No one ever gets tired of the moon.? She is goddess by power of her eternal永恒的不朽的 beauty; she is a true woman by her tact圓滑老練 --knows the charm of being seldom seen, of coming by sunrise and staying but a little while; never wears the same dress two nights running, nor all night the same way; commends贊揚 herself to the matter-of-fact據實的 people by her usefulness, and makes her uselessness adored? by poets, artists and all lovers in old lands; lends herself to every symbolism and to every emblem象征標志; is Diana's bow and Venus's mirror and Mary's throne寶座王位; is a sickle鐮刀, a scarf, an eyebrow, his face or har face, when looked at by her or by him; is the madman's shell, the poet's heaven, the baby's toy, the philosopher's study; and while her admirers follow her foot steps, and hang on her lovely looks, she knows how to keep her woman's secret -- her other side -- unguessed and unguessable.
沒有人會厭倦月亮物延。憑她天賦的永恒之美,她是女神,而憑她的機敏得體痊硕,她是一個真正的女人—— 知道少為人見的魅力;知道在日出時降臨,并且只停留一會兒吝羞;從來不會在兩個夜晚穿同樣的衣服,整個夜晚也不會總是一個樣子内颗;講求實際的人贊美她的有用性钧排,詩人、藝術家和所有大陸上的情侶崇拜她的無用性均澳;她適合被比作所有的象征:戴安娜的弓恨溜,維納斯的鏡子,瑪麗的寶座找前;一把鐮刀糟袁,一面頭巾,一道眼眉躺盛,他的或她的被愛人所凝視的臉项戴;是瘋子的地獄,詩人的天堂槽惫,嬰兒的玩具周叮,哲學家的書房辩撑;當她的崇拜者,追隨她的腳步仿耽,留戀她可愛的表情時合冀,她知道如何保守她女人的秘密——她的另一面——那不可測度的一面。