User Manual 用戶手冊
該類Surface_mesh是半邊數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)的實現(xiàn)予权,可用于表示多面體表面扫腺。它是CGAL包Halfedge Data Structure和3D Polyhedral Surface的替代方案。主要區(qū)別在于它是基于索引的攒至,而不是基于指針的迫吐。此外账忘,將信息添加到頂點鳖擒,半邊蒋荚,邊和面的機制要簡單得多,并且可以在運行時(runtime)完成惊奇,而不必在編譯時完成颂郎。
1 用法(usage)
- Surface_mesh::Vertex_index
- Surface_mesh::Halfedge_index
- Surface_mesh::Face_index
- Surface_mesh::Edge_index
這些class是基本圖元個體的封裝喜鼓,這樣做的目的是為了保證類型安全衔肢。它們默認是可構(gòu)造的膀懈,因此可能會產(chǎn)生一些無效的元素谨垃。新的元素可以通過一系列不包括連通性的低級函數(shù)向surface mesh這個類添加或者刪除刘陶。一個例外是Surface_mesh::add_face()匙隔,它嘗試向網(wǎng)格(由一系列頂點定義)中添加一個新面,如果操作在拓撲上無效撼短,則失敗挺勿。
typedef Surface_mesh<Point> Mesh;
Mesh m;
Mesh::Vertex_index u = m.add_vertex(Point(0,1,0));
Mesh::Vertex_index v = m.add_vertex(Point(0,0,0));
Mesh::Vertex_index w = m.add_vertex(Point(1,0,0));
m.add_face(u, v, w);
正如Surface_mesh是基于索引的(index based)不瓶,Vertex_index,Halfedge_index蚊丐,Edge_index和Face_index沒有成員函數(shù)來訪問連接性或?qū)傩晕醪巍?a target="_blank">Surface_mesh中創(chuàng)建的函數(shù)必須有獲取這些信息的功能。
2 連通性(connectivity)
surface mesh是一種能夠保持頂點麦备,邊和面的入射信息的孽椰,以邊為核心的數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)。
其實說白了,surface mesh有一個半邊結(jié)構(gòu)的表達方式:對于一個半邊h它有以下這樣幾個導航的表達方式:Surface_mesh::opposite()削彬,Surface_mesh::next()全庸,Surface_mesh::prev(),Surface_mesh::target()融痛,和Surface_mesh::face()和半邊數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)是差不多的壶笼。
3 范圍和迭代器(range and iterators)
來自官方文檔的示例,演示如何從范圍中獲取迭代器類型沛励,獲得begin和end迭代器的替代方法以及基于范圍(range for c++11)的循環(huán)的替代方法责语。
#include <vector>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>
#include <CGAL/Surface_mesh.h>
typedef CGAL::Simple_cartesian<double> K;
typedef CGAL::Surface_mesh<K::Point_3> Mesh;
typedef Mesh::Vertex_index vertex_descriptor;
typedef Mesh::Face_index face_descriptor;
int main()
Mesh m;
// u x
// +------------+
// | |
// | f |
// | |
// +------------+
// v w
// Add the points as vertices
vertex_descriptor u = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(0,1,0));
vertex_descriptor v = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(0,0,0));
vertex_descriptor w = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(1,0,0));
vertex_descriptor x = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(1,1,0));
/* face_descriptor f = */ m.add_face(u,v,w,x);
std::cout << "all vertices " << std::endl;
// The vertex iterator type is a nested type of the Vertex_range
Mesh::Vertex_range::iterator vb, ve;
Mesh::Vertex_range r = m.vertices();
// The iterators can be accessed through the C++ range API
vb = r.begin();
ve = r.end();
// or the boost Range API
vb = boost::begin(r);
ve = boost::end(r);
// or with boost::tie, as the CGAL range derives from std::pair
for(boost::tie(vb, ve) = m.vertices(); vb != ve; ++vb){
std::cout << *vb << std::endl;
// Instead of the classical for loop one can use
// the boost macro for a range
BOOST_FOREACH(vertex_descriptor vd, m.vertices()){
std::cout << vd << std::endl;
// or the C++11 for loop. Note that there is a ':' and not a ',' as in BOOST_FOREACH
for(vertex_descriptor vd : m.vertices()){
std::cout << vd << std::endl;
return 0;
4 循環(huán)器(circulators)
CGAL和Boost Graph Library中提供了圍繞面和頂點的循環(huán)器作為模板類。
- CGAL::Halfedge_around_face_circulator<Mesh>
- CGAL::Vertex_around_face_circulator<Mesh>
- CGAL::Face_around_face_circulator<Mesh>
- CGAL::Halfedge_around_target_circulator<Mesh>
- CGAL::Vertex_around_target_circulator<Mesh>
- CGAL::Face_around_target_circulator<Mesh>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>
#include <CGAL/Surface_mesh.h>
typedef CGAL::Simple_cartesian<double> K;
typedef CGAL::Surface_mesh<K::Point_3> Mesh;
typedef Mesh::Vertex_index vertex_descriptor;
typedef Mesh::Face_index face_descriptor;
int main()
Mesh m;
// u x
// +------------+
// | |
// | |
// | f |
// | |
// | |
// +------------+
// v w
// Add the points as vertices
vertex_descriptor u = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(0,1,0));
vertex_descriptor v = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(0,0,0));
vertex_descriptor w = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(1,0,0));
vertex_descriptor x = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(1,1,0));
face_descriptor f = m.add_face(u,v,w,x);
std::cout << "vertices around vertex " << v << std::endl;
CGAL::Vertex_around_target_circulator<Mesh> vbegin(m.halfedge(v),m), done(vbegin);
do {
std::cout << *vbegin++ << std::endl;
} while(vbegin != done);
std::cout << "vertices around face " << f << std::endl;
CGAL::Vertex_around_face_iterator<Mesh> vbegin, vend;
for(boost::tie(vbegin, vend) = vertices_around_face(m.halfedge(f), m);
vbegin != vend;
std::cout << *vbegin << std::endl;
// or the same again, but directly with a range based loop
BOOST_FOREACH(vertex_descriptor vd,vertices_around_face(m.halfedge(f), m)){
std::cout << vd << std::endl;
return 0;
5 屬性(properties)
默認情況下纵穿,會維護一個屬性"v:point"。通過將新點添加到數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)時奢人,必須提供此屬性的值Surface_mesh::add_vertex()谓媒。可以使用Surface_mesh::points()或直接訪問該屬性`Surface_mesh::point(Surface_mesh::Vertex_index v)何乎。
連接性也存儲在屬性中,即名為“ v:connectivity”各墨,“ h:connectivity”和“ f:connectivity”的屬性指孤。對于已刪除元素的標記,它非常相似贬堵,其中有“ v:removed”恃轩,“ e:removed”和“ f:removed”。
#include <string>
#include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>
#include <CGAL/Surface_mesh.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
typedef CGAL::Simple_cartesian<double> K;
typedef CGAL::Surface_mesh<K::Point_3> Mesh;
typedef Mesh::Vertex_index vertex_descriptor;
typedef Mesh::Face_index face_descriptor;
int main()
Mesh m;
vertex_descriptor v0 = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(0,2,0));
vertex_descriptor v1 = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(2,2,0));
vertex_descriptor v2 = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(0,0,0));
vertex_descriptor v3 = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(2,0,0));
vertex_descriptor v4 = m.add_vertex(K::Point_3(1,1,0));
m.add_face(v3, v1, v4);
m.add_face(v0, v4, v1);
m.add_face(v0, v2, v4);
m.add_face(v2, v3, v4);
// give each vertex a name, the default is empty
Mesh::Property_map<vertex_descriptor,std::string> name;
bool created;
boost::tie(name, created) = m.add_property_map<vertex_descriptor,std::string>("v:name","");
// add some names to the vertices
name[v0] = "hello";
name[v2] = "world";
// You get an existing property, and created will be false
Mesh::Property_map<vertex_descriptor,std::string> name;
bool created;
boost::tie(name, created) = m.add_property_map<vertex_descriptor,std::string>("v:name", "");
assert(! created);
// You can't get a property that does not exist
Mesh::Property_map<face_descriptor,std::string> gnus;
bool found;
boost::tie(gnus, found) = m.property_map<face_descriptor,std::string>("v:gnus");
assert(! found);
// retrieve the point property for which exists a convenience function
Mesh::Property_map<vertex_descriptor, K::Point_3> location = m.points();
BOOST_FOREACH( vertex_descriptor vd, m.vertices()) {
std::cout << name[vd] << " @ " << location[vd] << std::endl;
std::vector<std::string> props =<vertex_descriptor>();
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string p, props){
std::cout << p << std::endl;
// delete the string property again
return 0;