[翻譯][WikiHow] How to lose weight


Change your old diet for a healthier one, and don't skip meals. Be sure to eat fewer calories than you burn, and to drink at least liters (0.53 US gal) of water each day. Get some exercise in each week, especially aerobic and cardio. Lastly, consider losing weight in a group or with friends.


Part1 吃對(duì) (Eating Right)

1. 吃更多新鮮蔬菜水果肿男。水果含有天然的糖分介汹,可以滿足唇齒對(duì)于甜味的喜愛。蔬菜可以更快得使人感到飽腹舶沛。蔬菜水果含有纖維素嘹承,使人更容易產(chǎn)生飽腹感。嘗試用下面的技巧來把蔬菜水果加入到你的飲食中:

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruit helps to satisfy your sweet tooth thanks to its natural sugars, while fresh vegetables help your stomach fill up more quickly. Fruits and vegetables contain fiber to help you feel full quickly.[1] Try some of these tips to introduce more fruit and vegetables into your diet:

  • 吃應(yīng)季的蔬菜水果作為小吃或甜點(diǎn)如庭。如秋天吃蘋果叹卷,夏末吃車?yán)遄泳褪呛苓m宜的甜點(diǎn)仰担。芹菜絮吵、胡蘿卜缨睡、胡椒巍耗、西蘭花或花菜切小塊败砂,調(diào)上淡色拉或是鷹嘴豆泥也可以做簡單的甜點(diǎn)骨坑。
  • Eat what is in season and eat fruit and vegetables for snacks or, for dessert. When you eat apples in the fall, for instance, or cherries in late summer, it might as well be an indulgent dessert. Cut up celery, carrots, peppers, broccoli or cauliflower and dip them in a light salad dressing or hummus.
  • 把蔬菜作為主菜锻全。如加上雞肉眯杏、大馬哈魚或是杏仁粉做成小炒或是沙拉卖擅。
  • Use vegetables as a main dish. For example, make a stir-fry or a hearty salad and add just a few ounces of cooked chicken, salmon or almonds.

2. 吃更多的全谷物鸣奔,減少單一碳水化合物。全麥面包惩阶、燕麥片挎狸、全谷物意大利面、紅薯断楷、糙米都是優(yōu)質(zhì)的能量和營養(yǎng)來源锨匆。全谷物、蛋白質(zhì)食品和蔬菜適當(dāng)組合就是全面的營業(yè)食譜冬筒。

Eat more whole grains and cut simple carbs. Whole wheat bread, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, sweet potato, and brown rice are all excellent sources of energy and sources of nutrition. Combined with the right combination of proteins and vegetables, whole grains are perfect all-around nutrition.[2]

  • 單一的碳水化合物是例如白面包恐锣、加工過的面粉和白糖之類的食品(還有酒精、精米等)舞痰。它們能迅速提供能量土榴,但也存在弊端——它們會(huì)更快的被轉(zhuǎn)化為脂肪。
  • Simple carbs are things like white bread, processed flour, and white sugar. This gives you energy quickly but then comes with a crash. It gets transferred into fat very quickly.
  • 可以在薄煎餅或烘焙的食品中替換入部分全麥面粉或是燕麥粉响牛。這可能需要加更多的發(fā)酵物玷禽,如麥麩。也可以把大麥替換白米做粥或是試著在肉飯中換入大麥呀打、菰米或是糙米矢赁。
  • Substitute whole wheat flour or oat flour into pancakes or baked goods. You might need to add additional leavening ingredients, like wheat gluten. Put barley in your soup instead of rice or try a pilaf with barley, wild rice or brown rice.
  • 只吃天然的碳水化合物而不是加工過的。要避免加工過的食品贬丛,比如白面包撩银、粗粒小麥粉意大利面或餅干,或是加工過的甜味制品如糖果豺憔、糖漬蔬菜额获。
  • Eat only naturally-occurring carbohydrates instead of processed carbohydrates. Avoid processed foods, like white bread, semolina pasta or crackers, or processed sweets like candy bars or sugary vegetables.[3]

3. 吃瘦肉够庙。蛋白質(zhì)是保證機(jī)體正常運(yùn)行和增長肌肉的重要成分,特別是當(dāng)你計(jì)劃健身的情況下抄邀。如果要吃紅肉首启,瘦牛肉是不二自選。如果選擇雞肉撤摸,記得去掉雞皮(包括肥肉)毅桃。

Choose lean proteins instead of fatty ones. Protein is important for organ function and building muscle while if you plan on working out. Select lean cuts of beef or extra-lean ground beef when you're eating red meat. If you use different cuts of chicken, then remove the skin.[4]

  • 放棄多肥肉的熟食,如臘腸准夷,以瘦火雞肉或如烤牛肉替代钥飞。
  • Skip the fatty deli meats like bologna and salami. Choose lean turkey or roast beef as a replacement.
  • 素食者可以從大豆、堅(jiān)果衫嵌、黃豆和籽中攝取豐富的蛋白質(zhì)读宙。扁豆、黃豆楔绞、豌豆等豆類是極好的纖維素和蛋白質(zhì)來源结闸。
  • Vegetarians can get plenty of protein from soy, nuts, beans and seeds. Lentils, legumes, and beans are excellent sources of fiber and protein.
  • 低脂奶制品也是很好的蛋白質(zhì)來源,包括低脂奶酪和酸奶(也包括脫脂牛奶)酒朵。
  • Eat low-fat dairy for a source of protein, including low-fat cheeses and nonfat yogurt. [5]

4. 嘗試一個(gè)節(jié)食計(jì)劃桦锄。如果你向嘗試一個(gè)更加具體的由別人制定好的節(jié)食計(jì)劃,嘗試這樣的飲食和運(yùn)動(dòng)計(jì)劃:

Try a formal diet plan. If you like the idea of following a more specific diet and putting the planning into someone else's hands, try following a new diet and exercise:

  • 堅(jiān)持一個(gè)原始人飲食——只吃禽類肉蔫耽、魚和海鮮结耀、新鮮蔬菜水果、蛋類匙铡、籽和堅(jiān)果图甜,就像原始人吃一樣。不吃任何包裝好或加工過的食品鳖眼。
  • Follow a paleo diet and eat grass-produced meat, fish, and seafood, fresh fruits, and vegetables, eggs, seeds and nuts, just like paleo-humans did. Eat nothing prepackaged or processed.[6]
  • 試著吃生食黑毅。這要求75%以上的食物是未經(jīng)烹飪的。大部分人吃大量的蔬菜水果钦讳、全谷物矿瘦、堅(jiān)果和豆類。
  • Try sticking to raw foods. The Raw Food Diet requires 75 percent of your dietary intake to be uncooked. Most people eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and beans.[7]
  • 參加一個(gè)商業(yè)的節(jié)食計(jì)劃蜂厅。如果你想要吃喝不羈并且每周與其他減肥者見面匪凡,試試Weight Watchers(一個(gè)美國減肥項(xiàng)目)膊畴,如果你希望吃現(xiàn)成的食物掘猿,可以試試Jenny Craig或者NutriSystem(美國減肥服務(wù),設(shè)計(jì)減肥食譜并提供相關(guān)食物)唇跨。
  • Join a commercial diet plan. If you prefer to eat whatever you want and to meet weekly with other people who are losing weight, then try Weight Watchers. If you prefer prepared meals so that you don't have to cook, try Jenny Craig or NutriSystem.

5. 減少飲食中的鹽稠通。攝入過多的鈉會(huì)使身體存儲(chǔ)更多的液體衬衬,從而導(dǎo)致你感到水腫并增加體重。好消息是只要你出汗改橘,體重就能很快減輕滋尉。所以簡單來說就是少攝入鈉。

Cut the salt from your diet. Eating more sodium causes your body to retain water, which can cause you to feel bloated and gain more weight. The good news is that you'll sweat that weight out very quickly, so an easy way of cutting some pounds is to eat less sodium in your diet.

  • 嘗試使用辣椒飞主、新鮮色拉狮惜、香料調(diào)味,替代部分鹽碌识。
  • Instead of salt, try spicing your meals with chili flakes, fresh salsa, or cajun spices and seasonings.
  • 逐漸減少鹽的使用會(huì)使味蕾重新適應(yīng)碾篡,沒有加鹽的食物逐漸也會(huì)充滿風(fēng)味。
  • Lots of people claim that unsalted foods will taste much saltier eventually if you cut it out for a while and let your taste-buds re-acclimate.

6. 不要少吃正餐筏餐。許多人認(rèn)為減少正餐的數(shù)量(如每天兩餐)會(huì)有助于減肥开泽。但研究發(fā)現(xiàn),每天至少吃三餐的人比吃不夠三餐的人反而能減的更多魁瞪。當(dāng)你跳過正餐穆律,身體會(huì)停止消耗脂肪而開始消耗肌肉。事實(shí)上肌肉在空閑時(shí)候能比脂肪消耗更多的能量导俘,因此跳過正餐反而適得其反峦耘。

Don't skip meals. Lots of people think skipping a meal will help to lose weight, but the same study found that people who ate at least 3 meals per day lost more weight than people who didn't. When you skip meals, your body stops breaking down fat and starts breaking down muscle tissue. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than other tissues, so you're actually working against your goals.[8]

  • 在三餐之間,吃點(diǎn)小份食物旅薄,確保你不會(huì)覺得餓贡歧。三餐之間,吃150卡的小吃能維持你的新陳代謝赋秀,并且不會(huì)覺得餓利朵。但是不要吃易于增肥的食物,比如糖類猎莲、薯片等绍弟。當(dāng)你覺得餓的時(shí)候,身體會(huì)留存能量著洼,減緩新陳代謝樟遣。
  • Make sure that you don't get hungry by eating small portions throughout the day at regular intervals. Between your meals, eat a 150-calorie snack to keep your metabolism burning and to stave off hunger. Be sure that you don't eat a fattening snack such as sweets or crisps. When you're hungry, your body conserves calories and slows down your metabolic processes.[9]

Part2 減肥的基礎(chǔ)工作 (Losing Weight Basics)

1. 記下你這周吃了什么。根據(jù)發(fā)布與營養(yǎng)研究雜志的研究身笤,那些寫飲食日記的人豹悬,能比那些不寫飲食日記的人多減2.75公斤。所以記得強(qiáng)迫自己寫下自己吃過的東西液荸,記住下列原則:

Write down everything you eat this week. People who keep food diaries, according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, lose an average of 6 pounds (2.75 kg) more than people who don't keep a record of everything that they eat.[10] So force yourself to write down the good, the bad and the ugly. Keep these tips in mind:

  • 要完整瞻佛。寫下所有飲食,包括飲料、調(diào)味品以及食物如何制作和烹飪伤柄。不要假裝你沒有在晚餐后喝下一大杯酒绊困。吃什么,記什么适刀。
  • Be complete. Write it all down, including beverages, condiments, and a description of how the food was prepared. Don't pretend you didn't have that extra glass of wine after dinner. If it goes into your stomach, it goes into the journal.
  • 要準(zhǔn)確秤朗。要記下大小中來那個(gè)。不要吃太少也不要吃太多笔喉。堅(jiān)持記錄取视。看配料表常挚,這樣你才能準(zhǔn)確明白吃了多少贫途。
  • Be accurate. Record your portion sizes in your food diary. Don't eat too little or too much - keep track. Also, read the ingredients list so that you can be accurate about serving sizes.
  • 要堅(jiān)持。不管到哪都記得堅(jiān)持記錄待侵。你還可以在手機(jī)上裝個(gè)飲食記錄的app丢早。
  • Be consistent. Carry your food journal everywhere that you go. As an alternative, you can use a diet-tracking app on your smartphone or tablet.

2. 估算你應(yīng)該攝入多少熱量才能減肥。減肥并總是關(guān)乎體重秧倾。只要認(rèn)識(shí)到能量從食物中攝取怨酝,才能認(rèn)識(shí)到你要吃多少、運(yùn)動(dòng)多少來減去身上的多余的肉那先。記飲食日記农猬,單獨(dú)查看每一項(xiàng)。記個(gè)流水賬售淡,加總你每天的攝入的能量斤葱。

Figure out how many calories you should eat each day to lose weight. Losing weight isn't all about weight. The more aware you are of the calories in the food you eat, the more easily you'll be able to eat the right amount of food and do the right amount of exercise to drop a couple of pounds. Take your food journal and look up each item individually. Keep a running tally and add up your calorie total for the day.

  • 接著,估算像你這樣年紀(jì)揖闸、身高揍堕、體重和日常活動(dòng)水平的人一天需要多少攝入多少熱量汤纸。
  • Next, look up how much a person of your age, height, weight, and energy level needs per day in calories.
  • 加170卡到你算出的攝入熱量總數(shù)上衩茸。最近的研究表明,人們傾向于吃略多于他們記錄的東西贮泞。
  • Add about 170 calories to your total. Recent studies estimate that we tend to eat slightly more than we're able to keep track of in a day.[11]

3. 準(zhǔn)備一個(gè)飲食計(jì)劃并堅(jiān)持楞慈。在做菜之前計(jì)劃好這周你要吃的。根據(jù)計(jì)劃的能量攝入水平啃擦,采購健康的食材囊蓝,用自己想要的方式烹飪。

Make a meal plan, and stick to it. Decide what you're going to eat this week before you're standing at the fridge and trying to figure it out on the fly. Buy the right healthy ingredients to eat the way you want to eat, and plan it out by the calorie.

  • 要實(shí)際點(diǎn)令蛉。如果你喜歡經(jīng)常下館子聚霜,不要指望將它從你的飲食計(jì)劃上完全刪除。例如,改為計(jì)劃每周只在家吃六天俯萎。
  • Be realistic. If you like to eat out a lot, don't try to totally eliminate eating out. Instead, plan on eating home-cooked meals six days a week.
  • 減少零食或是做點(diǎn)更健康的零食。新鮮蔬菜配上鱷梨色拉运杭、新鮮的杏仁粉或是水果都是絕好的減肥零食夫啊。
  • Cut down on the snacking, or try to make them healthy snacks. Fresh vegetables with guacamole, unsalted almonds, or fruit make for great weight-loss snacks.
  • 記得款待自己。比如說許諾自己辆憔,如果自己能堅(jiān)持飲食和鍛煉計(jì)劃六周撇眯,就讓自己下館子放縱一下。
  • Let yourself have treats. Promise yourself that if you can follow this for six weeks and exercise (if that is one of your goals), you will treat yourself to a restaurant meal one day of the week.

4. 攝入少于你消耗的熱量虱咧。唯一絕不出錯(cuò)的減肥方式就是每天攝入的能量比自己消耗的少熊榛。這聽起來簡單,但這需要持之以恒腕巡,也意味這需要多運(yùn)動(dòng)玄坦。想要減肥并保持健康,你要開始運(yùn)動(dòng)绘沉。從每天30分鐘煎楣,每周3-5次開始吧。

Eat fewer calories than you burn. The only surefire way to lose weight is to eat less than you burn over the course of a day. Sounds simple, but it takes work and consistency. That means exercise. If you want to lose weight and stay healthy, you need to start exercising. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week to get started.

  • 把你的能量消耗記個(gè)流水賬车伞。一個(gè)計(jì)步器或是減肥記錄app會(huì)很使記錄起來簡便易行择懂。閱讀“運(yùn)動(dòng)”一章獲取更多具體建議。
  • Try to tally your energy-output each day. It's helpful to keep track of these with pedometers, or other weight-loss tracking apps that you can use to make this easier. Read the section about exercise for more specific tips.
  • 設(shè)定一個(gè)小目標(biāo)另玖。與其想著減10公斤困曙,不如先想想怎么減1-2公斤∏ィ或者不要關(guān)注具體的數(shù)量目標(biāo)慷丽,而是想著這周戒掉餐后零食或者只在周末飲酒。
  • Set mini-goals. Instead of thinking that you need to lose 20 pounds, think that you want to lose 1 to 2 pounds this week. Or you can focus on non-pound goals like skipping after-dinner snacks this week or only drinking alcohol on weekends.

5. 每天喝至少2公升的水鳄哭。喝水一舉兩得——使身體水潤活化盈魁,同時(shí)填滿胃部卻沒有熱量攝入。醫(yī)學(xué)研究學(xué)會(huì)的對(duì)于每天充足攝入的量是窃诉,男 3 公升/天杨耙,女 2.2 公升/天。

Drink at least 2 liters (0.53 US gal) of water each day. Water has the double effect of both hydrating your body and filling your stomach with a certain volume of a liquid that has zero calories. The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly 3 liters (0.8 US gal) (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day.

  • 在飯前 30 分鐘喝水可以減少人們最終吃下的食物飘痛,特別是年長的人珊膜。
  • Drinking water about 30 minutes before meals can reduce a number of calories people end up consuming, especially in older individuals.
  • 研究表明,相對(duì)于飯前不喝水的人宣脉,在飯前喝0.5公升的水的人能在12周的時(shí)間里多減44%的體重车柠。
  • Research showed that dieters who drank half a liter of water before meals lost 44% more weight over a period of 12 weeks, compared to those who didn’t.
  • 計(jì)算能量攝入最為重要。女性每天需要攝入1800卡能量,男性每天需要攝入2500卡能量來保持體重穩(wěn)定竹祷。要減0.5公斤體重谈跛,你需要每天少攝入500卡能量。你可以吃甜食塑陵、垃圾食品但仍然身材苗條感憾。關(guān)鍵是熱量的攝入與消耗。但就健康而言令花,你應(yīng)該吃富含營養(yǎng)素阻桅、維生素、礦物質(zhì)和只有碳水化合物的食品兼都。
  • Counting calories is the most important. Woman need 1,800 calories a day, men need 2,500 to maintain the weight, to lose 0.5 kg you will need to eat 500 less calories then you would need to eat, if you want to maintain the weight, that would be to women-1,300 and to men 2,000. You can eat sweets, junk food and also lose weight, it's the calories that matter.But when it comes to your health, you want to eat food which is full of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and good carbs.

Part3 運(yùn)動(dòng) (Exercising)

1. 做有氧運(yùn)動(dòng)嫂沉。如果你不常運(yùn)動(dòng),從每周3次扮碧,每次30分鐘的小目標(biāo)開始趟章。按以下的步驟讓自己堅(jiān)持:

Start doing basic aerobic and cardio exercise. Start with a small goal of 30 minutes, 3 times per week if you aren't exercising at all currently. Try these steps to get yourself going:[12]

  • 買一個(gè)計(jì)步器。把計(jì)步器綁在手臂上慎王,設(shè)定5000步每天的目標(biāo)尤揣,并慢慢增加到1-1.5萬步一天。(注:也可以手機(jī)上裝個(gè)計(jì)步器app)
  • Buy a pedometer. Attach the pedometer to your belt and try to take 5,000 steps daily. Move up to a goal of 10,000 to 15,000 steps as you get in better shape.
  • 從步行開始柬祠。在你家周圍散步花不了什么卻是個(gè)很好的開始北戏。你也可以嘗試低強(qiáng)度的運(yùn)動(dòng),如游泳漫蛔,騎單車或慢跑嗜愈。
  • Start by walking. Walking around your neighborhood costs nothing and is a great way to start moving. You can also try other low-impact exercises like swimming, riding a bike or slow running.

2. 嘗試健身器械。你可以嘗試跑步機(jī)莽龟、橢圓機(jī)蠕嫁、腳踏車、劃船機(jī)或是踏步機(jī)毯盈。從小段時(shí)間開始剃毒,適應(yīng)強(qiáng)度后可以逐漸增加時(shí)長。也可以調(diào)節(jié)機(jī)器的設(shè)定來增加強(qiáng)度以更好地減肥搂赋。

Try machines at the gym. You can use a treadmill, an elliptical trainer, a stationary bike, a rowing machine or a stair climber. Start with short sessions and gradually add minutes as you get more fit. Also, use the settings on the machines to increase the intensity as you lose weight.

  • 嘗試不同的器械直到找到你喜歡的運(yùn)動(dòng)赘阀。向私人教練咨詢,確保你正確使用器械脑奠,免受身體損傷基公。他們不是忽悠你而是來幫助你的。
  • Do a variety of different machines until you find something you like. Consult a personal trainer to make sure you're using proper form, to avoid injury. They're there to help, not to intimidate you.

3. 報(bào)個(gè)有氧運(yùn)動(dòng)班宋欺。你可以參加一個(gè)傳統(tǒng)的有氧運(yùn)動(dòng)班或者嘗試記個(gè)日常運(yùn)動(dòng)班轰豆。報(bào)班是一個(gè)很好的讓你在團(tuán)體中玩樂運(yùn)動(dòng)并且減肥的好方法胰伍。嘗試以下運(yùn)動(dòng):

Take an aerobics class. You can take a traditional aerobics class or try any number of movement-based exercise routines. This are great ways of keeping yourself motivated in a group, having fun moving around, and losing weight.[13] Try any of the following:

  • 跆拳道
  • 健身操
  • 尊巴
  • 健身舞
  • 普拉提
  • 瑜伽
  • 武術(shù)
  • CROSSFIT健身或是Bootcamp健身運(yùn)動(dòng)
  • Kickboxing
  • Jazzercise
  • Zumba
  • Pilates
  • Yoga
  • Martial arts
  • Cross-fit or Bootcamp

4. 進(jìn)行力量訓(xùn)練。從每周1-2組酸休,每組15分鐘的訓(xùn)練開始骂租,直到你覺得可以做更多。鍛煉大肌肉群可以消耗更多熱量斑司。嘗試以下例子:

Get into strength training. Start small, aiming for one or two 15-minute sessions per week until you feel motivated to do more. Exercise large muscle groups to burn more calories and lose weight, instead of focusing on specific muscles. Try some of these examples:

  • 深蹲配合高舉啞鈴?fù)婆e可以同時(shí)鍛煉身體的上部和下部渗饮。
  • Start with squats paired with an overhead dumbbell press to work your lower body and upper body at the same time.
  • 通過坐、靠健身球來做抗阻訓(xùn)練陡厘。這能在鍛煉身體其他部位的同時(shí)鍛煉你的核心力量抽米。
  • Perform resistance exercises while sitting or reclining on an exercise ball. You'll strengthen your core while simultaneously working on other areas.
  • 使用器械以及自由負(fù)重特占。這些器械著重鍛煉某個(gè)部位的肌肉群糙置,比如手臂,肩部是目,大腿谤饭,臀部和上背部。在進(jìn)行全身肌肉群鍛煉后懊纳,在進(jìn)行具體肌肉群的鍛煉揉抵。
  • Use machines and free weights. These tools tend to focus on particular muscle groups like the arms, shoulders, thighs, glutes and upper back. Do these more focused exercises after you work on exercises for multiple muscle groups.
  • 在力量訓(xùn)練之間至少休閑一整天以使肌肉可以有足夠時(shí)間恢復(fù)∴头瑁恢復(fù)可以避免傷痛冤今。
  • Rest at least one full day between strength training workouts so that your muscles can recover. Recovery will help you to avoid pain and injury.

5. 進(jìn)行體育運(yùn)動(dòng)。如果你不想為了運(yùn)動(dòng)而運(yùn)動(dòng)茂缚,記得找一個(gè)你喜歡并能夠堅(jiān)持的運(yùn)動(dòng)戏罢。參加一個(gè)鎮(zhèn)上的運(yùn)動(dòng)隊(duì)或是和幾個(gè)朋友玩玩拋球和撿球的游戲。

Play a sport. If you're not into the idea of exercise for the sake of exercise, try finding a fun activity that you enjoy, which has the added benefit of getting you moving. Find an intramural league in your town, or just get together with some friends to play a pick-up game every now and then.

  • 如果你不喜歡集體類 游戲脚囊,可以嘗試可以自主進(jìn)行的運(yùn)動(dòng)——參加游泳龟糕、高爾夫球或運(yùn)足,而不是球類運(yùn)動(dòng)悔耘。
  • If you don't like competitive sports, try doing something that you can do by yourself. Swim, or play golf, or go hiking instead of playing a game with a ball and a net.
  • 騎自行車可以都出游覽又能鍛煉身體讲岁,是很好的運(yùn)動(dòng)。不要總是坐車衬以,你可以運(yùn)動(dòng)更多來消耗熱量缓艳。
  • Get a bicycle if you want to find a great way to get around and exercise at the same time. Don't spend all that time sitting down in your car when you could be burning calories.

Part4 保持積極性 (Staying Motivated)

1. 發(fā)揮創(chuàng)造性來吃少一點(diǎn)。單獨(dú)來看看峻,這些東西并不一定能讓你減肥郎任,但它們能讓你在減肥之路上方向正確并不斷前進(jìn)。嘗試以下技巧:

Find creative ways to eat less. While doing these things alone won't necessarily make you lose weight, they can be helpful little tricks to keep you moving on the right path. Try out the following to help your hunger cravings during the day:

  • 每餐少吃三口备籽。
  • Eat three fewer bites of each meal.
  • 吃每一口飯后都放下筷子
  • Put your knife and fork down between bites.
  • 用小一點(diǎn)的碗舶治,并且只盛一次飯菜
  • Use smaller plates, and fill your plate only once.
  • 只有餓的時(shí)候才吃分井,不要因?yàn)闊o所事事而吃零食
  • Wait to eat until you feel hungry, don't just snack when you're bored.

2. 找到一種創(chuàng)造性的方式去管理你的食欲。如果你過去吃的都是大份小吃和過量的餐食霉猛,感覺節(jié)食和運(yùn)動(dòng)很無趣并不稀奇尺锚。當(dāng)你想吃大份的蛋糕或是油膩的漢堡包的時(shí)候,學(xué)者管理你的食欲是可能的惜浅,只需有一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)創(chuàng)造力瘫辩。

Find creative ways to manage your cravings. If you're used to big snacks and indulgent meals, it's no secret that dieting and switching to exercise is less fun. But learning to manage your cravings for a big slice of cake or a greasy hamburger is possible, with a little creativity.

  • 當(dāng)你想吃小吃的時(shí)候,不要吃坛悉,試著聞一下水果
  • Smell fresh fruit when you want a snack, instead of eating something.
  • 在正餐之間關(guān)上你的廚房
  • "Close" your kitchen between meals.
  • 家里不要方糖類小吃或油膩的小吃
  • Don't keep sugary or fattening snacks in the house.
  • 一些研究表明伐厌,藍(lán)色能壓抑食欲。把桌布或者碗碟換成藍(lán)色
  • Some studies show that the color blue is an appetite suppressant. Try getting a blue tablecloth, or blue dishes to eat on.

3. 在家吃裸影。到外面去吃很容易吃得太多挣轨。餐館立的食物一般多油、多鹽和其他阻礙減肥的元素轩猩。分量一般也比在家里吃的要大卷扮。與其到外面去吃,不如自己做來得實(shí)在均践。

Eat at home. Going out to eat makes it too easy to cheat. Food sold at restaurants is commonly much higher in fat, sodium, and other weight-loss killers. The portions are also often much larger than what you might usually eat at home, as well. Instead of heading out, try to make your own meals.

  • 和更少的人一起吃晤锹,而不是和一大群人。一些研究發(fā)現(xiàn)彤委,在一大桌子人的桌子上吃鞭铆,比自己吃要多吃很多。
  • Eat in a small group, instead of a large one. Some research shows that people eating at big tables tend to eat more than people eating alone.[14]
  • 吃的時(shí)候不要干別的事情焦影。一邊吃车遂,一邊看電視、看書偷办、工作總是會(huì)讓你多吃許多艰额。
  • Don't eat while you do other things, in general. Watching television, or reading, or working while you eat often causes people to eat much more food than they normally would.

4. 早餐吃麥片。一個(gè)最近的研究表明椒涯,吃谷物早餐比其他類型早餐能讓人更容易減肥柄沮。吃一份營養(yǎng)豐富、高纖維的麥片或燕麥早餐废岂,正確開啟你的一天祖搓。

Eat cereal for breakfast. One recent study revealed that people who eat cereal for breakfast each day have a much easier time losing weight than people who eat other types of breakfast. Start your day right with a high-fiber, nutrient rich natural cereal, or oatmeal.[15]

  • 在早餐和其他時(shí)候,改喝脫脂牛奶湖苞。你做的每一步降低脂肪攝入的步驟拯欧,都會(huì)讓你少攝入20%的熱量。換成脫脂牛奶财骨,既降低脂肪攝入镐作,又不損營養(yǎng)成分藏姐,不失為一個(gè)好辦法。
  • Switch to skim milk with breakfast and for use in other dishes. Each lower-fat step you take down, you're losing 20% of the calories. Switching to a low-fat version of milk is an excellent way to cut down on the calories you're taking in, without having to sacrifice any of the nutritional benefits.

5. 在集體中減肥该贾。承諾在某天之前減去一定的體重羔杨,否則你會(huì)付出代價(jià)。你可以從減肥小組或是你的朋友開始杨蛋《挡模或者你還可以試試減肥比賽的網(wǎng)站。

Decide to lose weight in a group.[16] Commit to losing a certain amount of weight by a certain date with the caveat that you'll pay up if you don't lose. You may enjoy starting up a Biggest Loser Club at work or with your friends, or you can investigate a weight loss betting website.

6. 時(shí)常獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)自己逞力。如果你要參加一個(gè)聚會(huì)或是特殊的場(chǎng)合曙寡,允許自己放縱一次(大吃一頓)。只要確保一次的放縱不會(huì)變成長期的習(xí)慣寇荧。不要讓一次錯(cuò)誤讓你的飲食和鍛煉計(jì)劃脫軌举庶。轉(zhuǎn)到正軌,即使你錯(cuò)誤了一兩天砚亭。

Give yourself a treat now and then. If you're attending a party or going out for a special occasion, allow yourself an indulgence. Just make sure that these indulgences don't become daily habits.[17] Don't let a single slip-up derail your diet and exercise plan. Get back to it, even if you forget for a day or two.

  • 也可以嘗試非食品的獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)灯变。當(dāng)你在飲食和運(yùn)動(dòng)上做得不錯(cuò)的時(shí)候殴玛,獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)自己一些東西捅膘。當(dāng)你達(dá)到自己的小目標(biāo)的時(shí)候,獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)下自己:和朋友玩游戲滚粟、做個(gè)發(fā)型寻仗、做個(gè)按摩或一次旅行。當(dāng)你完成減肥這周減肥1公斤的目標(biāo)的時(shí)候給自己買件心儀的衣服凡壤。
  • Try using non-food rewards as well. When you do something right with your diet and exercise, treat yourself to something. Go to a game with a friend, or get a manicure, a massage or a trip to the movies when you meet your mini-goals. Get yourself that new shirt that you've been wanting if you meet your goal of losing a pound this week.
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