本章節(jié)中I love you為主線,時空在corridor→canteen→Victory Square→the wood中層層推進,層層鋪墊障贸,展開了Winston和Julia的浪漫約會。
從最初在走廊上,the girl had slipped something into his hand. 男主拿到紙條后內(nèi)心的忐忑和猜測粱锐,直到打開紙條看到I love you 時的震驚,he felt a fire were burning in his belly .以至于滿腦子都在想how to get in touch with the girl and arrange a meeting . 萬般思慮后終于決定在canteen 與女孩接頭.
在餐廳的段落中是比較有意思的扛邑,天天想法子接近女孩怜浅,卻是見不到人,內(nèi)心的種種煎熬….his whole mind and body seemed to be afflicted with an unbearable sensitivity ,a sort of transparency ,which made every movement ,every sound ,every contact ,every word that he had to speak or listen to ,an agony. Even in sleep he could not altogether escape from her image …..魂牽夢繞,胡思亂想恶座;第二次差點就說上話搀暑,卻被不開眼的Wilsher叫住,可愛的男主拿斧子劈了wilsher的心都有了…Winston had a hallucination of himself smashing a pick-axe right into the middle of it .與心上人說兩句話好難…..最后一次更有趣跨琳,男主緊緊抓住機會自点,腳下使絆子,絆倒了甲蟲男(beetle-like man)方才與女主說上話脉让。其中的驚險刺激可見一斑桂敛。兩人也終于約定了在廣場見面。
故事又向前推進到Victory Square,廣場上在人群和嘈雜聲的掩護下溅潜,兩人再一次約定在小樹林里見面术唬。在corridor、canteen滚澜、square發(fā)生的一切都是為了兩人在小樹林約會做鋪墊粗仓。
小樹林里兩人終于會面,充滿了mindless tenderness . 沒有了telescreen和microphones设捐,美好的事物在眼前一一展開借浊,bluebells ,chocolate ,thrush…尤其是畫眉鳥歌唱的這一段---美輪美奐he stopped thinking and merely felt…the flood of music drove all speculations out of his mind 目測這兩章應該是描寫最美妙的,一掃前面章節(jié)的壓抑….此前在Winston夢中出現(xiàn)的Golden Country 終于出現(xiàn)了….
1挡育、 Her face had turned a milky yellow color 小臉蠟黃是不是就是這個顏色--milky yellow
2巴碗、 She had regained some of her color 氣色稍好些
3、 The girl had slipped something into his hand. /slip sth into 偷偷塞給
4即寒、 But as bad luck would have it the imbecile Parsons flopped down beside him . / as bad luck would have it 不巧的是
5橡淆、 ….. who was now under a cloud . / under a cloud 習語 :形容一個人不得志,有麻煩母赵,受懷疑逸爵。
6、 The queue edged forward. 隊伍慢慢向前移動
7凹嘲、 Next day he took care to arrive early. 特意早點到
8师倔、 The little man was making straight for the girl’s table / the girl finished her lunch quickly and made off / 走向make for/ 離開make off / 前面章節(jié)也曾出現(xiàn)過he took his leave of Mrs Parsons.
9、 文中出現(xiàn)的大樹枝bough周蹭, 小樹枝twig
10趋艘、They seemed to have fallen of their own accord / of one's own accord 習語:without being asked or told; voluntarily