Changing DaemonSet parameters
1袒炉、kubectl get xxx > xxx.yaml獲取當(dāng)前yaml刃泡;
2欣福、kubectl replace -f xxx.yaml更新抡锈;
When you have the Stackdriver LoggingDaemonSetin your cluster, you can just modify thetemplatefield in its spec, daemonset controller will update the pods for you. For example, let’s assume you’ve just installed the Stackdriver Logging as described above. Now you want to change the memory limit to give fluentd more memory to safely process more logs.
Get the spec ofDaemonSetrunning in your cluster:
kubectl get ds fluentd-gcp-v2.0 --namespace kube-system -o yaml > fluentd-gcp-ds.yaml
Then edit resource requirements in the spec file and update theDaemonSetobject in the apiserver using the following command:
kubectl replace -f fluentd-gcp-ds.yaml
After some time, Stackdriver Logging agent pods will be restarted with the new configuration
Fluentd configuration is stored in theConfigMapobject. It is effectively a set of configuration files that are merged together. You can learn about fluentd configuration on theofficial site.
Imagine you want to add a new parsing logic to the configuration, so that fluentd can understand default Python logging format. An appropriate fluentd filter looks similar to this:
type parser
format /^(?\w):(?\w):(?.*)/
reserve_data true
suppress_parse_error_log true
key_name log
UpdatingConfigMapin the apiserver is more complicated than updatingDaemonSet.It’s better to considerConfigMapto be immutable. Then, in order to update the configuration, you should createConfigMapwith a new name and then changeDaemonSetto point to it usingguide above.