- 批量修改文件的后綴名
- 顯示文件的一些信息
- 測試某個(gè)文件夾是否存在粹懒,不存在就自動創(chuàng)建
- 搜索所有目錄下的log文件重付,并自動壓縮歸檔
- 把所有創(chuàng)建時(shí)間超過240天的文件移動到某個(gè)文件夾
- 自動發(fā)twitter
- 下載最新的漫畫
- 下載視頻網(wǎng)站的視頻
- ......
- 首先照著這些代碼敲一遍
- 讓代碼可以正確運(yùn)行
- 為每一行代碼寫上注釋
- 只保留注釋凫乖,去掉具體代碼确垫,看看自己能不能寫出來
batch_file_rename.py - This batch renames a group of files in a given directory, once you pass the current and the new extensions.
create_dir_if_not_there.py - Checks to see if a directory exists in the users home directory, if not then create it.
Fast Youtube Downloader - Downloads youtube videos quickly with parallel threads using aria2c
Google Image Downloader - Query the specific term and retrieve images from the google image database.
dir_test.py - Tests to see if the directory
exists, if not it will create the directory for you.env_check.py - This script will check to see if all of the environment variables required are set.
fileinfo.py - Shows file information for a given file.
folder_size.py - Scans the current directory and all subdirectories and displays the size.
logs.py - This script will search for all
files in the given directory, zip them using the program you specify, and then date stamp them.move_files_over_x_days.py - Moves all files over 240 days old from the source directory to the destination directory.
nslookup_check.py - This simple script opens the file
and then does an nslookup for each one to check the DNS entry.osinfo.py - Displays some information about the OS on which you are running this script.
ping_servers.py - This script, depending on the arguments supplied, will ping the servers associated with that application group.
ping_subnet.py - After supplying the first 3 octets this file scans the final range for available addresses.
powerdown_startup.py - This file goes through the server list and pings the machine, if it is up it will load the putty session, if it is not it will notify you.
puttylogs.py - This file zips up all the logs in the given directory.
script_count.py - This file scans the scripts directory and gives a count of the different types of scripts.
script_listing.py - This file will list all the files in the given directory, and go through all the subdirectories as well.
testlines.py - This simple script opens a file and prints out 100 lines of whatever is the set for the line variable.
tweeter.py - This script allows you to tweet text or a picture from the terminal.
serial_scanner.py contains a method called ListAvailablePorts which returns a list with the names of the serial ports that are in use in the computer, this method works only on Linux and Windows (can be extended for mac osx). If no port is found, an empty list is returned.
get_youtube_view.py - This is very simple python script to get more views for your youtube videos. Useful for repeating songs on youtube.
CountMillionCharacter.py And CountMillionCharacter2.0.py - Counts character scripts, or how much characters are present on any text based file.
xkcd_downloader.py - Downloads the latest XKCD comic and places them in a new folder called "comics".
timymodule.py - A great alternative to Pythons 'timeit' module and easier to use.
calculator.py - Uses Python's eval() function to implement a calculator.
Google_News.py - Uses BeautifulSoup to provide Latest News Headline along with news link.
cricket_live_score - Uses BeautifulSoup to provide live cricket score.
youtube.py - Takes a song name as input and fetches the youtube url of the best matching song and plays it.