練習(xí)材料:The double life of Alfred Bloggs L4-(2)?
Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit.
/??vri/ /?m??n??/, /hi?/ /l?ft/ /h??m/ /dr?st/ /?n/ /?/ /smɑ?t/ /bl?k/ /sju?t/.?
He then changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a dustman.
/hi?/ /e?n/ /?e?n?d/ /??ntu?/ /???v?r??lz/ /?nd/ /sp?nt/ /e?/ /n?kst/ /e?t/ /?a??z/ /?z/ /?/ /?d?stm?n/. ?
Before returning home at night, he took a shower and changed back into his suit.
?/b??f??/ /r??t??n??/ /h??m/ /?t/ /na?t/, /hi?/ /t?k/ /?/ /??a??r/ /?nd/ /?e?n?d/ /b?k/ /??ntu?/ /h?z/ /sju?t/.
Alf did this for over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret Alf's wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job.
?Alf /d?d/ /e?s/ /f??r/ /???v?/ /tu?/ /j??z/ /?nd/ /h?z/ /?f?l??/ dustmen /k?pt/ /h?z/ /?si?kr?t/ Alf's /wa?f/ /h?z/ /?n?v?/ /d?s?k?v?d/ /e?t/ /?i?/ /?m?r?d/ /?/ /?d?stm?n/ /?nd/ /?i?/ /?n?v?/ /w?l/, /f??/ Alf /h?z/ /??st/ /fa?nd/ /??n?e?/ /??b/.
He will soon be working in an office.
/hi?/ /w?l/ /su?n/ /bi?/ /?w??k??/ /?n/ /?n/ /??f?s/.
He will be earning only half as much as he used to, but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money.
/hi?/ /w?l/ /bi?/ /???n??/ /???nli/ /hɑ?f/ /?z/ /m??/ /?z/ /hi?/ /ju?zd/ /tu?/, /b?t/ /hi?/ /fi?lz/ /e?t/ /h?z/ /ra?z/ /?n/ /?ste?t?s/ /?z/ /w?l/ /w??θ/ /e?/ /l?s/ /?v/ /?m?ni/.
From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him 'Mr. Bloggs', not 'Alf'.
/fr?m/ /na?/ /?n/, /hi?/ /w?l/ /we?r/ /?/ /sju?t/ /??l/ /de?/ /?nd/ /??e?z/ /w?l/ /k??l/ /h?m/ 'Mr. Bloggs', /n?t/ 'Alf'.
1.摩擦音:由發(fā)音器官造成的縫隙使氣流產(chǎn)生摩擦而發(fā)出的聲音贼陶。如/f/ /s/ /?/ /θ/ /h/ /v/ /z/ /?/ /e/ /r/楷怒,其中清輔音是/f/ /s/ /?/ /θ/ /h/,濁輔音是/v/ /z/ /?/ /e/ /r/。
如果/h/為詞的的開頭或結(jié)尾酪耕,這個(gè)是需要發(fā)音的。而如果是在句子當(dāng)中,那么/h/需要弱讀,也可以是不發(fā)聲提澎。如“he left home dressed in a smart black suit”中,“ he”在句子的開頭念链,所以 H 是要發(fā)音的盼忌,/hi:/莉炉;而“kept his secret”中,“his”在句子的中間碴犬,H 可以不發(fā)音,/h?z/可以發(fā)成/?z/梆暮。