Obama, the former president of America, participated in Dreamer Forum held on September 20th in New York. PengPai News compiled(編譯) his speech and subsequent interview by the Bill Gates. Melinda Gates asked Obama how he and Michel Obama taught their children. "First," Obama replied, "we've been trying to make kids realize that everyone in the world has a responsibility. When you are young, you should take fewer responsibilities on your shoulders. At most, parties are held. When you grow up, your responsibilities will become more and more. To be a responsible person is the most important, and this is the sign of a complete, mature human being. By working hard to improve other people's life, they gain influence. Friendship, caring, compassion, and hard work are values that are passed on to children, as well as the tools they change the world."
Second, different personalities and different talents determine that children will choose different ways of life, but everyone can have the way to create value for society. For example, if you are an engineer, the best way of creating value is making an APP of the mobile phone, instead of going to deliver a speech; your specialty is to take care of people, then you can create value by being a teacher or working in the hospital, rather than do anything else.
Third, learn to persevere. Obama himself used to work in a poor community in Chicago, which taught him a lot. In the poor communities, communities would be better funtioned by building parks, after-school mentoring programs and career training programs, but there were still many problems to be solved. Obama said: "I learnt from the accumulation of experience, but often got impatient, and later realized that the change and progress happen slowly, not as fast as we think they should be. We are easily disappointed and frustrated, and we must have patience as well as insist on it."
Melinda Gates also asked Obama how he looked at the changes in the world and what people could learn from it. Obama said, most human progress and big change, are created by young people, and yet older people has entered the comfort zone or to maintain their status and way of behavior, but they become complacent(固步自封的)." Martin Ruud Kim, for example, began his civil rights campaign at the age of 26. The motivation for young leaders to change is that they keep asking "why not" instead of "why?".
In addition to the Internet and changes in public awareness, Obama says there is a profound discovery: "a lot of sports are based on a story."". Therefore, leaders who want to change the world must learn to tell stories. And if you can't understand the people who support you, such as everything those people go through, including your neighbors, colleagues, friends, and people who are different from you , you won't be able to create an inspiring story. Consequently , "we should learn to listen and learn to think from the others’ point of view.". This understanding will enable you to keep people together strongly." Otherwise, if you can not tell a story that the general public care about , they will say, "I am experiencing a lot of difficulties myself. Why should I care about other people's problems?"