2017/7/28 Write nothing...
What the mind of man canconceive and believe it can achieve.
Your attitude determainsyour altitude.
Whenever I want to give upto learn,I tell myself,If you give up,you wouldnot have a better life and cann’tgive the family financial freedom. So just keep on learning.What is the mostimportant for a capable person?It is the knowledge.No matter what yourprofessions are ,your altitude,attitude and perception,all will help you arriveat the destination of success.If you understand the principle:knowledge ispower,you should action right now.Knowing a principle just do it,otherwise youknow nothing.so why not to learn pleasantly.
Read to inspire.
Today this vocabularyalways appears in my mind,Read to inspire.Read is just like a power,which willbring you high spirite experience.
What a terrible thing! Why
did I have the emotion,as a teacher tells me that what I write the concent are
all atributive clauses(定語從句)塌忽。This is a little stupid way to start english writing.I feel a pity thatI have forgotten the grammar which I learned in middle school.
Now I have a new recogniseof a person’s image.Before I thought that with tidy ,clean and suitable clotheswas a beautiful woman,while the inner knowledge is the real standard of awoman.