如果找三個詞來串聯(lián)本章節(jié)的話摆碉,那就是helplessness翎承, nostalgia和shock净当。
Winston 發(fā)現(xiàn)一位老人翎迁,想要通過他來了解過去的歷史栋猖,結(jié)果卻是差強人意,并沒有得到想要的信息汪榔。A sense of helplessness took hold of Winston .The old man’s memory was nothing but a rubbish-heap of details…..they were like the ant ,which can see small objects but not large ones . 眼光如同螻蟻蒲拉,所及甚微啊。
倒是在雜貨鋪里痴腌,和店主的交談中雌团,發(fā)現(xiàn)了不少歷史的舊物件,勾起了Winston的懷舊情緒士聪。The room had awakened in him a sort of nostalgia, a sort of ancestral memory ….one could not learn history from architecture any more than one could learn it from books. Statues ,inscriptions , memorial stones , the names of streets –anything that might throw light upon the past had been systematically altered.承載歷史的建筑锦援、書籍、雕像剥悟、石刻大多早已銷毀灵寺,只剩下統(tǒng)治階級篡改的歷史課本。在雜貨店看到的東西区岗,讓W(xué)inston心生歡喜略板,似乎只有在這里,才能從這些舊物件上找到歷史的痕跡慈缔,所以期盼著下次再來叮称,買了那幅畫,和Mr.Charrington再聊聊那首詩藐鹤。Yes, he thought again, he would come back; he would buy further scraps of beautiful rubbish.
從雜貨店出來颅拦,頓時驚出一身冷汗,竟然碰見篡改部門工作的一個女孩.Suddenly his heart seemed to turn to ice and his bowels to water. 心中萬般驚嚇教藻,甚至冒出滅口的念頭距帅,直到后來的種種后怕,擔(dān)心被抓括堤,甚至設(shè)想承認(rèn)“思想犯”要受到的種種折磨碌秸。
1. The balminess of the April air had tempted him 宜人的四月天
2. The creaking camaraderie oiled by gin 想到酒肉朋友是不是也可以模仿這個friends oiled by liquor
3. Old bent creatures shuffling along on splayed feet 老家伙們邁著八字步走得拖拖拉拉,是不是很形象悄窃?
4. Children played in the puddles and then scattered at angry yells from their mother. 老媽一聲吼,泥娃四散逃讥电。
5. Winston caught scraps of conversation as he approached. 零星聽到了些他們的對話/ 另外一處出現(xiàn)scrap(a small piece of something that is left over):He would buy further scraps of beautiful rubbish
6. A black plume of smoke hung in the sky. plume的用法:a plume of smoke, dust, fire, or water is a large quantity of it that rises into the air in a column. 一縷煙霧、塵土; 一股水; 一道火光/ 看來升到空中成柱狀的一般都可以用plume這個詞轧抗。
7. The whole street was in commotion. Commotion: a lot of noise, confusion, and excitement. 騷動
8. A few stall-keepers were selling tired-looking vegetables .蔫不拉幾的蔬菜恩敌,這個tired-looking的菜菜好生動的說。
9. They were talking at cross-purposes 各說各的横媚,對牛彈琴
10. I‘ll twist your bloody head off If you get fresh with me. get fresh with sb=to talk to someone in an impolite way or behave in a way which shows you do not respect them 別惹我哦
11. A twinge of fear went through him. twinge的用法:A twinge is a sudden sharp feeling or emotion, usually an unpleasant one. (通常指不快的)一陣強烈情感/
12.There were trays of nuts and bolts / there was a litter of odds and ends in the corner / 雜七雜八纠炮,零零碎碎的兩個表達月趟。