Part I Words and Expressions
1. When the rocket shot upward in a billow of sulfur-colored smoke, he crept so close to the television that his nose smudged the glass.?
crept: to move in a quiet, careful way, especially to avoid attracting?attention
smudge: if ink, writing etc smudges, or if you smudge it, it becomes dirty and unclear because?it has touched or rubbed.?
仿句:He crept into the gallery to look at the painting claimed to be a Van Gogh‘s masterpiece, only to find it smudged by the ink.?
2. And when the young blonde said, “Let’s get you stitched up,” and took a bottle of anesthetic from a cupboard, Marilyn blurted out, “Shouldn’t the doctor do that?
blurt out: to say something suddenly and without thinking, usually because you are nervous or excited.
仿句:He blurted the truth out, started everyone in the room, a deafening silence suffusing in the air.?
3. When Nath plunked down a quarter and said, “Bet you can’t do that one,” their mother shooed him away.
shoo … away: to make an animal or a child go away, especially because they are annoying you.
仿句:He shooed the goats away, making room for his cow to eat grasses.?
Part II Thoughts
For the first time in a month, he forgot, for a moment, about his mother. Up there—eighty-five miles high, ninety, ninety-five, the counter said—everything on earth would be invisible. Mothers who disappeared, fathers who didn’t love you, kids who mocked you—everything would shrink to pinpoints and vanish. Up there: nothing but stars.
突然想起Stardust中Tristran救出星女孩在云朵上時,曾有這樣一段描寫撤师〕盘看小說的時候,也常常有這樣“超脫”的感覺撇他,我所經(jīng)歷的不滿和困頓,在讀起書來,常覺十分渺小和無限廖遠顽悼⌒⒑眨看《無聲告白》的時候较木,當這家人的往事一幕幕揭開,一種說不清道不明的難過使我不忍猝讀青柄。像是被困在其中伐债,但讀著讀著又會被“釋放”,就像 “in some way, above all the problems." 致开。也許正是這種感覺讓我如此熱愛文學峰锁。
He understood that he was, in some way, above his problems, just as he was above the world. The pain in his hand was a long way away. He thought about his actions and his adventures, and about the journey ahead of him, and it seemed to Tristran that the whole business was suddenly very small and very straightforward.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Stardust: Chapter Eight By Neil Gaiman