想起一個好玩兒的段子彰阴, 其實是發(fā)生在上回講的斯科德案的三年后哥遮, 1860年宽闲。? 無所謂時間次序了蔑水, 先吐為快....
林肯經(jīng)典的大頭照, 大家應(yīng)該見過:
以上是唯一的一張林肯面帶笑容的畫像馏鹤。 這畫像掛在 南伊利諾伊州立大學(xué) (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville) 的圖書館里征椒,估計大部分過路人都認(rèn)不出畫中人是誰。這是林肯 1860年夏被推舉為共和黨總統(tǒng)候選人后湃累,阿爾班·柯南( Alban Jasper Conant) 給他畫的勃救“郑柯南當(dāng)年還寫了一段散文,記載他畫這幅畫的經(jīng)歷蒙秒,很有意思極力推薦勃黍, 在這里可以下載。
還有這張照片瓢省, 也是1860年夏拍的:
這怎么都沒胡子啊勤婚?摹量? 跟我們熟悉的大頭照貌若兩人哦……
原來馒胆, 起因是一個11歲的小姑娘缨称,名叫葛萊斯·彼得兒( Grace Bedell), 家住紐約州祝迂。?
1860年十月,總統(tǒng)大選前型雳, 葛萊斯 給林肯寫了封信:
Hon A B [sic] Lincoln...
Dear Sir
My father has just home from the fair and brought home your picture and Mr. Hamlin's. I am a little girl only 11 years old, but want you should be President of the United States very much so I hope you wont think me very bold to write to such a great man as you are. Have you any little girls about as large as I am if so give them my love and tell her to write to me if you cannot answer this letter. I have yet got four brothers and part of them will vote for you any way and if you let your whiskers grow I will try and get the rest of them to vote for you you would look a great deal better for your face is so thin. All the ladies like whiskers and they would tease their husbands to vote for you and then you would be President. My father is going to vote for you and if I was a man I would vote for you to [sic] but I will try to get every one to vote for you that I can I think that rail fence around your picture makes it look very pretty I have got a little baby sister she is nine weeks old and is just as cunning as can be. When you direct your letter direct to Grace Bedell Westfield Chautauqua County New York.
I must not write any more answer this letter right off Good bye
Grace Bedell
西田市, 紐約州四啰, 十月十五宁玫, 1860
尊敬的A. 林肯
林肯那陣子每天都收到一摞摞的信匙赞,雇了倆秘書專門為他拆信回信佛掖。可是格萊斯這封信涌庭, 他親自回了:
Springfield, Ill Oct 19, 1860
Miss Grace Bedell
My dear little Miss
Your very agreeable letter of the 15th is received. I regret the necessity of saying I have no daughters. I have three sons – one seventeen, one nine, and one seven, years of age. They, with their mother, constitute my whole family. As to the whiskers, having never worn any, do you not think people would call it a piece of silly affectation if I were to begin it now?
Your very sincere well wisher
A. Lincoln
春田市芥被, 伊利諾伊州,十月十九坐榆,1860
葛萊斯·彼得兒 女士
你15號寫的那封很棒的信拴魄,我已經(jīng)收到了。我真后悔沒有閨女。我有三個兒子匹中, 他們十七歲夏漱, 九歲,和七歲顶捷。他們和他們的媽媽就是我的全部家人挂绰。還有這胡子,我從來沒留過服赎,這把年紀(jì)開始留葵蒂,會不會顯得有點傻?
他可能還是照鏡子覺得小姑娘說得有道理嚎尤。 當(dāng)選后的一天荔仁, 林肯坐在理發(fā)店凳子上伍宦,摸了摸腮芽死,對他的理發(fā)師 比爾里 (就是上一章提到過的那個黑人理發(fā)師)說: 比爾里, 就給它們一個發(fā)芽的機會吧 (原文:Billy次洼,let's give them a chance to grow)关贵。
到十一月底, 林肯就變這樣了:
1861年二月底,林肯乘火車去華盛頓上任亥啦,路過葛萊斯的家鄉(xiāng)紐約西田市炭剪。火車暫停翔脱,他下車站在被圍得水泄不通的站臺上致辭奴拦。想起那封信, 他捋了捋胡子届吁,問大家誰認(rèn)得一位叫葛萊斯的小姑娘嗎错妖?
"He climbed down and sat down with me on the edge of the station platform," she recalled. "'Gracie,' he said, 'look at my whiskers. I have been growing them for you.' Then he kissed me. I never saw him again."
他爬下來和我一起坐在了站臺邊暂氯。 “葛萊斯, ”他說亮蛔,“你看我的胡子痴施, 我給你留啦。”然后他親了我一下辣吃。我后來就再也沒見過他了锉矢。