Predicting the future
/pr??d?kt??/ /e?/ /?fju???/
Bagrit foresaw a time when computers would be small
/Bagrit/ /f???s??/ /?/ /ta?m/ /w?n/ /k?m?pju?t?z/ /w?d/ /bi?/ /sm??l/
enough to hold in the hand, when they would be capable of
/??n?f/ /tu?/ /h??ld/ /?n/ /e?/ /h?nd,/ /w?n/ /ee?/ /w?d/ /bi?/ /?ke?p?bl/ /?v/
providing information about traffic jams and suggesting
/pr??va?d??/ /??nf??me???n/ /??ba?t/ /?tr?f?k/ /??mz/ /?nd/ /s????st??/
alternative routes, when they would be used in hospitals to
/??l?t??n?t?v/ /ru?ts,/ /w?n/ /ee?/ /w?d/ /bi?/ /ju?zd/ /?n/ /?h?sp?tlz/ /tu?/
help doctors to diagnose illnesses, when they would relieve
/h?lp/ /?d?kt?z/ /tu?/ /?da??gn??z/ /??ln?s?z,/ /w?n/ /ee?/ /w?d/ /r??li?v/
office workers and accountants of dull, repetitive clerical
/??f?s/ /?w??k?z/ /?nd/ /??ka?nt?nts/ /?v/ /d?l,//r??p?t?t?v/ /?kl?r?k?l/
work. All these computer uses have become commonplace.
/w??k./ /??l/ /ei?z/ /k?m?pju?t?/ /?ju?z?z/ /h?v/ /b??k?m/ /?k?m?nple?s./
Of course, Leon Bagrit could not possibly have foreseen the
/?v/ /k??s,/ /li???n/ /Bagrit/ /k?d/ /n?t/ /?p?s?bli/ /h?v/ /f???si?n/ /ei?/
development of the Internet, the worldwide system that
/d??v?l?pm?nt/ /?v/ /ei/ /??nt??n?t,/ /e?/ /?w??ld?wa?d/ /?s?st?m/ /e?t/
enables us to communicate instantly with anyone in any
/??ne?blz/ /?s/ /tu?/ /k??mju?n?ke?t/ /??nst?ntli/ /w?e/ /??n?w?n/ /?n/ /??ni/
part of the world by using computers linked to telephone
/pɑ?t/ /?v/ /e?/ /w??ld/ /ba?/ /?ju?z??/ /k?m?pju?t?z/ /l??kt/ /tu?/ /?t?l?f??n/
networks. Nor could he have foreseen how we could use the
/?n?tw??ks./ /n??/ /k?d/ /hi?/ /h?v/ /f???si?n/ /ha?/ /wi?/ /k?d/ /ju?z/ /ei?/
Internet to obtain information on every known subject, so
/??nt??n?t/ /tu?/ /?b?te?n/ /??nf??me???n/ /?n/ /??vri/ /n??n/ /?s?b??kt,/ /s??/
we can read it on a screen in our homes and even print it as
/wi?/ /k?n/ /ri?d/ /?t/ /?n/ /?/ /skri?n/ /?n/ /?a??/ /h??mz/ /?nd/ /?i?v?n/ /pr?nt/ /?t/ /?z/
well if we want to. Computers have become smaller and
/w?l/ /?f/ /wi?/ /w?nt/ /tu?./ /k?m?pju?t?z/ /h?v/ /b??k?m/ /?sm??l?r/ /?nd/
smaller, more and more powerful and cheaper and cheaper.
/?sm??l?,/ /m??r/ /?nd/ /m??/ /?pa??f?l/ /?nd/ /??i?p?r/ /?nd/ /??i?p?./
This is what makes Leon Bagrit's predictions particularly
/e?s/ /?z/ /w?t/ /me?ks/ /li???n/ /Bagrit's/ /pr??d?k??nz/ /p??t?kj?l?li/
remarkable. If he, or someone like him, were alive today, he
/r??mɑ?k?bl./ /?f/ /hi?,/ /??/ /?s?mw?n/ /la?k/ /h?m,/ /w??r/ /??la?v/ /t??de?,/ /hi?/
might be able to tell us what to expect in the next fifty years.
/ma?t/ /bi?/ /?e?bl/ /tu?/ /t?l/ /?s/ /w?t/ /tu?/ /?ks?p?kt/ /?n/ /e?/ /n?kst/ /?f?fti/ /j??z./
1/ 單詞
diagnose - v. 診斷
relieve - v. 減輕
commonplace - adj. 平凡
diagnose /?da??gn??z/
repetitive /r??p?t?t?v/