-writing down “Assimilate”on the blackboard) what’s that meaning?
- (S) To take something in.
-Well, excellent, to absorb.
(Writing down “Ubiquitous” ) Anyone?
- (S)Everywhere all the time.
- So what is the meaning “ubiquitous assimilate”?
-(S)Always absorbing everything everywhere all the time.
-Well done, George. How were you to imagine anything, if the image is always provided for you?Who here had read “1984” last year? Good.
(writing down “doublethink”) anyone? Meredith.
-(S) Having two opposing belief at once. Believes that both are true.
- Excellent. To deliberately believe in lies while knowing they’re false. An example of this in your everyday life, or I… I need to be pretty, to be happy. I need surgery, to be pretty. I need to be thin, famous, fashinable. Our young men, today — they being told that women are whores, bitches, things to be secluded, beaten, shit on, ashamed. This is a marketing holocaust, 24 hours a day, for the rest of our lives. The power that be, a harder work, dumbing us to death. So, to defend ourselves, and fighting against the stimulating of this dumbs into our thought processors, we must learn to read, to stimulate our imagination, to cultivate our own consciousness, our own belief systems. We all need these skills to defend, to preserve our minds.?
- [黑板上寫下“Assimilate”]誰知道這是什么意思尿褪??
- [學(xué)生A]吸收。
- 很好得湘,是吸收的意思杖玲。
- [寫下“Ubiquitous”]有人知道么?
- 無時無刻淘正,無所不在摆马。
- 那么這兩個加在一起,是什么意思呢鸿吆?
- [學(xué)生B]無時無刻不在吸收(理解事物)今膊。
- 說得很好,喬治伞剑。如果所有事物的具象都呈現(xiàn)在你眼前斑唬,你還如何去想象它們的模樣呢?有誰是去年讀過《1984》的么?
- [麥迪斯]同時持有兩種相矛盾的信念褐着,相信兩方都是正確的(即思想矛盾坷澡。)
- 很好『兀刻意去相信謊言频敛,即使你明知道它們是虛假的。從你們?nèi)粘I罾锱e一個例子馅扣。要么是……我想要變得漂亮斟赚,變得快樂;我就需要整形差油,為了美貌拗军;我需要保持身材,卓爾不群蓄喇,穿著時尚发侵。你們這一代年輕人,在當(dāng)下——他們被這樣告知妆偏,女人都是妓女刃鳄,婊子,被排擠钱骂,毆打叔锐,欺辱,蒙羞的對象罐柳,這是一場24小時不間斷的傳銷式精神屠戮掌腰!使得我們的后半生狰住,都受這種錯誤觀念的控制张吉,它很強烈,蒙蔽我們的雙眼催植,至死方休肮蛹。所以,為了保護(hù)我們的頭腦创南,阻止這種愚蠢的想法滲入進(jìn)我們的思想進(jìn)程中伦忠,我們要學(xué)會閱讀豺鼻,用以激活我們的想象力裁赠,耕耘它唉匾,提高我們的自我意識宾尚,我們的信仰體系蕉扮。我們都需要這樣的技巧,用以抵御篙螟,用以保有我們純粹的精神世界芹扭。