The "Write or Out" of English version is a group where we submit one English article half month.It was established by an amazing people names 韋露娟Sera(18824182939).The duration of this activity is 7 years and when we persist and get through it,we would have a trip to Europe all together.
So Why would I join the English version of "Write or Out"?Why would I abandon the easy life in whitch I have enough time for playing games or watching movies but to spend money for a tough thing to do whitch make myself uncomfortable? The people around me seem to fail to understand me.They have no idea why a person would cost money to join a group in whitch members have nothing to get but upload their articles.They think I am crazy but I know I am not.I know the meaning of joining a group and I know why I would join the group--"Write or Out".Reasons for the joining in "Write or out",but three stand out.
一、The most important thing in learning
What is the most important thing in learing?Someone would say the teacher束莫、the best book溢十、the perseverance and so on .But as far as I am concerned,I think these factors are all not the most important thing in learing.The teacher can teach us the correct method of learing and the best book can give us the most useful knowledge but they all can't give us the antions we need for learning.The great use of these things are not so much to replace our actions as to make us realize how to learn and learn what things.No matter what we learn and how we learn,we all need actions to obtain and practice knowledges.The perseverance is the important factor in actions.But how can we be so persevering?So here is my answer.In my opinion,the "constraint by others" is the most important thing in learning.
The actions are the only way to learn some knowledges or master some skills.But as normal people,we all have inertness in our mind.So how can we overcome the inertness that come from the instinct and persist in learining and practicing?The "constraint by others" is the way.When we have competitions with others,we would feel the pressure.When we cooperate with others,we would try our best to finish our job so that we wouldn't be looked down by our fellow.When we catch sight of a normal people around us has achieved some extraordinary goal,we would envy him or admire him but the most valuable influence is we would observe him and find the cause of his success and begin to learn from him and behave like him.This is the key of groups.Thanks to the "constraint by others",we will learn from the excellent people in the group and struggle to promote ourselves to catch up the excellent people.Because of the groups,we will be progressed every day.And this is why I chose to enter the "Write or out" group.
二场梆、The rewards that writing can give us
Without a shadow of a doubt,we all know the useful of English.Almost all the top knowledges and technologies is coded by English.So if we know how to use English,we could use English to learn the most advanced knowledges and technologies whitch would have a great promotion to our progress.The reading is the most efficient way to obtain knowledges.But the writing is the most efficient way to increase our ability of reading.
Things seem clearer when they were written down.The English are no exception.When we have used English to read articles and learn knowledges for a long time,many phrases and sentences were just mapped in our mind.When these phrases and sentences appear in another article,we can recognized it without hesitation.But the problem is we don't know how it work and how to use it.We have no idea why these sentences are used like this.We only have perceptual cognition but no rational congnition for these sentences.So our ability of reading in English can't be improved to a high level.
So we need the writing to help us.The writing that is a way of output can help us scan the learned phrases and sentences.It can make us clearer to the knowledges we learned and help us establish a stable building of knowledges.The more we write,the stronger the buliding is and the easier the reading is.So this is the reason I started in writing in English.
三裹驰、When you begin,you have defeated 50% people.When you persist,you have won out 99% people.
There's no point in trying something if you're not gonna try your hardest.So if you have decided to achieve something,just persisting.When you begin,you have defeated 50% people.When you persist,you have won out 99% people.
Greatness is not this wonderful,esoteric,elusive,god-like feature that only the special among us will ever taste.It's something that truly exists in all of us.We all have the potential to learn or master everything.As we spend more and more time persisting in doing something,it begins to down on us that the success is directly related to perseverance.English learning is the same.I wouldn't say that reading or writing one or two English articles can be very rewarding,but you can see how it might influence our life with over hundreds of English articles be read or write.So once I decided to join the "Write or Out" group,I have make up my mind to persist for 7 years.And I know once that bird starts to fly and sing,it will astonish the world.
There have only one thing that we can't forget:
We can not stop stretching.
So if you want to join us to write and improve yourself.Just click the link below: