.
In Private
**Exercise 1: **Find a private and quiet place and really stretch yourself out. Make yourself as big as you can. Stand with your legs spread and hands rising high above your head (if possible for 2 minutes). The result: testosterone levels increase by 20% (scientifically proven), and cortisol levels drop.
練習 1 :找個私密與安靜的場所然后完全舒展你自己箕戳。將你自己伸展到最大某残。雙腳分開站立將雙手舉過你的頭頂(如果可能的話堅持 2 分鐘)。效果:睪丸素水平增加 20% (科學證明)陵吸,皮質醇水平降低玻墅。
**Exercise 2: **If you are sitting... lean back with your hands at the back of your head and place your legs on a desk or other high object.The most effective Power Poses are BIG ones, so make sure you stretch your body as much as possible when completing the exercises.
練習 2 :如果你是坐著。壮虫。澳厢。雙手放在頭后面然后身體往后仰,把你的腿放在桌子或者其他的一些較高的物體上囚似。最有效的肢體動作就是伸展的最大的那種剩拢,所以當你做這個練習的時候確保你的身體伸展到了最大。
In Public
Tone down your postures when in public. You don't want to dominate everyone. Professor Cuddy recommends;
在公共場合要收斂你的動作幅度饶唤。你可不希望影響到他人徐伐。Cuddy 教授推薦:
- Lifting your chin
- 抬起你的下巴
- Standing straight and tall
- 站立要筆直
- Resting your hands on the back of a chair
- 將你的手臂放在椅子后面
- Using open hand gestures
- 使用張開的手勢
The Power Posing Habit
Start thinking more about your body and displaying confidence as often as possible. Open up... take up more space. As a result, your hormone levels will re-configure and you will feel more confident.
Watch Professor Amy Cuddy: Power Posing for Success
觀看 Amy Cuddy 教授:幫助成功的肢體動作