This plugin requires the following plugins:
– Battle Engine Core
– Buffs & States Core
Place this plugin beneath the above listed plugins in the plugin manager. This plugin allows you to add a variety of protection effects to your states to allow them to reduce HP or MP damage in more unique ways, from cutting off a percentage of the original damage, blocking off damage entirely once certain break points are met, capping damage in certain ways, and surviving fatal damage. And should any of those effects trigger, you can set the state to perform special effects, too!
NOTE: This plugin is best used with RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0+. You can still use this plugin with a lower version number, but you will have a much harder time altering the plugin parameters without it.
注意:這個(gè)插件用于RPG Maker MV版本1.5.0+吹榴。
For updated versions of the notetags, please refer to the plugin’s helpfile.
Lunatic Mode – Effect Code
For experienced users that know JavaScript and have RPG Maker MV 1.5.0+, you can add new notetag effects that can be used by the plugin or alter the effects of currently existing notetag effects from the plugin parameters entry: Effect Code. It should look something like this:
// ----------------
// Damage Reduction
// ----------------
if (data.match(/DAMAGE CUT[ ](\d+)([%%])/i)) {
rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01;
blocked = originalValue * rate;
value -= blocked;
value = Math.max(value, 0);
} else if (data.match(/DAMAGE BLOCK[ ]([\+\-]\d+)/i)) {
blocked = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
value -= blocked;
value = Math.max(value, 0);
// -------------------------------
// Add new effects above this line
// -------------------------------
} else {
skip = true;
Here’s what each of the variables used in this code bit refer to:
-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
Variable: Refers to:
-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
state The state this effect belongs to
stateId The state ID this effect belongs to
value The HP/MP damage being affected by this effect. Any
changes made to this value will be permanent unless
the effect is skipped.
originalValue The original HP/MP damage before any of the protect
state effects have been applied.
item The item being used by this action
skill The skill being used by this action
isItem Returns true if action is an item
isSkill Returns true if action is a skill
a Returns the action user
user Returns the action user
subject Returns the action user
b Returns the action's current target
target Returns the action's current target
s[x] Return switch x (true/false)
v[x] Return variable x's current value
user._result The current results for the user
target._result The current results for the target
userPreviousResult The results for the user before any changes
targetPreviousResult The results for the target before any changes
animation The animation to be played.
triggered Returns if any of this state's protection effects
have been triggered (true) or not (false)
skip Default: false. If true, skips popups & animations
If you need to revert the Effect Code back to its original state, delete the plugin from your plugin manager list and then add it again. The code will be back to default.