? ? ? ? ? 如何計劃一個長周末
? ? ? ? ? How to plan a long weekend
? ? ? You're likely super excited about your upcoming long weekend, and planning what you're going to do is part of the fun! A long weekend is the perfect time to make memories, whether you take a trip or stay home. Depending on how safe it is because of COVID-19, you may not be able to try out all these options. However, you deserve time to rest and have fun, so use your time off to safely do something you enjoy. 你可能對即將到來的長周末感到超級興奮希柿,而計劃你將要做的事情也是樂趣的一部分!無論你是外出旅行還是呆在家里然痊,一個長周末都是留下美好回憶的絕佳時機顷歌。根據(jù)2019冠狀病毒疾病的安全程度灶平,你可能無法嘗試所有這些選擇。然而谢澈,你應該有時間休息和娛樂院尔,所以利用你的休息時間安全地做一些你喜歡的事情。
Method 1 方法1
Going on a Weekend Getaway 周末度假
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1 Compare taking a road trip versus taking a flight.
1. 比較公路旅行和飛機旅行魁亦。
? ? ? Generally, short road trips are the best way to spend a long weekend because they'll allow you to spend more time enjoying your destination. However, you might choose to book a flight if you want to go further from home. Plan a road trip if your destination is 2-3 hours away, but consider flying if you want to travel further from home. 一般來說渔隶,短途公路旅行是度過一個長周末的最佳方式,因為它們會讓你有更多的時間享受你的目的地。然而间唉,如果你想離家更遠的話绞灼,你可以選擇預訂機票。如果你的目的地離家有2-3個小時的路程呈野,那就計劃一次公路旅行低矮,但是如果你想離家更遠的話,可以考慮坐飛機被冒。
? ? ? Check the cost of plane tickets and the price of gas to figure out how much more expensive it would be to fly. You might be able to find deals for some destinations. 檢查一下機票的價格和汽油的價格军掂,看看坐飛機要貴多少。你也許能找到一些目的地的特惠產(chǎn)品
? ? ? A long road trip could work for you if you want to stop in other cities along the way. 如果你想在沿途的其他城市停留昨悼,一次長途旅行可能對你有幫助
? ? ? Talk to your travel companions about what they want to do if you're traveling with others. 如果你和其他人一起旅行蝗锥,告訴你的旅伴他們想做什么
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2 Plan a trip to visit friends and family in another city.
2. 計劃一次去另一個城市拜訪朋友和家人的旅行。
? ? ? You might be able to have a fun, low cost weekend getaway by staying with someone you know. Contact your closest friends and family members and ask if they can accommodate you for the weekend. Offer to bring them a host gift or to pay for a group outing in exchange for staying at their home. 你可以和你認識的人一起度過一個有趣的率触,低成本的周末假期终议。聯(lián)系你最親密的朋友和家庭成員,問問他們是否可以為你提供這個周末的住宿葱蝗。給他們帶一份主人的禮物穴张,或者付錢讓他們集體外出,作為回報两曼,他們可以呆在他們家里皂甘。
? ? ? If you can't stay with family or friends, you can still visit them! Ask if they can meet up for an afternoon or to have dinner, and make sure to get recommendations for things to do while in town. 如果你不能和家人或朋友呆在一起,你仍然可以去拜訪他們合愈!詢問他們是否可以在下午見面或者共進晚餐叮贩,并確保得到他們在城里要做的事情的推薦
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3 Book a trip if you can afford a hotel and travel costs.
3. 如果你能負擔得起酒店和旅行費用,就預訂一次旅行佛析。
? ? ? Maximize a long weekend by taking a mini-vacation. You might go somewhere exciting, like Las Vegas or New York City, but you could also stay closer to home. Make travel and hotel arrangements ahead of time so you won't have to worry about everything being booked up. Then, enjoy your whirlwind trip. 最大限度地利用一個小假期的長周末益老。你可能會去一些令人興奮的地方,比如拉斯維加斯或者紐約寸莫,但是你也可以呆在離家更近的地方捺萌。提前做好旅行和酒店安排,這樣你就不用擔心所有的事情都被預訂一空了膘茎。那么桃纯,享受你的旋風式旅行吧。
? ? ? Make the most of a short vacation by leaving as soon as you can on Friday evening and returning as late as possible on Sunday. 充分利用這個短暫的假期披坏,周五晚上盡快離開态坦,周日盡可能晚回來
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4 Travel to a nearby city for a weekend getaway.
4. 周末去附近的城市度假。
? ? ? You don’t need to go far to have fun! Go on a short road trip to a city or town that’s close to home. Both big and small cities will provide a fun change of pace. 你不需要走很遠就能找到樂趣棒拂!去一個離家很近的城市或城鎮(zhèn)進行一次短途旅行伞梯。無論是大城市還是小城市玫氢,都會提供一種有趣的節(jié)奏變化。
? ? ? Pick a major city if there’s one close to you. For instance, visit Chicago, Seattle, Portland, Houston, Austin, New Orleans, Atlanta, Boulder, Miami Beach, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco, or New York. 選擇一個大城市谜诫,如果有一個接近你漾峡。例如,參觀芝加哥喻旷、西雅圖生逸、波特蘭、休斯頓且预、奧斯汀槽袄、新奧爾良、亞特蘭大辣之、博爾德掰伸、邁阿密海灘、費城怀估、圣地亞哥狮鸭、舊金山或紐約
? ? ? If there aren’t any big cities near you, don’t worry! You can still have fun in another small town. Check out their local eateries, parks, and shops. 如果你附近沒有大城市,別擔心多搀!你仍然可以在另一個小鎮(zhèn)找樂子歧蕉。看看他們當?shù)氐牟宛^康铭、公園和商店
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5 Look for quirky hotels, restaurants, and activities to enjoy.
5. 尋找古怪的酒店惯退、餐館和其他可以享受的活動。
? ? ? Many cities and towns boast something unique that will create a memorable experience for you. This might include a funky restaurant, a trendy boutique hotel, or a local landmark, such as a big ball of yarn or large fire hydrant. Schedule visits to the quirky attractions in the city you choose for your getaway. 許多城市和城鎮(zhèn)都有一些獨特的東西从藤,它們會給你帶來難忘的體驗催跪。這可能包括一個時髦的餐廳,一個時尚的精品酒店夷野,或者一個當?shù)氐牡貥税谜簦缫粋€大毛線球或大型消防栓。安排好你選擇的城市古怪景點的參觀時間悯搔。
? ? ? If you’re staying overnight, focus on boutique hotels that have a unique flavor or pick an Airbnb to experience the city as a local. 如果你要在這里過夜骑丸,那就關注那些有獨特風味的精品酒店,或者選擇 Airbnb妒貌,把這個城市當作一個本地人來體驗
? ? ? When eating out, check online to find the hotspot bars and restaurants where you’re going. You might visit a teahouse, food truck park, or fusion restaurant that combines different cuisines. 外出就餐時通危,上網(wǎng)查找你要去的熱點酒吧和餐館。你可以參觀一個茶館灌曙,美食車公園菊碟,或融合餐廳,結(jié)合不同的美食
? ? ? Check the city’s website to find a listing of any special events happening over the weekend. Similarly, learn about the city’s popular attractions, like museums. 查看城市的網(wǎng)站在刺,找到任何在周末發(fā)生的特殊事件的列表框沟。同樣藏古,了解一下這個城市的熱門景點增炭,比如博物館
You can find a list of fun attractions near you here: https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/
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6 Schedule activities in advance to maximize your trip.
6. 提前安排活動以最大化你的旅行忍燥。
? ? ? When traveling over a long weekend, it's easy to feel like all you did was arrive and depart. Doing a variety of activities on your getaway will help you feel like you took a full trip. Plan how you'll spend each day and book reservations for your activities, if necessary. Be sure to leave transition time between activities so you don't get behind schedule. 當你在一個長周末旅行時,你很容易覺得你所做的一切就是到達和離開扼菠。在你的假期里進行各種各樣的活動匈棘,會讓你感覺像是進行了一次完整的旅行想帅。如果有必要的話,計劃一下你每天如何度過队丝,并為你的活動預定座位。確保在活動之間留出過渡時間欲鹏,這樣你就不會落后于時間表机久。
? ? ? For example, your Saturday plans in a beach town might include watching the sunrise over the ocean, eating breakfast at a local cafe, going to a museum, eating lunch at a food truck, swimming in the ocean, eating dinner at a popular seaside restaurant, and watching a movie with your family. 例如,你周六在海灘小鎮(zhèn)的計劃可能包括看海上的日出赔嚎,在當?shù)氐目Х瑞^吃早餐膘盖,去博物館,在快餐車吃午餐尤误,在海里游泳侠畔,在海邊受歡迎的餐館吃晚餐,和你的家人一起看電影
? ? ? Some activities may fill up or sell out over the weekend, so it's best to book things before you go. 一些活動可能會在周末期間爆滿或者銷售一空损晤,所以你最好在出發(fā)前預定一些東西
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7 Build anticipation by talking about your trip in the days before it.
7. 在旅行開始的前幾天談論你的旅行软棺,以此來建立你的期待。
? ? ? Discussing what you'll do on your trip before you go can help you feel like your trip was longer than it really was. Talk to your family and friends about your travel plans. Additionally, look at photos of the place where you'll be going and read advice from other travelers about how to get the most out of your experiences. 在出發(fā)前討論一下你的旅行計劃會讓你覺得你的旅行比實際時間要長尤勋。告訴你的家人和朋友你的旅行計劃喘落。另外,看看你要去的地方的照片最冰,閱讀其他旅行者關于如何最大限度地利用你的旅行體驗的建議瘦棋。
? ? ? Say things like, "I can't wait to hit the slopes this weekend," or "This time tomorrow I'll be relaxing on a beach. I can't wait to feel the sand between my toes." 比如說,“這個周末我等不及要去滑雪了”锌奴,或者“明天這個時候我要去海灘放松一下兽狭。”鹿蜀。我迫不及待地想感受腳趾間的沙子箕慧。”
? ? ? When it comes to finding tips, you might read reviews about a famous restaurant you want to visit to find out when you're less likely to have to wait for a table. 當談到尋找竅門時茴恰,你可能會閱讀一些關于你想去的著名餐廳的評論颠焦,這樣你就可以知道什么時候你不太可能需要等待一張桌子
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8 Check out a state landmark or historical site for an educational activity.
8. 查看一個國家地標或歷史遺址的教育活動。
? ? ? Most areas have an important landmark or site nearby that is open for visitors. Travel to a landmark or historical location to walk the grounds, read the posted facts, and take photos. Invite family and friends to join you so you can all talk about what you learned. 大多數(shù)地區(qū)附近都有一個重要的地標或場地對游客開放往枣。到一個地標或歷史性的地點去散步伐庭,閱讀發(fā)布的事實粉渠,并拍照。邀請家人和朋友加入你們圾另,這樣你們就可以一起談論你們所學到的東西霸株。
? ? ? For instance, you might visit the Alamo if you’re in Texas, the Statue of Liberty if you’re in New York, Independence Hall if you live near Philadelphia, Mount Rushmore if you’re near South Dakota, or Alcatraz Island if you’re near California. 例如,如果你在德克薩斯州集乔,你可以參觀阿拉莫; 如果你在紐約去件,你可以參觀自由女神像; 如果你住在費城附近,你可以參觀獨立大廳; 如果你住在南達科他州扰路,你可以參觀 Mount Rushmore; 如果你住在加利福尼亞州附近尤溜,你可以參觀惡魔島
Method 2 方法2
Enjoying the Great Outdoors 享受戶外活動
1 Go on a hiking or camping trip during cool, clear weather conditions.
1. 在涼爽、晴朗的天氣條件下進行徒步旅行或露營汗唱。
? ? ? Spending time outdoors relaxes you and stokes your adventurous spirit. Plan a hike at a local park or nature reserve. If you want to camp overnight, reserve a camping spot, pack your camping gear, and invite others to go with you. 花時間在戶外可以讓你放松宫莱,激發(fā)你的冒險精神。計劃在當?shù)氐墓珗@或自然保護區(qū)遠足哩罪。如果你想露營過夜授霸,預定一個露營地點,打包你的露營裝備识椰,邀請其他人和你一起去绝葡。
? ? ? If you’re camping, make sure your tent can hold everyone who is coming. 如果你正在露營,確保你的帳篷可以容納所有來的人
? ? ? If you live in a warm area, spring and fall might be the best time for hiking and camping. In cooler areas, late spring, summer, and early fall might be the best time to go hiking or camping. 如果你住在一個溫暖的地方腹鹉,春天和秋天可能是徒步旅行和露營的最佳時間藏畅。在較涼爽的地區(qū),晚春功咒、夏季和初秋可能是徒步旅行或露營的最佳時間
Variation: Camp out in your own backyard for a cheap, easy way to enjoy good weather. 變化: 露營在你自己的后院為一個便宜愉阎,簡單的方式享受良好的天氣。
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2 Hang out at the beach or lake on a warm, sunny weekend.
2. 在一個溫暖力奋、陽光明媚的周末榜旦,在海灘或湖邊閑逛。
? ? ? A fun day at the beach can give you instant vacation vibes. If the weather is warm and clear, there’s no better place than the beach or lakeside. Pack up your bathing suit, blankets, towels, and a picnic. Then, enjoy a long day at the beach or lake. 在海灘上度過一天的快樂時光可以給你帶來即時的假期氛圍景殷。如果天氣溫暖晴朗溅呢,沒有比海灘或湖邊更好的地方了。收拾好你的游泳衣猿挚、毯子咐旧、毛巾和一次野餐。然后绩蜻,在海灘或湖邊享受漫長的一天铣墨。
? ? ? You can visit the beach or lake for a day trip or a weekend-long getaway. 你可以去海灘或者湖邊一日游或者周末長假
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3 Visit a state or national park during spring, summer, or fall.
3. 在春季、夏季或秋季游覽一個州或國家公園办绝。
? ? ? National parks allow you to see natural wonders and wildlife up close, so they can give you a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Find the national park that's closest to you. Check the hours for the park and purchase tickets, if necessary. On the day of your visit, wear comfortable clothes and walking shoes to the park and carry drinking water with you. 國家公園可以讓你近距離地觀賞自然奇觀和野生動物伊约,所以它們可以給你一生一次的體驗姚淆。找到離你最近的國家公園。如有需要屡律,查看公園的時間并購買入場券腌逢。參觀當天,穿著舒適的衣服和步行鞋去公園疹尾,并隨身攜帶飲用水上忍。
? ? ? For example, you might visit the Rocky Mountain National Park or Yellowstone National Park. 例如,你可以訪問洛磯山國家公園或黃石國家公園
You can find a park near you by visiting here: https://www.nps.gov/findapark/index.htm
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4 Take a ski trip in the mountains during snowy breaks.
4. 在下雪的時候到山上滑雪纳本。
? ? ? A visit to the mountains lets you enjoy an exhilarating adventure and cuddle by a fire. During cold weather, a trip to the mountains might be your perfect long weekend holiday getaway. Book a short stay at a mountain lodge or ski resort, then spend your free time on the slopes. 登山之旅可以讓你享受一次令人愉快的冒險,還可以擁抱在火堆旁腋颠。在寒冷的天氣里繁成,去山上旅行可能是你完美的長周末假期。在山間小屋或滑雪勝地預定一個短暫的停留淑玫,然后在山坡上度過你的空閑時間巾腕。
? ? ? For instance, you might spend your weekend in Aspen, CO, Bend, OR, or Whistler, British Columbia. 例如,你可能會在 Aspen絮蒿,CO尊搬,Bend,OR土涝,或者是不列顛哥倫比亞省的惠斯勒度過周末
Method 3 方法3
Touring Your Town 游覽你的城市
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1 Plan a special activity for each day and night.
1. 為每一天和每一夜制定一個特別的活動計劃佛寿。
? ? ? Make your long weekend special by pretending you're on vacation. Schedule fun events for each day to help keep your weekend exciting. Look for special events like concerts, parades, and festivals that are happening over the weekend. Additionally, pick activities you might do if you were vacationing in your city. 讓你的長周末變得特別,假裝你在度假但壮。每天安排一些有趣的活動冀泻,讓你的周末充滿激情。尋找一些特殊的活動蜡饵,比如音樂會弹渔、游行和周末舉行的節(jié)日。此外溯祸,如果你在你所在的城市度假肢专,你可以選擇一些你可能會做的活動。
? ? ? For instance, you might see a movie Friday night, visit a museum and a new restaurant on Saturday, play mini-golf and watch live music on Sunday, and join friends or family at a local park on Monday. 例如焦辅,你可以在周五晚上看電影博杖,周六參觀博物館和新餐廳,周日打迷你高爾夫氨鹏,看現(xiàn)場音樂欧募,周一和朋友或家人在當?shù)毓珗@聚會
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2 Spend an afternoon at the park.
2. 在公園呆上一個下午。
? ? ? Parks are fun because they have playground equipment, walking paths, and attractive nature elements. Visit your local park for a picnic, games, or scenic walk. Make it an even more fun afternoon by inviting friends and family! Here are some activities you might try: 公園很有趣仆抵,因為它們有操場設備跟继、步行小徑和吸引人的自然元素种冬。到當?shù)氐墓珗@去野餐,游戲或者觀光散步舔糖。邀請朋友和家人娱两,讓下午變得更加有趣!以下是一些你可以嘗試的活動:
? ? ? Bring board games and play at a picnic table or on a blanket. 帶上棋盤游戲金吗,在野餐桌或者毯子上玩
? ? ? Kick around a soccer or kickball. 踢足球或踢球
? ? ? Play a pickup game of baseball. 打一場臨時的棒球比賽
? ? ? Draw on the sidewalk with chalk if it’s allowed. 如果可以的話十兢,在人行道上用粉筆畫
? ? ? Play badminton. 打羽毛球
? ? ? Variation: You can have a lot of fun in a park by yourself. For instance, enjoy a picnic, read a book, watch the clouds, go for a walk, or play on the equipment. 變奏: 你可以自己在公園里玩得很開心。例如摇庙,享受一次野餐旱物,讀一本書,看看云彩卫袒,散散步宵呛,或者在設備上玩耍。
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3 Eat at a restaurant you’ve always wanted to try.
3. 在你一直想嘗試的餐廳吃飯夕凝。
? ? ? Sampling some new cuisine is a fun way to mix things up without having to travel outside your home town. Pick a restaurant that you’ve never tried before or a place that has a lot of different kinds of dishes. Then, order something that you typically wouldn’t get. 品嘗一些新的美食是一個有趣的方式來混合東西宝穗,而不必旅行你的家鄉(xiāng)以外的地方。選擇一個你從未嘗試過的餐廳码秉,或者一個有很多不同種類菜肴的地方逮矛。然后,點一些你通常不會得到的東西转砖。
? ? ? If your city or town has limited restaurants, you might order a different entree at your favorite eatery. 如果你所在的城市或城鎮(zhèn)的餐館數(shù)量有限须鼎,你可以在你最喜歡的餐館點不同的主菜
4 Visit a local attraction in your city or town.
4. 參觀你所在城市或城鎮(zhèn)的當?shù)鼐包c。
? ? ? It’s easy to forget about the fun things your city and town has to offer, and a long weekend is a perfect time to remind yourself that there’s fun all around you. Pretend like you’re on a vacation in your home town and enjoy the recreational activities available. Here are some great options: 你很容易忘記你所在的城市和城鎮(zhèn)所提供的樂趣堪藐,一個長周末是提醒自己周圍充滿樂趣的最佳時機莉兰。假裝你在你的家鄉(xiāng)度假,享受可用的娛樂活動礁竞。這里有一些很棒的選擇:
Play mini golf. 玩迷你高爾夫
Go bowling. 去打保齡球
Tour a local museum. 參觀當?shù)氐牟┪镳^
Visit a nearby winery or brewery.
Walk along a local waterfront. 沿著當?shù)氐暮I散步
Go to the zoo. 去動物園
Take a painting class. 參加繪畫班
? ? ? Tip: If you live in a rural area or small city, it’s easy to get discouraged about what your area has to offer. However, there is something fun that you can try, even if it’s something like walking in the woods or swimming in a local pond. Ask other locals how they have fun and give their ideas a try! 小貼士: 如果你住在農(nóng)村或小城市糖荒,你很容易對你所在地區(qū)能提供的東西感到氣餒。然而模捂,你可以嘗試一些有趣的事情捶朵,即使是在樹林里散步或者在當?shù)氐某靥晾镉斡尽枂柶渌數(shù)厝怂麄冊趺赐娴瞄_心狂男,試試他們的想法综看!
? ? ? Look for local events happening over the weekend. 尋找周末發(fā)生的當?shù)厥录?/p>
? ? ? You never know what fun activities are going on until you look! There might be a movie screening, a farmers' market, festival, or something else going on in your town that you never knew about—and a long weekend is the time to try it out. 你永遠不知道什么有趣的活動正在進行,直到你看岖食!可能會有電影放映红碑,農(nóng)貿(mào)市場,節(jié)日,或者其他你從來不知道的事情在你的鎮(zhèn)上發(fā)生ーー一個漫長的周末是嘗試的時間析珊。
? ? ? To find fun events going on in your town, look for community boards where people can post flyers about what's happening. These can often be found in cafes, libraries, supermarkets, or public buildings. 想要在你的小鎮(zhèn)上發(fā)現(xiàn)一些有趣的事情羡鸥,你可以找一些社區(qū)板塊,在那里人們可以張貼一些關于正在發(fā)生的事情的傳單忠寻。這些通尘逶。可以在咖啡館、圖書館奕剃、超市或公共建筑中找到
Method 4 方法4
Enjoying Your Break at Home 在家享受假期
1 Spend your extra time working on a hobby.
1. 把多余的時間花在興趣愛好上衷旅。
? ? ? Your busy work or school week can make it hard to do the things you enjoy. A long weekend is the perfect time to engage in a favorite hobby. Dedicate a few hours over the weekend to your hobbies. For instance, you might do the following: 你繁忙的工作或?qū)W校周會使你很難做你喜歡的事情。一個漫長的周末是最好的時間從事一個喜愛的愛好纵朋。周末花幾個小時在你的愛好上柿顶。例如,你可以這樣做:
Knit a scarf. 織一條圍巾
Paint. 油漆
Build a birdhouse or shelf. 建一個鳥舍或架子
Write a short story. 寫一個短篇小說
Play a game. 玩一個游戲
Practice the guitar. 練習彈吉他
Make homemade bath products. 自制洗浴用品
2 Read a book that captures your full attention.
2. 讀一本能吸引你全部注意力的書倡蝙。
? ? ? Reading can be a great escape, so it’s an excellent weekend activity. Pick a book that you find interesting and engaging. Then, snuggle up with a blanket and warm beverage so you can read in comfort. 閱讀是一種很好的逃避方式九串,所以它是一種極好的周末活動。選一本你覺得有趣和吸引人的書寺鸥。然后,依偎在毛毯和溫暖的飲料品山,這樣你就可以舒服地閱讀了胆建。
? ? ? As an example, you might pick a fantasy, science fiction, or adventure novel if you want to be transported to another world. On the other hand, you might pick a cozy mystery if you want a quirky puzzle to solve. 舉個例子,如果你想被帶到另一個世界肘交,你可能會選擇一本奇幻小說笆载、科幻小說或冒險小說。另一方面涯呻,如果你想解決一個古怪的謎題凉驻,你可能會選擇一個舒適的謎題
3 Binge watch a TV show or movie franchise that’s in your queue.
3. 看一部電視劇或者電影。
? ? ? Diving into a TV show or movie is a fun way to rest and relax. Best of all, you can likely do it for free. Pick a show that you’ve been wanting to watch or re-watch your favorites. 沉浸在電視節(jié)目或電影中是一種休息和放松的有趣方式复罐。最重要的是涝登,你可以免費做這件事。選一個你一直想看的節(jié)目效诅,或者重看你喜歡的節(jié)目胀滚。
? ? ? If you like, invite a friend or family member to enjoy a marathon with you. 如果你愿意,邀請一個朋友或家人和你一起享受馬拉松
? ? ? Tip: Make your TV or movie marathon an experience. Pop some popcorn, get a few of your favorite snacks, and put on your favorite pajamas. Then, dim the lights and enjoy. 小貼士: 讓你的電視或電影馬拉松成為一種體驗乱投。拿出一些爆米花咽笼,買一些你最喜歡的零食,穿上你最喜歡的睡衣戚炫。然后剑刑,調(diào)暗燈光,盡情享受双肤。
4 Make a big meal for your family or friends.
4. 為你的家人或朋友做一頓大餐施掏。
? ? ? Enjoying a meal with people you care about is a great way to make memories, relax, and remind yourself what’s important. Invite friends and family to your home for lunch or dinner. Then, cook up a tasty meal or ask everyone to bring their favorite dish. 和你在乎的人一起享受一頓飯是一個很好的方法钮惠,它可以讓你回憶,放松其监,提醒自己什么是重要的萌腿。邀請朋友和家人到你家共進午餐或晚餐。然后抖苦,做一頓美味的飯菜或者讓每個人都帶上他們最喜歡的菜毁菱。
? ? ? For example, you might host a picnic or barbeque if it’s warm outside. 例如,如果外面天氣暖和锌历,你可以舉辦一次野餐或燒烤
? ? ? On a cool day, make a big pot of chili or gumbo to share with those you love. 在涼爽的一天贮庞,做一大鍋辣椒或秋葵湯,與你愛的人分享
5 Complete a major home improvement project.
5. 完成一個主要的家庭裝修項目究西。
? ? ? You likely have projects that you want to tackle but just don’t have enough time to do. Luckily, a long weekend can be the perfect time to get these things done. Choose a project that will help you feel happier and more content at home. For instance, you might do 1 of the following: 你可能有一些你想處理的項目窗慎,但是沒有足夠的時間去做。幸運的是卤材,一個長周末是完成這些事情的最佳時機遮斥。選擇一個能讓你在家里感到更快樂和更滿足的項目。例如扇丛,你可能會做下面的1件事:
Clear out your clutter and organize your home.
Redecorate a room in your home. 重新裝修你家的房間
Paint a room. 粉刷房間
Plant a garden. 種一個花園
Fix your car. 修好你的車
Lay stones for a new patio. 為新露臺鋪石頭
Get deck furniture. 準備甲板上的家具
Build a swing set. 做一個秋千
6 Catch up or work ahead on work or school assignments.
6. 趕上或提前完成工作或?qū)W校作業(yè)。
? ? ? While it’s important to use your vacation to relax, you might decide to work if it’ll make your life easier in the future. Carve out a few hours in your weekend to take care of assignments or projects that are behind the deadline or to work a day or 2 ahead. However, remember to relax a bit, as well. 雖然利用假期放松很重要帆精,但如果工作能讓你的生活更輕松较屿,你可能會決定去工作。在周末抽出幾個小時來處理那些在截止日期之前完成的任務或項目卓练,或者提前一兩天完成工作隘蝎。不過,也要記得放松一點襟企。
? ? ? For example, you might catch up on a reading assignment for school or start working on a research paper you know is due soon. 例如嘱么,你可能會趕上學校的閱讀作業(yè),或者開始寫一篇你知道很快就要交的研究論文
? ? ? Similarly, you might finish up a presentation for work that needs to be submitted as soon as possible. 類似地整吆,你可能會完成一個需要盡快提交的工作報告