在講述Adaptability時贷祈,作者首先澄清人們對于大腦的認識誤區(qū):The general belief was the once a person reached adulthood, the wiring of his brain was pretty much fixed. 事實上趋急,人的大腦和人的身體一樣,具有極強的適應性。The brain’s structure and function are not fixed; they change in response to use. 大腦主要通過“rewiring”和“repurposing”的方式來拓展適應性势誊。在 “改善老花眼”的的案例中呜达,通過大腦方面的訓練,提升解讀視覺信號的能力粟耻,甚至可以彌補在視力方面的缺陷查近,有力地佐證了大腦具有極強的適應性,可以通過訓練來完成看似不可能的任務挤忙。It is possible to shape the brain in the ways that we desire through conscious, deliberate training.
1霜威、The consequences are a boon for optometrists and a bother for the over-fifty crowd ./一個有用的句式 something is a boon for A and a bother for B 就是對一個人來說是好事,而對另外一個人來說是麻煩事 / 聯(lián)想到:one man’s meat is another man’s poison, One person’s mission is another person’s minutiae
仿句:Online shopping is a boon for customers and a bother for brick-and-mortar stores.
2册烈、A prospective cabbie 一個詞是prospective 戈泼,可以用來形容人或物,形容人表示“未來可能成為”赏僧,聯(lián)想到:mother to be / 另一個詞cabbie大猛,特指出租車司機。
3淀零、……and unfathomable memory 看到unfathomable這個詞, 想到了馬克吐溫/馬克.吐溫的童年是在密西西比河邊上長大的挽绩,曾經當過船上的水手,筆名MarkTwain是源自其早年水手術語驾中,測量水深時唉堪, “Mark Twain模聋!”意為“兩個標記”,亦即水深兩英尋(約3.7米巨坊,1尋約1.852米)撬槽,這是輪船安全航行的必要條件。而fathom就是這個測量水深的單位“英尋” fathom: a measurement of 6 feet or 1.8 metres, used when referring to the depth of water. 那么unfathomable 就是“深不可測的”趾撵。
4侄柔、More to the point, the size of the hippocampus is quite flexible in at least some species of birds … / more to the point, 表遞進“說的更確切些”。
5占调、在進行出租車司機第三組實驗時暂题,出現(xiàn)as well as another thirty-one males of similar ages to serve as controls . 這里的control就是指實驗中的對照組。