今天我們讀了這本《Go away big green monster》楚里。
Big Green Monster has two big yellow eyes.?
I asked him:" how many eyes does the monster has?"
"What color are the eyes?"
A long bluish-greenish nose,
a big red mouth with sharp white teeth,
"the mouth is big, arh..." I opened my mouth big and tried to scared him,?
"the teeth is sharp."
two little squiggly ears,
"can you see the two ears, they are squiggly."
scraggly purple hair,
and a big green face! But...
...You don't scare me! So go away, scraggly purple hair!
然后我告訴他:“來,我們要說一句咒語栈雳,Go away!:"
"Go away!"
"Go away, scraggly purple hair!"
"Go away, scraggly purple hair!"
Go away, two little squiggly ears!
"The ears disappeared."
Go away, long bluish-greenish nose!
Go away, big green face!
Go away, big red mouth!
Go away, sharp white teeth!
Go away, two big yellow eyes!
Go away, big green monster!
Don't come back! until I say so.