The thing about judgement is you will never be able to completely avoid it on a 3D planet. That is because every person has a unique soul agenda, and most can’t see that what wouldn’t work for them is exactly what another is meant to do and experience.
Interestingly, if they did have the ability to see that, they would be viewing you from a higher vibrational layer and from that space they would have no interest in judging you. The very fact that another is engaging in judgement indicates they are not qualified to do so.
When another judges you, all they are really saying is that what you are doing would not be a match for them on their journey. In no way does this automatically mean that what you are doing is not a match for you on your journey.
What they are really saying is simply that your choices are not a match for them, and that is perfectly ok. It would be a very boring and inefficient world if everyone was the same!