我和他很合得來。I get along well with him.
*get along (well) with...“和……合得來”纬霞、“和睦相處”羽嫡。
What's John like? (約翰是個(gè)什么樣的人?)
= I get on well with him. *英式英語洲鸠。
我跟她合不來。I don't get along well with her. I don't get on well with her.
我很尊敬他严蓖。 I respect him.
= I highly respect him.
= I look up to him.
我瞧不起他饥努。 I despise him.
= I look down on him.
我想和大家和睦相處。I want to get along with everyone.
= I hope I will get along with everyone. (我希望能和大家和睦相處八回。)
你跟她合得來嗎? Are you getting along with her?
get along“合得來”酷愧、“和睦相處”驾诈。
她根本不搭理我。She ignored me.
What did she do? (她怎么了?)
She ignored me. (她不搭理我士败。)
= She gave me the cold shoulder.
= She didn't pay any attention to me (at all).
我不知道他在想什么闯两。I don't know what he's really thinking.
= I'm not sure what he is thinking about.
= I don't really know what is on his mind.
我沒有理由讓人嫉妒。I have no reason to be envied.
= There is no reason to be jealous of me.
= There is no reason to envy me.
我討厭愛拍馬屁的人。I don't like brownnosers.
They're helping our boss again. (他們又去幫上司的忙了擅笔。)
= I don't like flatterers. (我不喜歡愛說恭維話的人志衣。)
I don't like ass-kissers. *俚語,不太文雅的說法猛们,使用時(shí)要注意場(chǎng)合念脯。
我是個(gè)不顧家的人。I'm neglecting my family.
*這是種相當(dāng)嚴(yán)厲的說法弯淘。neglect 表示“對(duì)……玩忽職守”绿店、“不盡義務(wù)”。
= I put my work before my family. (我是工作第一庐橙,家庭第二假勿。)*比較溫和的說法。
= I should treat my family better. (我該重視我的家庭态鳖。)
你站在哪一方?Which side are you?
= Which side are you on?
= Who are you rooting for?
= Which side do you support? (你支持哪一方?)
我是站在你這邊的浸须。I'm on your side.
on one's side“站在……一方”。
Whose side are you on? (你是站在哪一邊的?)
= I'm on your side. (我是站在你這邊的邦泄。)
= I will support you. (我支持你删窒。)
= I agree with you. (我同意你的意見。)
他對(duì)我很不客氣的顺囊。He's very hard on me.
be動(dòng)詞+hard on...“蠻橫易稠,野蠻”。
Do you like your boss? (你喜歡你的上司嗎?)
No, he's very hard on me. (不包蓝,他對(duì)我很嚴(yán)厲驶社。)
= He treats me unkindly. (他對(duì)我一點(diǎn)兒都不友好。)
= He's mean to me. (他對(duì)我很刻薄测萎。)
= He's very strict. (他很嚴(yán)厲亡电。)
他總把我當(dāng)作眼中釘。He always treats me like an enemy.
= He was rude to say that. (他這樣對(duì)你說話也太無禮了。)
= He acts like I'm an enemy.
= He treats me as if I'm his enemy.
他對(duì)我很蠻橫腕唧。He treated me badly.
= I was badly treated by him.
= I received bad treatment from him.
= He treated me unkindly. (他對(duì)我很粗暴或辖。)
我欠他的情。I'm obligated to him. *obligate“讓某人負(fù)有法律或道義上的義務(wù)”枣接。
I'm under obligation to him.
I owe him. * owe“欠……的情”颂暇。
= I have an obligation to him.
I'm deeply indebted to him. (我非常感激他。)
I've received kindness from him. (他對(duì)我很好但惶。)
= I owe him a lot for everything he has done for me. (我非常感謝他為我所做的一切耳鸯。)
我們很熟,互相直呼其名膀曾。We're on a first name basis. *表示“之間關(guān)系好县爬,很親密”。
= We're on first name terms.
他的理解力很強(qiáng)添谊。He's quick on the uptake.
= He's a fast learner.
= He has a quick mind.
= He catches on quickly.
他不會(huì)讓你失望的斩狱。He'll never let you down.
let down“使人期待落空”耳高。
他很能干。He's efficient.
= He finished the job already. (他早就把工作做完了工闺。)
= He does things well and he gets them done quickly. (他工作起來又好又快。)
= He gets things done efficiently. (他做事很有效率瓣蛀。)
= He handles things quickly. (他處理事情很麻利陆蟆。)
= He handles matters promptly. (他處理事情很利索。)
他是個(gè)好人惋增。He's a good guy.
= He's a good man.
= He's a good person.
他顯老叠殷。He looks old for his age.
形容詞+for 表示“就……而言”、“比較……”诈皿。
He's only 46. (他只有46歲林束。)
= He looks older than he is.
He looks young for his age. (他顯年輕像棘。)
你看上去比我年輕。You look younger than me.
從語法上來講應(yīng)該是“You look younger than I”壶冒,但美國(guó)現(xiàn)在一般不這么說缕题。
= We're the same age. (我們同齡吧。)
= You look younger than I do.
他就是那種人胖腾。That's the way he is.
= That's the kind of guy he is.
他長(zhǎng)得像誰?Who is he like?
他有豐富的常識(shí)烟零。 He has a lot of common sense.
他雖年輕,卻很博學(xué)咸作。He's wise for his age. * for one's age“與年紀(jì)相比卻……”
= He's only ten and he made this.(他只有10歲就能做出這樣的東西锨阿。)
= He's wise for his age. (他雖年輕,卻博學(xué)记罚。)
= He's wise considering his age.
= He's wise for a man of his age.
他交際很廣墅诡。He knows a lot of people.
= He's well-known.
= He's very popular. (他很有人緣。)
= He has a large circle of acquaintances. (他交際廣泛毫胜。)
“熟悉的人书斜,認(rèn)識(shí)的人”,但和friend (朋友)不同酵使,雖沒深交荐吉,但見過面、搭過話口渔。
他是個(gè)有才干的人样屠。He's a go-getter.
= He runs a lot of business. (他有很多生意痪欲。)
= Yeah, he's a go-getter. (是呀!他是個(gè)有才干的人。)
= He's a man of action.
= He's a man of ability.
He's a wheeler-dealer. *比較舊的說法攻礼。
你真體諒人业踢。You're so sympathetic.
他是守信用的人。He's faithful. *faithful“對(duì)人太伊、對(duì)工作忠誠(chéng)雇锡,守信用的”。
= He has a strong sense of duty.
他的嗓音低沉僚焦。He has a deep voice.
= He has a low voice.
= His voice is very deep.
他發(fā)福了锰提。He has put on weight.
= He has gained weight.
He has lost weight. (他瘦了。)
他太胖了。He's overweight.
= He's a fatso. (他是個(gè)胖豬立肘。)
= He's fat. (他很胖边坤。)
He's skinny. (他骨瘦如柴。)
你真有膽量谅年。(你好大膽子惩嘉。) You have a lot of nerve.
Sir, I don't think you should fire John. (先生,我覺得你不該解雇約翰踢故。)
= You have a lot of nerve to say that. (你膽子不小,竟敢這么說惹苗。)
= You have a lot of balls.
balls 在這里表示“厚臉皮”殿较、“傲慢”,同時(shí)有“睪丸”的意思桩蓉。所以是一種不禮貌的說法淋纲,會(huì)給人不愉快的感覺。
= You have a lot of guts.
You're bold.
You're very brave. (你很勇敢业汰。)
他是個(gè)很謙虛的人伙窃。He's a very modest man. *modest“(要求、意見样漆、態(tài)度为障、行為等)比較慎重》潘睿”
= He didn't say anything. (他可什么都沒說鳍怨。)
= He's a very modest man. (嗯,他是個(gè)很謹(jǐn)慎的人跪妥。)
= He's very polite. (他很有教養(yǎng)鞋喇。)
= He doesn't like to brag. (他不喜歡吹牛。)
= He isn't boastful. (他一點(diǎn)都不自負(fù)眉撵。)
他有個(gè)好脾氣侦香。He has a good temper.
He's in a good mood. *表示“現(xiàn)在正好情緒不錯(cuò)”,和上句的語氣不一樣执桌。
他這個(gè)人脾氣暴躁鄙皇。He has a bad temper.
= He's in a bad mood.
她不知哪兒有點(diǎn)怪伴逸。 There's something strange about her.
= There is something fishy about her.
= There is something odd about her.
她有點(diǎn)不太對(duì)勁兒。She's not herself.
= She's been edgy lately. (她近來情緒急躁洲愤。)
Yeah, she's not herself. (是的,有點(diǎn)兒不太對(duì)勁兒顷锰。)
= She's not acting like herself.
= She's not acting normally.
她真讓人捉摸不透柬赐。She's so weird.
= She cut her hair very short. (她把頭發(fā)剪得短短的。)
= She's bizarre.
= She's very strange.
塔米飯量很小束世。Tammy eats like a bird.
Tammy eats like a bird. (塔米飯量很小毁涉。)
She's on a diet. (她正減肥呢沉帮。)
Tammy eats very little. (塔米只吃一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)。)
Tammy doesn't eat very much. (塔米不怎么吃贫堰。)
Tammy eats like a horse. (塔米特別能吃穆壕。)
她的身材很好。She has a nice figure.
= She has a good figure.
他已過壯年喇勋。His best days are gone.
= He's past his prime.
我父親上年紀(jì)了。My father's getting on in years.
be getting on in years 為慣用語漫玄,“上年紀(jì)”茄蚯。
= My father's becoming an old man.
= My father's getting older.
他長(zhǎng)得什么樣? What does he look like?
他們鬧得天翻地覆。 They're making a big fuss.
make a fuss“大聲吵鬧”睦优、“喧嘩”渗常。
= They're making a big deal about it.
他抽煙抽得沒完沒了。 He's a chain smoker.
Does he smoke? (他抽煙嗎?)
= Yes, he's a chain smoker. (抽汗盘,他一抽就抽個(gè)沒完皱碘。)
= He's a heavy smoker.
= He smokes non-stop.
他很自私。 He's selfish. *selfish 帶有輕視的語氣隐孽,表示“自私的”癌椿、“利己的”、“不考慮別人的”菱阵。
I don't like John. (我不喜歡約翰踢俄。)
Why? (為什么?)
He's self-centered. (他總是以自己為中心。)
= He's self-serving. (他是個(gè)只顧自己的人晴及。)
= He only cares about himself. (他只想他自己的事都办。)
= He doesn't care about anyone but himself. (他從來不想別人。)
他總把問題想得過于嚴(yán)重。 He takes things too seriously.
他頭腦簡(jiǎn)單琳钉。 He's simpleminded.
= He's a simple man. *這句話也可解釋為“他是個(gè)很實(shí)際的人”。
= He isn't so smart. (他不很聰明及皂。)
今天他情緒煩躁甫男。 He's on edge today.
edge“邊緣”。on edge 表示“煩躁”验烧、“不安穩(wěn)”查剖。
= What's wrong with him? He's on edge today. (怎么啦,他今天這么煩躁噪窘。)
I don't know. (我不知道。)
= He's edgy today.
= He's in a bad mood today. (他今天情緒不好效扫。)
他真是個(gè)多嘴多舌的人倔监。He's talkative.
Yeah, you can say that again. (啊浩习,你也這么說呀。)
= He's a motor-mouth.
= He never shuts up. (他從來都閉不上嘴济丘。)
他非常有錢谱秽。He's quite well off.
well off“有錢”、“富阅∶裕”疟赊,比rich的語氣隨便。
How's he doing? (他現(xiàn)在怎么樣?)
He's quite well off now. (他現(xiàn)在可有錢了峡碉。)
= He's a wealthy man.
= He's rich.
= He's rolling in it.
他很好色近哟。He's fresh.
= He always tries to touch me. (他總想碰我吉执。)
Yeah, he's fresh. (是啊,他真好色地来。)
= He's a dirty-minded man.
= He's a dirty old man. (他真是個(gè)討厭的老頭戳玫。)
= All he thinks about is sex. (他滿腦子想的都是性事。)
他的嘴甜著呢未斑。He's a smooth talker.
= Watch out for him. (你得小心點(diǎn)兒他咕宿。)
Why? (為什么?)
= He's honey-tongued.
他是個(gè)不可小看的人。He's nobody's fool.
What's Joe like? (喬這個(gè)人怎么樣?)
= He's very shrewd.
他凈說些傻話类浪。He often says absurd things.
= He often says ridiculous things.
= He says strange things a lot.
= He says a lot of weird things.
他一點(diǎn)兒責(zé)任心都沒有费就。He has no sense of responsibility.
= He's so irresponsible.
他真是個(gè)讓人討厭的人。He's very offensive.
他這人很難對(duì)付固额。 He's a difficult man to deal with.
deal with“處理眠蚂、對(duì)待(人或事)”。
= He's hard to put up with. (他讓人難以忍受斗躏。)
他是個(gè)倔老頭逝慧。He's a stubborn old man.
Didn't your father say okay? (你爸爸同意了嗎?)
No, he's a stubborn old man. (沒有笛臣,他是個(gè)倔老頭。)
= He's a hardheaded old man.
他總是好高騖遠(yuǎn)隧饼。He's aiming too high.
aim high“奢望”沈堡、“逞能、逞強(qiáng)”燕雁。
= He's overreaching himself.
= He's out of his league.
他從不認(rèn)輸诞丽。That man never admits defeat.
= He never admits he is wrong.
= He is a sore loser.
= He hates being defeated. (他討厭失敗。)
= He can't handle defeat. (他是個(gè)輸不起的人拐格。)
他是個(gè)難以捉摸的人僧免。 He's very vague.
He's just like my brother. (和我弟弟一樣。)
= He is difficult to understand. (他真讓人難以理解呛伴。)
= He isn't very clear. (他讓人不易琢磨勃痴。)
他性格乖張。He's crooked.
crook 原意是thief热康,即“小偷”沛申、“騙子”。crooked表示“性格孤僻”姐军、“乖張”铁材。
= He's crooked. (他性格乖張尖淘。)
But I like him. (可我喜歡他。)
= He's a scammer. *俚語著觉。
= He's a crook.
= He's a con man. *俚語村生。
他一無是處。He's good for nothing.
He's not nice to you? (他是不是對(duì)你不好?)
No, he's good for nothing. (嗯饼丘,他簡(jiǎn)直一無是處趁桃。)
= He isn't good for anything.
= He's a bum. *俚語。
她認(rèn)生肄鸽。She's shy around strangers.
= She's bashful.
= She feel uncomfortable around strangers. (她跟不認(rèn)識(shí)的人在一起總覺得不自在卫病。)
= She's afraid of strangers. (她怕生人。)
你是個(gè)膽小鬼典徘。 You're too timid.
= You're gutless.
= You're a wimp.
= You're a chicken.
他在逞強(qiáng)志笼。He's acting big.
= He's acting like a hot shot.
他動(dòng)不動(dòng)就生氣袋马。He has a short temper. *temper 特指“(感情上的)秉性古掏,氣質(zhì)”吟温,short temper 表示“易怒”。
= He gets angry easily.
= He loses his temper quickly.
= He is very temperamental. (他喜怒無常梅鹦。)
他很能吃罕模。 He eats like a horse. *直譯是“他吃起來像匹馬一樣×辈t!?/p>
= He eats huge amounts.
He eats like a bird.(他飯量很小。)
你的香水味真夠嗆人的蒿讥。 Your perfume is strong.
= I can smell your perfume a mile away. (我老遠(yuǎn)就聞見你的香水味了蝶念。) *帶有諷刺意味的表達(dá)方式。
= Your perfume is romantic. (你的香水夠浪漫的芋绸。) *褒義媒殉,“芳香撲鼻”。
我的心還很年輕摔敛。 I'm young in spirit. *in spirit“心理的”廷蓉、“精神上的”。
= I have a youthful spirit.
= I'm young at heart.
我笨手笨腳的马昙。 I'm all thumbs.
Can't you fix it? (您能幫我修理一下嗎?)
= I'm clumsy.
= I'm very clumsy.
= I have butterfingers.
= I'm (such) a klutz. *俚語攒暇。
我喜歡獨(dú)處。 I like being alone.
= I enjoy having time to myself.
= I'm a loner.
我這個(gè)人比較隨和子房。 I'm easygoing.
= I'm temperamental. (我愛發(fā)脾氣妒御。)
I'm not. I'm easygoing. (我可不是,我挺隨和镇饺。)
= I'm an optimist. (我是個(gè)樂天派乎莉。)
= I'm carefree.
= I like to take it easy.
我遇事就慌。I get embarrassed easily.
= Your face is red! (你臉都紅了揭保。)
我做什么事都很現(xiàn)實(shí)肥橙。 I'm practical about everything.
= I like to be practical about things. (我喜歡現(xiàn)實(shí)地考慮問題存筏。)
我是一根筋。 I have a one-track mind.
track 表示“軌道”味榛,one-track表示“單線軌道”椭坚。這句話表示“只能考慮一件事的人”,一般為貶義搏色。
= I'm obsessed with one idea.
= I can't take my mind off of... (我無法不去想……)
我看人很準(zhǔn)善茎。I'm a good judge of character.
= I have a good eye for character.
= I'm a poor judge of character. (我不會(huì)看人垂涯。)
我愛吃甜食。I have a sweet tooth.
have a sweet tooth 直譯是“有甜牙”航邢,實(shí)際意思是“愛吃甜食”耕赘。
You like sweets, don't you? (你愛吃甜食,是嗎?)
Yeah, I have a sweet tooth. (是的膳殷,我愛吃甜食操骡。)
= I love sweets. (我特喜歡吃甜的。)
我是個(gè)酒鬼赚窃。 I prefer wine to sweets.
= I prefer savory to sweet. (比起甜的來我更愛吃辣的。)
我過著悲慘的生活勒极。 I have led a dog's life.
lead a dog's life 直譯是“像狗一樣的生活”跨细。應(yīng)該記住這句慣用表達(dá)方式。
= I have had a miserable life.
= I've had a terrible life.
我的視力不好河质。I have poor eyesight.
= I have good eyesight. (我的視力很好冀惭。)