2024-11-09 | 孟德爾隨機(jī)化分析

一唉侄、孟德爾隨機(jī)化(Mendelian Randomization育勺, MR)的原理

  • 隨機(jī)對(duì)照實(shí)驗(yàn)(RCT)一般被認(rèn)為是明確因果關(guān)系的金標(biāo)準(zhǔn)蕾额。其要求研究對(duì)象隨機(jī)分組早芭,為減少偏倚,常采用單盲诅蝶、雙盲甚至三盲設(shè)計(jì)退个,然而,這卻需要大量的人力物力调炬,且因?yàn)閭惱韱栴}语盈,對(duì)某些因素的研究幾乎不可能。
  • 單盲:實(shí)驗(yàn)對(duì)象不知道自己屬于哪一組缰泡。
  • 雙盲:實(shí)驗(yàn)對(duì)象和研究者均不知道組別分配刀荒。
  • 三盲:實(shí)驗(yàn)對(duì)象、研究者及數(shù)據(jù)分析人員都不知道分組情況。

  • 孟德爾第二定律認(rèn)為缠借,遺傳物質(zhì)獨(dú)立分離资溃,自由組合。即父母的基因在傳遞給子代時(shí)是隨機(jī)分配的烈炭。因此,特定基因變異的分布是隨機(jī)的宝恶,不會(huì)受到環(huán)境因素或行為習(xí)慣的影響符隙。這種隨機(jī)分布類似于隨機(jī)對(duì)照試驗(yàn)中的隨機(jī)分組,使其成為一種“自然實(shí)驗(yàn)”垫毙。

二、工具變量(Instrument Variant, IV)的選擇

  • 獨(dú)立性假設(shè)额各,即IV不通過其他混雜因素與結(jié)局(outcome)相關(guān)
  • 關(guān)聯(lián)性假設(shè)国觉,即IV要與暴露因素(exposure)強(qiáng)相關(guān)
  • 排他性假設(shè),即IV不能直接與結(jié)局(outcome)存在相關(guān)性虾啦。

三傲醉、什么情況下可以選擇做孟德爾隨機(jī)化 蝇闭?

  • 不確定traits之間的因果關(guān)系,比如硬毕,到底是抑郁導(dǎo)致肺癌還是肺癌導(dǎo)致抑郁呻引?
  • 研究的樣本量足夠大;
  • 暴露和結(jié)局存在假設(shè)的因果關(guān)系昭殉。


u宸纭!乾蓬! 僅代表個(gè)人意見
  • 潛在的基因-環(huán)境交互效應(yīng)顯著:trait的遺傳力過小惠啄,即GWAS顯著結(jié)果(p < 5e-8)可能代表不了這個(gè)trait時(shí)。



1融柬、GSMR(Generalised Summary-data-based Mendelian Randomisation)



If there are multiple independent (or nearly independent) SNPs associated with x and the effect of x on y is causal, then all the x-associated SNPs will have an effect on y through x. (Zhu et al. Nat Commun)


gcta --bfile ${REFGeno} \
        --gsmr-file exposure.txt outcome.txt \
        --gsmr-direction 2 \
        --gwas-thresh 5e-08 \
        --clump-r2 0.05 \
        --gsmr2-beta \
        --gsmr-snp-min 10 \
        --heidi-thresh 0.01 \
        --effect-plot \
        --out meta_gsmr \
        --thread-num 10

# --bfile  plink格式的基因型文件翼雀,可用千人基因組參考文件
# --gsmr-file    需要兩個(gè)list.txt文件饱苟,前面為exposure,后面為outcome狼渊,格式為BMI BMI.gwas.ma
# --gsmr-direction 2    選項(xiàng)有 0 1 2箱熬,分別為正向狈邑,反向及雙向GSMR
# --gsmr-snp-min 10    只有工具變量達(dá)到規(guī)定數(shù)量才進(jìn)行GSMR
# --heidi-thresh 0.01    進(jìn)行herdi test城须,去除LD SNP


SNP    A1  A2  freq    b   se  p   n
rs1001    A   G   0.8493  0.0024  0.0055  0.6653  129850
rs1002    C   G   0.03606 0.0034  0.0115  0.7659  129799
rs1003    A   C   0.5128  0.045   0.038   0.2319  129830


#! /public/home/shilulu/anaconda3/envs/R4.2.0/bin/Rscript

meta_gsmr <- fread("meta_gsmr.gsmr")
meta_gsmr[meta_gsmr == "nan"] <- NA

# p < 0.05 / row number / 2 for 2 dirction gsmr
# remove row contained "nan" (all)
final <- meta_gsmr %>%
  filter(p < 0.05 / (2*nrow(meta_gsmr))) %>%

fwrite(final, file="meta_gsmr_noNA_anno.gsmr", sep="\t", na="nan", quote=FALSE)
2酿傍、SMR(Summary-data-based Mendelian Randomisation)

分子水平的MR,確定與性狀有因果關(guān)系的分子標(biāo)記驱入,如(eQTL, mQTL, pQTL, apaQTL, vQTL等)
SMR通過將分子QTL作為exposure赤炒,復(fù)雜性狀作為outcome,來研究分子QTL與復(fù)雜性狀之間的關(guān)聯(lián)亏较,使用HEIDI進(jìn)行結(jié)果檢驗(yàn)(即從causal variant中去除Linkage的莺褒,但無法辨別Pleiotropy的情況)。

一雪情、run SMR between QTL and traits
  1. running smr, QTL with gwas trait
smr --bfile ${bfile} \
    --beqtl-summary ${eQTL} \
    --gwas-summary ${gwas} \
    --diff-freq-prop 0.5 \
    --maf 0.01 \
    --cis-wind 2000 \
    --out whole_blood \
    --thread-num 4 > eqtlsmr.log 2>&1
  1. filter result遵岩,i.e. exclude the probe that p_smr > 0.05 / n testp_heidi < 0.01
args     <- commandArgs(TRUE)
infile   <- args[1]
outname  <- args[2]

smr = read.table(infile, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
# retain p_SMR <= 0.05 / ntest and p_HEIDI >= 0.01
filter_out = filter(smr, p_SMR <= 0.05/nrow(smr) & p_HEIDI >= 0.01)
write.table(filter_out, file=paste0(outname, "_", sprintf("%.2e", 0.05/nrow(smr)), "_pass_smr_0.01_pass_heidi.txt"), 
            sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
  1. generate plot file and plot the probe you interest
smr --bfile ${bfile} \
--gwas-summary ${gwas}  \
--beqtl-summary ${eQTL} \
--out plot \
--plot \
--probe ENSG00000117601 \
--probe-wind 2000 Kb \
--gene-list ${Genelist} \
--thread-num 10

# --probe ENSG00000117601 通過p_smr 和 p_heidi的QTL probe
# --gene-list  smr官網(wǎng)有提供

plot_SMR_image.r SMR | Yang Lab

# Read the data file in R:
SMRData = ReadSMRData("ENSG00000117601.txt")
# Plot the SMR results in a genomic region centred around a probe:
pdf('ENSG00000117601.pdf',width = 10,height = 8)
SMRLocusPlot(data=SMRData, smr_thresh=7.98e-6, heidi_thresh=0.05, plotWindow=200, max_anno_probe=16)
# smr_thresh: genome-wide significance level for the SMR test.
# heidi_thresh: threshold for the HEIDI test. The default value is 0.05.
# cis_wind: size of a window centred around the probe to select cis-eQTLs for plot. The default value is 2000Kb.
# max_anno_probe: maximum number of probe names to be displayed on the figure. The default value is 16.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
@File    :   run_SMR_andfilter.py
@Time    :   2024/10/23 20:21:31
@Author  :   Lulu Shi 
@Mails   :   crazzy_rabbit@163.com
@link    :   https://github.com/Crazzy-Rabbit
import os
import argparse
import pandas as pd

def run_smr_qtl(gwas, qtl, outname):
    SMR = "/public/home/lijunpeng/smr-1.3.1-linux-x86_64/smr-1.3.1"
    bfile = "/public/home/lijunpeng/smr-1.3.1-linux-x86_64/g1000_eur/g1000_eur"

    os.system(f'{SMR} --bfile {bfile} \
                      --beqtl-summary {qtl} \
                      --gwas-summary {gwas} \
                      --diff-freq-prop 0.5 \
                      --maf 0.01 \
                      --cis-wind 2000 \
                      --out {outname} \
                      --thread-num 10 > {outname}.log')
def run_filter(smr, outname):
    smr_file = pa.read_csv(smr, sep="\t")
    smr_tsh = "{:.2e}".format(0.05 / len(smr_file))

    flt_file = smr_file[(smr_file['p_SMR'] <= 0.05 / len(smr_file)) & (smr_file['p_HEIDI'] >= 0.01)]
    flt_file.to_csv(f"{outname}_{smr_tsh}smr_0.01heidi.txt", sep="\t", index=False, quoting=False)

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run SMR and filter results.")
    parser.add_argument("--func", type=str, default="both", help="Function to run: 'run_smr_qtl', 'run_filter', or 'both'")
    parser.add_argument("--gwas", type=str, help="GWAS summary data to run smr")
    parser.add_argument("--qtl", type=str, help="QTL file to run smr")  
    parser.add_argument("--smr", type=str, help="SMR file for filtering")
    parser.add_argument("--out", type=str, help="Output prefix")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    gwas = args.gwas
    qtl = args.qtl
    out = args.out
    func = args.func
    smr = args.smr

    if func == "run_smr_qtl":
        if not gwas or not smr:
            raise ValueError("When func is 'run_smr_qtl', --gwas and --qtl must be provided.")
        run_smr_qtl(gwas, qtl, out)
    elif func == "run_filter":
        if not smr:
            raise ValueError("When func is 'run_filter', --smr must be provided.")
        run_filter(smr, out)
        if not gwas or not smr:
            raise ValueError("When func is 'both' or not provided, --gwas and --qtl must be provided.")
        run_smr_qtl(gwas, qtl, out)
        run_filter(f"{out}.smr", out)

if __name__ == '__main__':

用法:run SMR and filter Rscript run_SMRinR_filter.r --func run_smr_qtl --gwas ${gwas} --qtl ${mQTL} --out ${outdir}/${outprx}
run filter Rscript run_SMRinR_filter.r --func run_filter --smr ${smr} --out ${outprx}

# File   :   run_SMRinR_filter.r                #
# Time   :   2024/10/23 20:50:51                #
# Author :   Lulu Shi                           #
# Mails  :   crazzy_rabbit@163.com              #
# link   :   https://github.com/Crazzy-Rabbit   #
# r function run smr qtl to trait
run_smr_qtl <- function(gwas, qtl, outname){

    system(paste(SMR, "--bfile", bfile, 
                      "--beqtl-summary", qtl, 
                      "--gwas-summary", gwas, 
                      "--diff-freq-prop 0.5", 
                      "--maf 0.01", 
                      "--cis-wind 2000", 
                      "--out", outname, 
                      "--thread-num 10"), intern=TRUE) -> mylog
    writeLines(mylog, paste0(outname, ".log"))

# p_SMR & p_HEIDI filter
run_filter <- function(smr, outname){
    smr_file = fread(smr)
    smr_tsh = sprintf("%.2e", 0.05/nrow(smr_file))
    flt_file = smr_file %>% filter(p_SMR <= 0.05/n() & p_HEIDI >= 0.01)

    write.table(flt_file, file=paste0(outname, "_", smr_tsh, "smr_0.01heidi.txt"), sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

# args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
# gwas <- args[which(args == "--gwas") + 1]
# qtl  <- args[which(args == "--qtl") + 1]
# out  <- args[which(args == "--out")  + 1]
# func <- ifelse("--func" %in% args, args[which(args == "--func") + 1], "all")
option_list <- list(
    make_option(c("--func", type="character"), default="both", help="Function to run: 'run_smr_qtl', 'run_filter', or 'both'"),
    make_option(c("--gwas"), type="character", help="GWAS summary data to run smr"),
    make_option(c("--qtl"), type="character", help="qtl file to run smr"),
    make_option(c("--out"), type="character", help="out prefix"),
    make_option(c("--smr"), type="character", help="SMR file for filtering")
opt_parser <- OptionParser(option_list=option_list)
opts <- parse_args(opt_parser)

gwas <- opts$gwas
qtl  <- opts$qtl
out  <- opts$out
func <- opts$func
smr  <- opts$smr

if (func == "run_smr_qtl"){
    if (is.null(gwas) || is.null(qtl)) {
        stop("When func is 'run_smr_qtl', --gwas and --eqtl must be provided.")
    run_smr_qtl(gwas, qtl, out)
} else if (func == "run_filter"){
    if (is.null(smr)) {
        stop("When func is 'run_filter', --smr must be provided")
    run_filter(smr, out)
} else{
    if (is.null(gwas) || is.null(qtl)) {
        stop("When func is not provided, --gwas and --qtl must be provided.")
    run_smr_qtl(gwas, qtl, out)
    run_filter(paste0(out, ".smr"), out)
二尘执、run multi-omics SMR

即三步SMR分析,前兩步和上述1中的腳本一樣宴凉,只是換了QTL文件 \
1 SMR mQTL and trait
2 SMR eQTL and trait
3 SMR between mQTL and eQTL

First, we map the methylome to the transcriptome in cis-regions by testing the associations of DNAm with their neighbouring genes (within 2?Mb of each DNAm probe) using the top associated mQTL as the instrumental variable (Methods).
Next, we prioritize the trait-associated genes by testing the associations of transcripts with the phenotype using the top associated eQTL.
Last, we prioritize the trait-associated DNAm sites by testing associations of DNAm sites with the phenotype using the top associated mQTL.
If the association signals are significant in all three steps, then we predict with strong confidence that the identified DNAm sites and target genes are functionally relevant to the trait through the genetic regulation of gene expression at the DNAm sites. The SMR & HEIDI method assumes consistent LD between two samples. This assumption is generally satisfied by using data from samples of the same ancestry. (Wu et al. Nat Commun)

SMR between mQTL and eQTL 稍微有點(diǎn)不同

smr --bfile ${bfile} \
  --beqtl-summary ${mQTL} \
  --beqtl-summary ${bqtl} \
  --extract-exposure-probe mqtl_probeID.txt \
  --extract-outcome-probe eqtl_probeID.txt \
  --diff-freq-prop 0.5 \
  --thread-num 10 \
  --out ${outdir}/m2eqtl > ${outdir}/m2eqtl.log 2>&1

當(dāng)然誊锭,經(jīng)過后來的優(yōu)化,這種三步式SMR已被集成為了軟件OPERA (Wu et al. Cell Genom)


Generate multi omics plot file using OPERA

$opera --bfile $bfile \
--gwas-summary $gwas \
--beqtl-summary $eQTL \
--besd-flist mqtl_list \
--plot \
--probe ENSG00000072778 \
--probe-wind 2000 \
--gene-list $Genelist \
--out my_plot 

plot the probe you interest

SMRData = ReadomicSMRData("my_plot.ENSG00000072778.txt")
pdf("test_opera.pdf", height=12, width=10)
omicSMRLocusPlot(data=SMRData, esmr_thresh=3.19e-06, msmr_thresh=5.37e-07, m2esmr_thresh=5.75e-04, 
                 window=300, anno_methyl=TRUE, highlight=NULL, annoSig_only=TRUE, 
                 eprobeNEARBY="ENSG00000072778", mprobeNEARBY=c("cg03613822", "cg12805420", "cg19466160"), 
                 epi_plot=TRUE, funcAnnoFile="~/plot_smr/funcAnno.RData")
# epi_plot=TRUE if you want plot epigenome
# anno_methyl=TRUE if you want the mQTL can annote in plot

where funcAnno.RData and plot_OmicsSMR_xQTL.r has been provided

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  • 正文 我出身青樓,卻偏偏與公主長得像怜珍,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親端蛆。 傳聞我的和親對(duì)象是個(gè)殘疾皇子,可洞房花燭夜當(dāng)晚...
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