Lesson 22-2
By heart
/ba?/ /hɑ?t/
One night, the gaoler decided to play a joke on his colleague
/w?n/ /na?t,/ /e?/ /??e?l?/ /d??sa?d?d/ /tu?/ /ple?/ /?/ /???k/ /?n/ /h?z/ /?k?li?g/
to find out if, after so many performances, he had managed
/tu?/ /fa?nd/ /a?t/ /?f,/ /?ɑ?ft?/ /s??/ /?m?ni/ /p??f??m?ns?z,/ /hi?/ /h?d/ /?m?n??d/
to learn the contents of the letter by heart.
/tu?/ /l??n/ /e?/ /?k?nt?nts/ /?v/ /e?/ /?l?t?/ /ba?/ /hɑ?t./
The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed
/e?/ /?k??tn/ /w?nt/ /?p/ /?n/ /e?/ /?fa?nl/ /?kt/ /?v/ /e?/ /ple?/ /?nd/ /r??vi?ld/
the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell. Just
/ei/ /??r?st?kr?t/ /?s?t??/ /??l??n/ /b??ha?nd/ /bɑ?z/ /?n/ /h?z/ /dɑ?k/ /s?l./ /??st/
then, the gaoler appeared with the precious letter in his
/e?n,/ /e?/ /??e?l?r/ /??p??d/ /w?e/ /e?/ /?pr???s/ /?l?t?r/ /?n/ /h?z/
bands. He entered the cell and presented the letter to the
/b?ndz./ /hi?/ /??nt?d/ /e?/ /s?l/ /?nd/ /pr??z?nt?d/ /e?/ /?l?t?/ /tu?/ /ei?/
aristocrat. But the copy he gave him had not been written
/??r?st?kr?t./ /b?t/ /e?/ /?k?pi/ /hi?/ /ge?v/ /h?m/ /h?d/ /n?t/ /bi?n/ /?r?tn/
out in full as usual. It was simply a blank sheet of paper. The
/a?t/ /?n/ /f?l/ /?z/ /?ju????l./ /?t/ /w?z/ /?s?mpli/ /?/ /bl??k/ /?i?t/ /?v/ /?pe?p?./ /ei?/
gaoler looked on eagerly,anxious to see if his fellow actor
/??e?l?/ /l?kt/ /?n//?i?g?li,/ /???k??s/ /tu?/ /si?/ /?f/ /h?z/ /?f?l??/ /??kt?/
had at last learnt his lines. The noble stared at the blank
/h?d/ /?t/ /lɑ?st/ /l??nt/ /h?z/ /la?nz./ /e?/ /?n??bl/ /ste?d//?t/ /e?/ /bl??k/
sheet of paper for a few seconds. Then,
/?i?t/ /?v/ /?pe?p?/ /f??r/ /?/ /fju?/ /?s?k?ndz./ /e?n,/
squintinghis eyes, he said: "The light is dim. Read the letter
/?skw?nt??//h?z/ /a?z,/ /hi?/ /s?d:/ /"e?/ /la?t/ /?z/ /d?m./ /ri?d/ /e?/ /?l?t?/
to me”. And he promptly
/tu?/ /mi?”./ /?nd/ /hi?/ /?pr?mptli/
handed the sheet of paper to the gaoler. Finding that he
/?h?nd?d/ /e?/ /?i?t/ /?v/ /?pe?p?/ /tu?/ /e?/ /??e?l?./ /?fa?nd??/ /e?t/ /hi?/
could not remember a word of
/k?d/ /n?t/ /r??m?mb?r/ /?/ /w??d/ /?v/
the letter either, the gaoler replied: “The light is indeed dim,
/e?/ /?l?t?r/ /?a?e?,/ /e?/ /??e?l?/ /r??pla?d:/ /“e?/ /la?t/ /?z/ /?n?di?d/ /d?m,/
sire, I must get my glasses.” With this, he hurried off the
/?sa??,/ /a?/ /m?st/ /g?t/ /ma?/ /?glɑ?s?z.”/ /w?e/ /e?s,/ /hi?/ /?h?r?d/ /?f/ /ei?/
stage. Much to the aristocrat's amusement, the gaoler
/ste??./ /m??/ /tu?/ /ei/ /??r?st?kr?ts/ /??mju?zm?nt,/ /e?/ /??e?l?/
returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the
/r??t??nd/ /?/ /fju?/ /?m??m?nts/ /?le?t?/ /w?e/ /?/ /pe?r/ /?v/ /?glɑ?s?z/ /?nd/ /ei?/
usual copy of the
/?ju????l/ /?k?pi/ /?v/ /ei?/
letter with he proceeded to read to the prisoner.
/?l?t?/ /w?e/ /hi?/ /pr??si?d?d/ /tu?/ /ri?d/ /tu?/ /e?/ /?pr?zn?./
1/ 單詞
curtain - n. (舞臺上的)幕布
reveal - v. 使顯露
cell - n. 單人監(jiān)房,監(jiān)號
eagerly - adj. 熱切期待的
anxious -? ? adj. 憂心、擔(dān)憂的
stared - v. 凝視、注視
squinting - v. 咪著眼睛看
sire - n. 陛下
amusement - n. 可笑养距、愉悅畸肆、娛樂
eagerly /?i?g?li,/
stared /ste?d/ /
sire /?sa??,/ /