? ? ? 今天這本繪本牺丙,是女兒雅雅生日里收到的禮物复局。這是一本入園推薦繪本。粉粉的畫面亿昏,是女孩子的最愛。
? ? ? 封面上:可愛的女孩吝沫,衣服扣反了递礼,鞋帶寄錯了,圍巾被腳踩.......還有站在旁邊的爸爸媽媽
? ? ? 今天的共讀脊髓,是一句英文将硝,一句中文。今天孩子們不再排斥我讀完整的英語了袋哼,我也調整好一句英語一句中文......孩子們一邊看著圖闸衫,一遍聽我讀,她們敏銳地觀察弟翘,總能從畫面上發(fā)現(xiàn)很多細節(jié);比如能看見窗外的小鳥睡覺的樣子去感知和判斷天色還沒有亮稀余;后面 小女孩洗手,刷牙盒蟆,上廁所直到最后师骗,她們饒有興趣地spy小女孩在很多細節(jié)上的失誤,每一個動作都有不完美的地方辟癌,尤其看見女孩如廁時滴尿出來黍少,系鞋帶沒有系好,衣服沒有扣好的時候厂置,還有喝奶漏到一身的時候,姐妹倆明顯看得很有趣患蹂,因為同理心砸紊,現(xiàn)實生活中她們也是這樣;雖然4歲和9歲的姐姐都早已獨立醉顽,照顧自己穿衣洗漱沖涼洗頭,但是幼嫩的她們確實是做不好的系草。這是現(xiàn)實生活的寫照唆涝,我們很多的家長,有時候有抱怨和牢騷廊酣,也有像圖畫這樣耐心地等待孩子長大;女孩的爸爸媽媽總是耐心地引導她晓猛,沒有抱怨沒有嘮叨,這個女孩也總是很快樂……我們也許需要更多一些接納和鼓勵栗恩,才會讓孩子自信滿滿地度過剛開學的那一小段緩沖期洪燥。
I wake up nice and early.
I had a good sleep.
Mommy and Daddy did not hear a peep.
It’s a new day and I’m ready to go!
But Mommy and Daddy are so very slow.
I scrub my hands without a hitch
And brushing my teeth is really a cinch!
Time to go potty. I can do this!
Mommy is there to make sure I don't miss.
Onto the bed, where I jump up and down.
Whee! There’s no time to waste as I flop around.
Mommy wrestles me into my clothes.
Daddy slides socks and shoes over my toes.
Wait! I want to tie my own shoes, please!
I grab my backpack, ready for school!
Daddy opens the door.
Brrrr. The air is cool.
The class is full of“Good mornings” and “Bye-byes.”
But this time, Daddy, I won’t cry.
So many puzzles and toys,
I'm ready to play!
I hug Daddy good-bye,
I'm going to have a great day