? 前言:
? ? 歷時27小時56分酣藻,終于刷完了我的第五本原著笑窜,英語的使用流暢性已經(jīng)不同往日,在接觸了此類帶有哲學(xué)性的方法論后瓤檐,我的生活已經(jīng)開始了翻天覆地的變化赂韵,或許我對時間與自我的理解并沒有以前想象的那么深入。是時候去重新讀一遍我以前所讀過的書籍了挠蛉,想必定然少不了一些新的觀點祭示。下面先記錄下部分內(nèi)容的理解,應(yīng)用和反饋谴古。
? 概要:
? ? 本書名稱雖然叫《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people》质涛,但實際講的卻是人類的“天賦”應(yīng)用于自我認(rèn)知,未來定位掰担,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)汇陆,情緒控制,時間管理等各個方面带饱。核心思想是:修身毡代、“BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND ”---以終為始。
? 摘錄:
? ? 1勺疼、Leadership is communicating other' worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.
? ? 2教寂、You always reap what you sow ; there is no shortcut .
? ? 3、Into the hands of every individual is given a marvelous power for good or evil—the silent, unconscious, unseen influence of his life. This is simply the constant radiation of what man really is , not what he pretends to be.
? ? 4执庐、Where we stand depends on where we sit.
? ? 5酪耕、We can't go very far to change our seeing without simultaneously changing our being,and vice versa.
? ? 6、The inside-out approach says that private victories precede public victories, that making and keeping promises to ourselves precedes making and keeping promises to others. It says it is futile to put personality ahead of character, to try to improve relationships with others before improving ourselves .
? ? 7轨淌、But it is also gravity pull that keeps our world together, that keeps the planets in their orbits and our universe in order. It is a powerful force, and if we use it effectively, we can use the gravity pull of habit to create the cohesiveness and order necessary to establish effectiveness in our lives.
? ? 8迂烁、Between stimulus and response, man has the freedom to choose.
? ? 9、The principles don't change; our understanding of them does.
? ? 10猿诸、Your tool needs to reflect that value,to facilitate implementation rather than create guilt when a schedule is not followed.
? ? 11婚被、SELF-MANAGER(the fourth-generation management)
? ? ? ? 11.1 IDENTIFYING ROLES. The first task is to write down your key roles .
? ? ? ? 11.2 SELECTING GOALS. The next step is to think of one or two important results you feel you should accomplish in each role during the next seven days.
? ? ? ? 11.3 SCHEDULING. Now you can look at the week ahead with your goals in mind and schedule time to achieve them.
? ? ? ? 11.4 DAILY ADAPTING. With Quadrant II weekly organizing, daily planning becomes more a function of daily adapting, of prioritizing activities and responding to unanticipated event, relationships, and experiences in a meaningful way.?
? 案例分析與預(yù)演:
? ? 案例:
? ? ? ? 閱讀本書以前,我的日常計劃表往往是這樣列出的:根據(jù)五年計劃梳虽,分裂出年度目標(biāo)址芯,再分裂出月度目標(biāo),最后是周目標(biāo)窜觉,日目標(biāo)谷炸。環(huán)環(huán)相扣,非常精密(如下圖)禀挫。一旦出現(xiàn)突發(fā)事件旬陡,就要整體性改動,同時语婴,計劃失敗往往造成難以平復(fù)的挫敗感描孟,暴躁易怒驶睦。
? ? 分析:
? ? ? ? ①計劃嚴(yán)密,靈活性不高
? ? ? ? ②未來規(guī)劃不清楚匿醒,五年計劃也只是隨大流盲從
? ? ? ? ③計劃中斷時情緒反撲场航,導(dǎo)致難以持續(xù)惡性循環(huán)。
? ? ? ? ④雖然能完成計劃廉羔,但意志力消耗非常大溉痢,對待周圍人時,不再具有約束情緒的能力憋他。
? ? ? ? ⑤傾向于“存天理孩饼,滅人欲”。
? ? 預(yù)演:
? ? ? ? 按照本書理論竹挡,兩周前更新到第四代的自我管理镀娶。以終為始,確定了臨終時我想要的各種評價(同事此迅,親屬汽畴,父母,子女耸序,朋友忍些,對手,社會等)坎怪,并根據(jù)每種角色的評價罢坝,明確了核心結(jié)果的實現(xiàn)條件,由各自條件設(shè)定了各自的具體待完成事項搅窿。每周分配各種待完成事項嘁酿,當(dāng)日出現(xiàn)突發(fā)事件時,推遲原計劃事項即可男应,計劃推遲也不會打亂整個計劃體系闹司,因為我完成近乎的每一件事,都是在接近我的臨終愿望沐飘。
? 感想:書籍時人類進(jìn)步的階梯游桩,借著智人天賦---想象,我們可以經(jīng)歷各個作者的一生耐朴,存活多世借卧,由此快速獲取面向未來的優(yōu)勢。了解的越多筛峭,越能感覺到智人的可塑性是多么的可怕铐刘。正如文中所說的“自我意識”、“想象”影晓、“責(zé)任”镰吵、“獨立意志”檩禾,每一種天賦都是我們收獲的最好禮物。王陽明的“知行合一”和Covey Stephen R的“以終為始”將會帶給我以新的變革捡遍。我的生命帶著終結(jié)锌订,剛剛開始。